Two Traffickers in Public Rihan Yeh US-Mexico Center, UCSD April 5, 2010 I would like to consider some texts drawn from the Internet for what they can tell us of the importance of evidentiality and epistemic modality for the formation of publics and of what I call 'hearsay publics' in particular. On the basis of a Wikipedia page about a famous Mexican drug-trafficker, I argue that the figure of the trafficker stands for a general challenge to the formation of a public sphere in Mexico, for to this figure accrue expressions of the problem of securing the evidential ground for public communication. In this context, hearsay may not necessarily be delegitimized as less authoritative than official channels of communication such as the mass media. I'd like to spend the most time, though, examining a chat from a music fan-site to see how, over the course of their interaction, two users use evidential markers of hearsay to negotiate their standing relative to the world of traffic and the public at large.