The (old) Linguistic Anthropology Laboratory was a research facility, established in 2006, providing equipment and a research environment for analysis of language, culture, and society, especially using audio, video, and photographic recordings of natural interaction. The laboratory had a variety of workstations, both PC and Mac, for multimodal editing and analysis, as well as a high speed network and large capacity server for storing and sharing high quality digitized materials. The lab has projection and sound facilities and thus can serve as a seminar room for classes and group discussions. Anthropology students and faculty with interest in multimodal recording and analysis are still encouraged to use the laboratory, which has lockable individual storage spaces, and also a small kitchen facility. Please contact Prof. Rihan Yeh, or consult the current lab webpage.
Upcoming and past events
(unless otherwise noted, talks are in SSRB 340)

May 26, 2017, Rihan Yeh (Colegio de Michoacán)
10-11:30, States of Exception and the Formulation of Collectivity in Tijuana (abstract)

May 19, 2017, Dredge Byung'chu Kang (UCSD)
10:00-11:30 What’s in a Name? Re-Articulating the “Transsexual Lady” amid a Proliferation of Genders and Sexualities in Thailand (abstract)

Dec. 5, 2016, Lynn Hou (UCSD)
12:30-2 Language ideologies about the uses of an emerging sign language in the San Juan Quiahije Chatino municipality(abstract) [ASL interpreters will be present]

May 9, 2016, Norma Mendoza-Denton (UCLA)
12-1:30pm. The Interpretation of Non-Native Speakers in U.S. Police Encounters (abstract)

May 2, 2016, Barbara LeMaster (CSU Long Beach)
1:30-3:00PM. The Commodificationof Deafness (Abstract) (NB: ASL interpreters will be present)

April 8, 2016: Herb Clark (Stanford)

11:00AM-12:30PM How do we depict things in everyday discourse, and why.
Abstract: Depicting is a basic method of communication on a par with describing and pointing (or indicating). The idea is that people use their hands, arms, head, face, eyes, voice, and body, with and without props, to stage physical scenes for others, generally as composite parts of utterances along with describing and pointing. Performing depictions, I will show, is inherently interactive, and people choose depictions to communicate things they could not do with language or pointing. But what things? (video link)

March 8, 2016, - Hyejin Nah (UC Riverside)
12:30 PM, Bridging old and new terrains: urban Mapuche sovereignty practices on Facebook (abstract)

March 3, 2016, Victor Corona (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon)
11:00 AM, Discourse practices in the process of becoming a mechanic: Field data from vocational schools in Lyon and Barcelona (abstract)

February 25, 2016, Chuck Goodwin (UCLA)
12:30-3:20 special guest seminar, presenting work on a new book in preparation (see this paper)

February 23, 2016, Federico Rossano (UCSD)

3:00-4:30, The Order of Gaze Behavior in Face-to-Face Interaction (abstract)

January 28, 2016, Mara Green (UCSD)

12:30, At the edge of Language: Nepal's deaf society, natural sign, and the ethics of interaction

7 October 2015, John Haviland (UCSD)
Signs, interaction, & coordination: the interactive foundations of “Z”—an emerging (sign) language

April 13, 2015, Constantine V. Nakassis (Chicago)
The style of Tamil youth linguistic practice,on and off the screen

Mar. 2, 2015, Elise Kramer (UCSD)
Of LOLCats and Doge: Textual Materiality and the Embodiment of Computer-Mediated “Voices”

Nov. 9, 2015, Irma García Sánchez (Temple)
Moroccan Immigrant Childhoods in Spain:The Everyday Politics of Belonging

Nov 4, 2014, Juan Díez Medrano (Carlos III Madrid)

April 19-20, 2014
Sandrizona VII

Monday, May 13 2013

Monday, 29 April 2013, 1-2:30 PM, Francisco Cruces (UNED, Spain)

My life in a Tweet. Narratives and the poetics of the intimate sphere in Madrid City. (Abstract)

Thursday, April 25 2013, 3-4:30PM
Flash streaming video here. Divx version with enhanced sound here.

May 21, 2012, Daniela Veronesi, Bozen Bolzano
Formulating music, laminating action:
instruction and correction in ensemble music workshops (abstract)

May 14,2012, Niko Besnier, Amsterdam
Humor and Humiliation: Narratives of Modernity on Nukulaelae Atoll (abstract)

Apr. 23, 2012, Judith Irvine, Michigan
Going upscale? From French in Senegal to Senegalese in France, 1975-2010 (abstract here)
Apr. 9, 2012, Kit Woolard, UCSD
Language politics and politicians’ language in the contact zone:On analyzing parodies of a Catalan president’s non-native Catalan (abstract) Mar. 12, Jennifer Jackson, UCLA
Encoding Agentive Publics: The Political and Moral Economy of Syntax, Register, and Context as Conditions of Rule in Madagascar (abstract)

Feb. 27 Jocelyn Ahlers , CSUSM
Native California languages as semiotic resources in the performance of identity (abstract)

Feb. 18-19 Sandrizona:
keynote talk by Dr. Qing Zhang: Warring Standards: Contestation over indexical order in Cosmopolitan Mandarin (time and overall schedule TBA)

Feb. 13, 2012, 12:00 PM, Kate Miller, UCSD
Performing the Moral Community in Northern Pakistan (abstract)

Feb. 6, 2012, 3:00PM, Angela Nonaka, Texas
Ban Khor Sign Language: Life Cycle of a Thai Speech/Sign Community (abstract); (NB: note unusual time; Angela will also give an informal talk about research trajectoriues in the Lab. 12-1:30).

Jan. 30, 2012, Begona Echeverria, UCR
“The lamina, the witch and the pronoun: Speaking Basque to the ‘feminine’ in Catholic texts and legends”

Jan. 9, 2012, Pedro Mateo Pedro (Linguistics, Harvard)
Classifier ix: A case of code switching in Q’anjob’al Maya (abstract)

Nov. 28, 2011, John Haviland (Anthropology UCSD)
From 'gesturecraft' to grammar: action, gesture, and sign in Zinacantec Family Homesign. (abstract)

Oct. 31, 2011, Elizabeth Peacock (Anthropology UCSD)
Stance-raking in a social minefield: Ukrainian youth and emigration discourses (abstract)
and Shane McClain (Anthropology UCSD)
Grammatical indexing of home base in travel narratives of migrant P'urhepecha (abstract)

Oct. 24, 2011, Francis Zimmermann (EHESS [Paris])
Tramping up the road in silence on his way to Benares; Anthropological remarks on silence, voice-over, and iconicity (abstract & bio)

Oct. 10, 2011, Sara Goico (Anthropology UCSD)
Marginalized Populations in Educational Contexts: Microanalysis of a Deaf Student’s Communication System in an Inclusion Classroom in Iquitos, Peru (abstract)

Sept. 26, 2011, Gregory Thompson (Communication, UCSD)
Discourse as pareidolia: Seeing "things" in the talk of others (abstract)

May 23, 2011, Justin Richland (Criminology, Law & Society, UCI)
Perpetuities Against Rules: Law-Time, Life-Time and the irresolution of inheritance (abstract)
May 16, 2011, 12:00-1:30. Miyako Inoue, (Anthropology, Stanford), NB: early start time
From text to inscription: the Japanese steno-typewriter and its turning of speech into a forensic object (abstract here)

May 9, 2011 Nate Dumas (Linguistics, UCSB)
Rethinking Transcription in Contemporary Studies of Speakers of Stuttering Varieties (abstract here)
May 2, 2011, Ana Celia Zentella, (Ethnic Studies, UCSD)

April 18, 2011, Marco Jacquemet (Communication Studies, USF)
WHAT’S IN A NAME? REFERENTIAL ACCURACY AND CREDIBILITY INASYLUM HEARINGS (Co-sponsored by IICAS European Studies Speaker Series) (abstract here)
March 28, 12:30-2 pm, Laura Graham (Anthropology, Iowa) (co-sponsored by CILAS)
Quoting Mario Juruna:
Linguistic imagery and the transformation of indigenous voice in the Brazilian print press (abstract here)
March 7, 2011, Gabriela Caballero (Linguistics, UCSD)
Documenting word prosody in Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara) (abstract here) 
February 28, 2011,
Natalie Schenker (UCSD, Medicine)
Broca’s area: a perspective from the Digital Brain Library
(abstract here)
February 14, 2011, Thomas Flamson (Anthropology, UCLA)
The Encryption Theory: Relevance and the Evolution of Humor (abstract here)
February 7, 2011, Melanie McComsey & Sara Goico (Anthropology, UCSD)
"Route Descriptions in Spanish and Juchitán Zapotec" & “Language Functionality in Deaf Classrooms in Iquitos, Peru" (abstracts here)

January 31 2011, Ben Bergen (Cognitive Science, UCSD)
Perspective in Language Comprehension (abtract here)

January 3 2011, David Pedersen (UCSD Anthropology)
“Face Value: Expressions of Want and Wealth in El Salvador and the United States” (abstract here)

Monday November 29, 2010, 12:30-2
Margarita Valdovinos (U Texas)
Actions, words and relations.
Ritual speech among the Cora of West Mexico (Nayarit). (Abstract here.)
Monday October 4, 2010, 12:30-2
Steve Black (UCLA & UCSD Anthropology)
 Toward an Ethics of Interaction: Living with HIV/
AIDS Amid Stigma in South Africa (see flyer & abstract here)

Linguistic Anthropology Workshop, Spring 2010
Mar. 29, Pep Soler, Univ. Barcelona, visiting scholar UCSD. “Linguistic ideologies in Estonia and Catalonia: A comparison of speakers’ evaluations and beliefs about their languages
April 5, Rihan Yeh, Fellow, US-Mexico Center, “Two Traffickers in Public”
April 12, Melanie McComsey, UCSD Anthro
April 19, Kit Woolard, UCSD Anthro, “Changing Lives, Changing Language in Catalonia”
May 3, Elizabeth Peacock, UCSD Anthro. On language ideologies among adolescents in Ukraine.
May 10, John McGraw, UCSD Anthro. "Kinds of signs: Determining the indexical meaning of tz’ite’ seeds in a form of Mayan divination." (abstract)
May 17, Alicia Snyder-Frey, UCSD Anthro."He Kuleana Kō Kākou: Language Learning and the Construction of (alter)Native Identities among College Students in Honolulu."(abstract)
May 24, Janis Jenkins, UCSD Anthro
Friday April 23 & Saturday April 24, 2010,
SANDRIZONA 2010: An interdisciplinary conference
on language. (program) Monday March 8, 2010, 12:30-2
Joe Hankins, UCSD-Anthropology
The Sound of Public Scrutiny (abstract here)