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The 24 Filial Exemplars (5)

Zhòng Yóu 仲由


Zhòng Yóu of the Zhōu dynasty was called Zǐlù (=Way of the Master). He was of a poor family, and they ate only brambles [Lit: chenopodium]. For his parents he often carried [sacks of] rice more than a hundred lǐ. After his parents died, he traveled south to the state of Chǔ, where he became an official and had a hundred chariots to follow him when he went out and a large store of grain. He sat upon many layers of cloth before rows of tripods [of food]. But he sighed and said: "I would rather be back eating brambles and carrying rice more than a hundred lǐ for my parents, but that is impossible." A verse says of him:
He carried rice to provide good food,

And willingly traveled a hundred lǐ away;

He has become prosperous, but his parents are already dead;

He still thinks on their "grievous toil."*

*-Cf. Book of Songs: "Pity my parents who bore me with grievous toil." (āi'āi fùmǔ shēng wǒ qúláo.)
周仲由。字子路。家贫。尝食黍薯之食。为亲负米百里之外。亲殁。南游于楚。从车百乘。积粟万钟。累褥而坐。列鼎而食。乃叹曰。虽欲食黍薯之食。为亲负百里之外。不可得也。有诗为颂。 诗曰

5. Fù Mǐ Yàng Qīn
Zhōu Zhòng Yóu. Zì Zǐlù. Jiā pín. Cháng shí líhuò zhi shí. Wèi qīn fù mǐ bǎi lǐ zhi wài. Qīn mò. Nán yóu yú Chǔ. Cóng chē bó shèng. Jī sù wàn zhōng. Lěi yīn ér zuò. Liè dǐng ér shí. Nǎi tàn yuē: Suí yù shí líhuò zhi shí. Wèi qīn fù mǐ bó lǐ zhi wài. Bù kě dé yě. Yǒu shī wéi sòng:
Shī yuē:
Fù mǐ gōng gān zhǐ. Nǐng cí bó lǐ yāo. Shēn róng qīn yǐ mò. Yóu niàn jiù qú láo.

周仲由。字子路。家貧。嘗食黍薯之食。為親負米百里之外。親歿。南遊於楚。從車百乘。積粟萬鍾。累褥而坐。列鼎而食。乃嘆曰。雖欲食黍薯之食。為親負百里之外。不可得也。有詩為頌。 詩曰

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