OCFusion Justin Lazarow*, Kwonjoon Lee*, Kunyu Shi*, and Zhuowen Tu, "Learning Instance Occlusion for Panoptic Segmentation", CVPR 2020 (*equal contribution). |
Wasserstein Introspective Neural Networks (WINN) Kwonjoon Lee, Weijian Xu, Fan Fan, and Zhuowen Tu, "Wasserstein Introspective Neural Networks", CVPR, 2018. Introspective Neural Networks (INN) Long Jin, Justin Lazarow, and Zhuowen Tu, "Introspective Classification with Convolutional Nets", NeurIPS, 2017. Justin Lazarow*, Long Jin*, and Zhuowen Tu, "Introspective Neural Networks for Generative Modeling", ICCV 2017. |
Attentional ShapeContextNet Saining Xie*, Sainan Liu*, Zeyu Chen, and Zhuowen Tu, "Attentional ShapeContextNet for Point Cloud Recognition", CVPR, 2018 (*equal contribution). |
Generalized Pooling Chen-Yu Lee, Patrick Gallagher, and Zhuowen Tu, "Generalizing Pooling Functions in Convolutional Neural Networks: Mixed, Gated, and Tree", AISTATS 2016. |
Hollistically-Nested Edge Detection Saining Xie and Zhuowen Tu, "Holistically-Nested Edge Detection", arXiv:1504.06375, 2015. (testing/trained code and pre-trained models). |
Deeply-Supervised Nets Chen-Yu Lee*, Saining Xie*, Patrick Gallagher, Zhengyou Zhang, and Zhuowen Tu, "Deeply-Supervised Nets", AISTATS, 2015. (*equal contribution) (pdf) |
Channel Features (code written and maintained by Piotr Dollar) Piotr Dollár, Zhuowen Tu, Pietro Perona, and Serge Belongie, Integral Channel Features British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2009 |
The Auto-Context and Fixed-Point Model (matlab) Quannan Li, Jingdong Wang, David Wipf, and
Zhuowen Tu Auto-context and Its application to High-level Vision Tasks IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008 -------------------- |
Brain Parser Cheng-Yi Liu, Juan Eugenio Iglesias, and Zhuowen Tu BrainParser: Integrated Deformable Templates and Discriminative Models for Robust 3D Brain MRI Segmentation Neuroinformatics, July, 2013. |
Robust Skull Stripping Juan Eugenio Iglesias, Chen-Yi Liu, Paul M. Thompson, and Zhuowen Tu Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison with Publicly Available Methods IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1617-34, Sept., 2011. |
Segmention Zhuowen Tu and Song-Chun Zhu Image Segmentation by Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 2002 ------------------ |
Image Segmentation by Generalized Swendsen-Wang Cuts Zhuowen Tu An Integrated Frmework for Image Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct. 2005 ------------------ |
BEL Edge Detection Package Piotr Dollár, Zhuowen Tu, and Serge Belongie Supervised Learning of Edges and Object Boundaries IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June, 2006. ------------------ |
Skeleton Demo Code (matlab)
Xiang Bai, Xinggang Wang, Wenyu Liu, Longin
Jan Latecki, and Zhuowen Tu
The Self-Smoothing Operator (matlab) Bo Wang and Zhuowen Tu Affinity Learning via Self-diffusion for Image Segmentation and Clustering IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 Jiayan Jiang, Bo Wang, and Zhuowen Tu Unsupervised Metric Learning by Self-Smoothing Operator IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 ------------------- |
The Dataset for the CVPR12 text detection paper Cong Yao, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, Yi Ma, and Zhuowen Tu Detecting Texts of Arbitrary Orientations in Natural Images CVPR 2012. -------------------- |
Randomness and Sparsity Induced Codebook Learning Quannan Li, Cong Yao, Liwei Wang, and Zhuowen Tu Randomness and Sparsity Induced Codebook Learning with Application to Cancer Image Classification Workshop of Medical Computer Vision at CVPR 2012. --------------------- |
Visual Concepts Quannan Li, Jiajun Wu, and Zhuowen Tu Harvesting Mid-level Visual Concepts from Large-scale Internet Images IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013 ---------------------- |
Scale-Space Sift Flow Weichao Qiu, Xinggang Wang, Xiang Bai, Alan Yuille, and Zhuowen Tu, "Scale-Space Sift Flow", Proc. of WACV, 2014. |
Max-Margin Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning Xinggang Wang, Baoyuan Wang, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, and Zhuowen Tu Max-Margin Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Atlanta, June, 2013. |