Representative Work
Chen-Yu Lee*, Saining Xie*, Patrick Gallagher, Zhengyou Zhang, and Zhuowen Tu, "Deeply-Supervised Nets", AISTATS, 2015. (*equal contribution) (pdf) (an early arxiv version, oral at NIPS14 Deep Learning Workshop) (project page) |
Saining Xie and Zhuowen Tu, "Holistically-Nested Edge Detection", ICCV15 (Marr Prize Honorable Mention), arXiv:1504.06375, 2015. (trained models and code) |
Chen-Yu Lee, Patrick Gallagher, and Zhuowen Tu, "Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree", arXiv:1509.08985, 2015. |
Saining Xie*, Xun Huang*, and Zhuowen Tu, "Convolutional Pseudo-Prior for Structured Labeling", arXiv:1511.07409, 2015. (*equal contribution) |
Patrick Gallagher, Shuai Tang, and Zhuowen Tu, "What Happened to My Dog in That Network: Unraveling Top-down Generators in Convolutional Neural Networks", arXiv:1511.07125, 2015. |
Object Detection
Piotr Dollár, Zhuowen Tu, Pietro Perona, and Serge Belongie, "Integral Channel Features", Proc. of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2009 (pdf). |
Cong Yao, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, Yi Ma, and Zhuowen Tu, "Detecting Texts of Arbitrary Orientations in Natural Images", CVPR 2012. (pdf) (data) |
Structured Prediction
Quannan Li, Jingdong Wang, David Wipf, and
Zhuowen Tu Zhuowen Tu and Xiang Bai Zhuowen Tu |
Hybrid DG
Zhuowen Tu, Katherin Narr, Piotr Dollar, Iov Dinov, Paul
Thompson, and Arthur Toga |
Image Parsing
Zhuowen Tu, Xiangrong Chen, Alan Yuille, and Song-Chun Zhu |
Zhuowen Tu and Song-Chun Zhu |
Discriminative and Generaive Model
Zhuowen Tu |
Zhuowen Tu |
Supervised Visual Representation Construction
Xinggang Wang, Baoyuan Wang, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, and Zhuowen
Tu Quannan Li, Jiajun Wu, and Zhuowen Tu Jun Zhu, Baoyuan Wang, Xiaokang Yang, Wenjun Zhang, and
Zhuowen Tu |
Jun-Yan Zhu, Jiajun Wu, Yichen Wei, Eric Chang, and Zhuowen Tu Xinggang Wang, Zhengdong Zhang, Yi Ma, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu,
and Zhuowen Tu |
Yan Xua, Jun-Yan Zhu, Eric I-Chao Chang, Maode Lai, and
Zhuowen Tu Yan Xu*, Jun-Yan Zhu*, Eric Chang, and Zhuowen Tu (*
indicates equal contributions)
Piotr Dollar, Boris
Babenko, Serge Belongie, Pietro Perona, and Zhuowen Tu |
Funding Supports:
NSF IIS-1717431
NSF IIS-1618477
Northrop Grumman Contextual Robotics grants
NSF IIS-1216528 (IIS-1360566)
NSF IIS-0844566 (IIS-1360568)
ONR N000140910099