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The 24 Filial Exemplars (6)

Dǒng Yǒng 董永


In the Hàn dynasty the family of Dǒng Yǒng was very poor. When his father died, he promised himself as security to borrow money to bury him. Then he went to work [for the lender to pay back the debt]. On the way he met a woman, who asked to become Yǒng's wife, and she went with him to his master's house. The master ordered them to weave 300 bolts of silk, and then they could return [home]. His wife wove for a month and then was finished. They returned as far as the locust tree where they had met, when she bade Yǒng good-bye and vanished. There is a poem praising him, saying:
To bury his father he has to borrow money;

A fairy concubine appears upon the road and

Weaves the silk to repay his debt;

Filial feeling moves the heavens.
汉董永家贫。父死。卖身贷钱而葬。及去偿工。途遇一妇。求为永妻。俱至主家。主令织布三百匹。始得归。妇织一月而成。归至槐阴会所。遂辞永而去。有诗为颂。 诗曰

6. Mài Shēn Zàng Fù
Hàn Dǒng Yǒng jiā pín. Fù sǐ. Mài shēn dài qián ér zàng. Jí qù cháng gōng tú yù yī fù. Qiú wéi Yǒng qī. Jū zhì zhǔ jiā. Zhǔ lìng zhī jiān sān bǎi pī. Shǐ dé guī. Fù zhī yī yuè ér chéng. Guī zhì huái yīn huì suǒ. Suì cí Yǒng ér qù. Yǒu shī wéi sòng.
Shī yuē:
Zàng fù dài sǔnxiōng. Xiān jī mò shàng féng. Zhī jiān cháng zhài zhǔ. Xiàogǎn dòng cāngqiōng.

漢董永家貧。父死。賣身貸錢而葬。及去償工。途遇一婦。求為永妻。俱至主家。主令織布三百疋。始得歸。婦織一月而成。歸至槐陰會所。遂辭永而去。有詩為頌。 詩曰

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