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Content created: 2009-04-26
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The 24 Filial Exemplars (7)



In the Zhōu dynasty lived a man named TÁN whose nature was very filial. His parents were old, and both suffered from a malady of the eyes [for the cure of which] they desired to drink deer's milk. Tán therefore [disguised himself in] a deerskin and went to a herd of deer deep in the mountains to obtain deer's milk to give his parents. Some hunters saw him and were about to shoot him, when Tán revealed himself to them to avoid [being shot]. There is a poem which praises him, saying:
His elderly parents want deer's milk,

So he wears a coarse fur garment;

If he had not spoken out loud,

He would have borne back arrows.
周。郯子。性至孝。父母年老。俱患双目。思食鹿乳。郯子乃衣鹿皮。往深山群鹿之中。取鹿乳供亲。猎者见而欲射之。郯子俱以情告。乃免。有诗为颂。 诗曰

7. Lù Rǔ Fèng Qīn
Zhōu Tán zǐ. Xìng zhì xiào. Fùmǔ nián lǎo. Jū huàn shuāng mù. Sī shí lù rǔ. Tán zǐ nǎi yì lù pí. Wǎng shēn shān qún lù zhi zhōng. Qǔ lù rǔ gōng qīn. Lièzhě jiàn ér yù shè zhī. Tán zǐ jù yǐ qín gù. Nǎi miǎn. Yǒu shī wéi sòng.
Shī yuē:
Qīn lǎo sī lù rǔ. Shēn chuān hémáo yī. Ruò bù gāo shēng yǔ. Shān zhōng dài jiàn guī.

周。郯子。性至孝。父母年老。俱患雙目。思食鹿乳。郯子乃衣鹿皮。往深山群鹿之中。取鹿乳供親。獵者見而欲射之。郯子俱以情告。乃免。有詩為頌。 詩曰
親老思鹿乳。 身穿褐毛衣。 若不高聲語。 山中帶箭歸。

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