Content created: 2009-01-30
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The Seventh Court The Realm of Lord Tài Shān |
第七殿 泰山王
Dì-Qī Diàn Tài Shān Wáng 第七殿 泰山王 |
His Infernal Majesty Tài Shān reigns at the bottom of the great Ocean, away to the north-west, below the Wòjiāo rock. His is a vast, noisy Court, |
Tài Shān wáng zhǎngguǎn dàhǎi dǐ, xīběifāng wò jiāoshí xiàde rè nǎo dàdì yù. 泰山王掌管大海底,西北方沃燋石下的熱惱大地獄。 |
measuring eight thousand miles in circumference |
cǐdì yù zhōuwéi bāqiān lǐ (wǔbǎi yóu xún), 此地獄周圍八千里(五百由旬), |
and subdivided into sixteen dungeons, as follows: |
bìng lìng shè shíliù xiǎo dìyù: 並另設十六小地獄: |
1. The Dungeon Where Noses Are Hammered and Blood Swallowed. |
Yī Míng Chuí Nǜ Zì Tūn Xiǎo Dìyù. 一名槌衄自吞小地獄。 |
3. The Dungeon Where Chests Are Split Open. |
Èr Míng Yí Xiōng Xiǎo Dìyù. 二名𤖺胸小地獄。 [Note: The character liè 𤖺 is written as piàn 片 plus liè 列. It is U+245BA in the Unicode system, but is not available in most computer type fonts. It means to split open. |
2. The Dungeon Where legs Are Pierced and Thrust Into a Fiery Pit. |
Sān Míng Zān Tuǐ Huǒ Bī Kēng Xiǎo Dìyù. 三名笘腿火逼坑小地獄。 |
4. The Dungeon Where Hair Is Torn Out With Iron Combs. |
Sì Míng Yáchā Kàng Fā Xiǎo Dìyù. 四名枒杈抗發小地獄。 |
5. The Dungeon Where Shins Are Gnawed by Dogs. |
Wǔ Míng Yǎo Jìnggǔ Xiǎo Dìyù. 五名咬脛骨小地獄。 |
6. The Dungeon Where Great Pillars Are Painfully Placed on People's Heads.
[NOTE: The missing character, ào, written as huǒ 火 plus aò 奧, net yet defined in the Unicode 4.0 standard. It means "to burn or roast." (It is not the same as yù 燠)] |
Liù Míng Ào Tòngkū Gǒu Dūn Xiǎo Dìyù. 六名X痛哭狗墩小地獄。 |
7. The Dungeon Where Skulls Are Smashed Open.
[NOTE: The missing character, duǒ, is written as láng 良 plus dāo 刂. It is not yet defined in Unicode 4.0. It means "to beat or strike."] |
Qī Míng Duǒ Dǐng Kāi É Xiǎo Dìyù. 七名X頂開額小地獄。 |
8. The Dungeon of Fiery Clothes. |
Bā Míng Dǐng Shí Dūn Shēn Xiǎo Dìyù. 八名頂石蹲身小地獄。 |
9. The Dungeon Where People Are Pecked by Huge Birds. |
Jiǔ Míng Tuānjiū Shàngxià Zhuó Yǎo Xiǎo Dìyù. 九名貒鳩上下啄咬小地獄。 |
10. The Dungeon Where Skin Is Torn and Pulled by Pigs. |
Shí Míng Lí Pí Zhū Tuō Xiǎo Dìyù. 十名剓皮豬拖小地獄。 |
11. The Dungeon Where People Are Hung Up and Their Feet Beaten With Bamboo. |
Shíyī Míng Diàodā Zú Xiǎo Dìyù. 十一名弔笚足小地獄。 |
12. The Dungeon Where Tongues Are Pulled Out and Jaws Bored. |
Shí'èr Míng Bō Shé Chuān Sāi Xiǎo Dìyù. 十二名撥舌穿腮小地獄。 |
13. The Dungeon Where People Are Disemboweled. |
Shísān Míng Chōu Cháng Xiǎo Dìyù. 十三名抽腸小地獄。 |
14. The Dungeon Where People Are Trampled by Mules and Chewed by Badgers. |
Shísì Míng Luó Tà Huān Jiáo Xiǎo Dìyù. 十四名騾踏獾嚼小地獄。 |
15. The Dungeon Where Fingers Are Ironed With Flatirons. |
Shíwǔ Míng Lào Shǒuzhǐ Xiǎo Dìyù. 十五名烙手指小地獄。 |
16. The Dungeon Where People Are Boiled in Kettles of Oil. |
Shíliù Míng Yóu Fǔ Gǔn Pēng Xiǎo Dìyù. 十六名油釜滾烹小地獄。 |
Those who enter these dungeons are those who have committed the following crimes. |
Fánshì zài shì yángshì, céng fàn yǐxià zuì shì, fā rù běndì yù shòuxíng: 凡是在是陽世,曾犯以下罪事,發入本地獄受刑: |
1. All mortals who engage in eating cinebar [red lead], cloudy jujubes [which have been placed in a woman's vagina for up to 3 months], human afterbirths, or other medicines in order to fortify their sexual power, and thus harms others |
Liàn shí hóngqiān, yīn zǎo, rén bāo děng zhuàngyáng dòng yín de yàowù hàirén. 煉食紅鉛、陰棗、人胞等壯陽動淫的藥物害人。 |
2. who drink excessively in violation of common sense, becoming perverse and violent, to the despair of their relatives., |
xùjiǔ, yǐzhì zuòchū wéibèi chánglǐ, dòngluàn hèngbào, lìngqīn rén shāngxīn de shì. 酗酒,以致做出違悖常理,動亂橫暴,令親人傷心的事。 |
3. who are wasteful and spend lavishly, bringing ruin to the painful efforts of past generations |
làngfèi bù jiéshěng, huīhuòwúdù, lìng qiánrén xīnkǔ zhī chéngguǒ, huǐyúyīdàn. 浪費不節省,揮霍無度,令前人辛苦之成果,毀於一旦。 |
4. who rob and cheat and defraud others of their wealth. |
yòng qiǎngduó, shèjì yǐnyòu, zhàpiàn fànmài de fāngshì, zhàqǔ qiáncái. 用搶奪、設計引誘,詐騙販賣的方式,詐取錢財。 |
5. who steal clothes and ornaments from coffins, |
dàoqǔ guāncai nèi de yīwù bǎo shì. 盜取棺材內的衣物寶飾。 |
6. who steal corpses or dead men's bones to make medicine, |
dàoqǔ sǐshī, huò sǐ gǔ lái dāngyào. 盜取死屍,或死骨來當藥。 |
7. who separate people from their relatives and friends, who thing lovingly about each other but to their great sorrow can not longer meet. |
jiāng tārén zuì ài de qīnrén, qīyǒu, yǔyǐ lísàn. lìng liǎng dì sīniàn, xiāngjiàn bude, tòngkǔ wànfēn. 將他人最愛的親人、戚友,予以離散。令兩地思念,相見不得,痛苦萬分。 |
8. who sell the the girl they brought up in the house to be their son's wife to be someone's concubine instead, ruining the happiness of a whole lifetime. |
jiāng bù xǐhuan de tóngyǎngxí, màigěi rén dāng bìnǚ, xiǎolǎopo, huǐ qíyī shēngdì xìngfú. 將不喜歡的童養媳,賣給人當婢女、小老婆,毀其一生的幸福。 |
9. who allow their wives or spoiled daughters to have abortions, and not admonishing them, resulting in the crime of murder, |
tīngrèn qīzi, huò zuì nì'ài de nǚ'ér, duòtāi, bùyǔ quàn jiè, zhì fàn shāshēng zhī zhòngzuì. 聽任妻子,或最溺愛的女兒,墮胎,不予勸誡,致犯殺生之重罪。 |
10. who gamble with friends, causing them to lose money, ruining their families and driving them into poverty. |
jiūjié péngyou dǔbó, zhì lìng shūqián, bàijiā; yǐngxiǎng yī ge jiātíng, xiànrù pínkǔ zhīzhōng. 糾結朋友賭博,致令輸錢,敗家;影響一個家庭,陷入貧苦之中。 |
11. who act as tutors without being properly strict, and thus damage the future prospects of their pupils, |
wéirén shībiǎo de rén, jiàodǎo xuésheng bù yángé, yǐzhì dānwù tārén zǐdì de qiánchéng. 爲人師表的人,教導學生不嚴格,以致耽誤他人子弟的前程。 |
12. who, without regard to the importance of a transgression, savagely beat their students, maids, and servants to vent their anger. |
bùgù suǒ fànshì qíng de qīngzhòng, qiánhòu, měnglì kǎodǎ xuésheng, bìnǚ, yōngrén yǐ xièfèn. 不顧所犯事情的輕重、前後,猛力拷打學生、婢女、傭人以泄憤。 |
Thus those whom they beat so unjustly harbor secret hatreds or hidden injury and life long pain. |
Lìng shòu dǎ zhě yuānkǔ mòmíng, hánhèn bù xuān; érqiě ànshāng débìng, zhōngshēng tòngkǔ. 令受打者冤苦莫名,含恨不宣;而且暗傷得病,終生痛苦。 |
13. Those who regard wealth as abundant, and , bully their neighbors for it, |
Zhàngzhe cáishì xiónghòu, qīlíng wǔrǔ xiānglǐ de rén. 仗著財勢雄厚,欺淩侮辱鄉里的人。 |
14. who get drunk, expressing disloyalty to elders, so that his elders are humiliated, |
zhuāng zuì wéibèi, bèinì zūnzhǎng, lìngzūn cháng shòurǔ, tòngxīn. 裝醉違背、悖逆尊長,令尊長受辱、痛心。 |
or who by evil words and fabrications about others' shameful secrets, |
kǒu chū xié'è zhī yán, niēzào shìfei fā rén yīnsī, 口出邪惡之言,捏造是非發人陰私, |
or by sharply mocking others'errors and carrying tales |
jiānsuān fěngcì tārén de guòshī, bānnòngshìfēi, 尖酸諷刺他人的過失,搬弄是非, |
bring about conflict among others, |
zhì shuāngfāng zīshēng dòu'ōu, 致雙方孳生鬥毆, |
causing incidents and accidents — |
biàn shēng xǔduō shìduān, yìwài. 變生許多事端、意外。 |
all these shall, upon verification of their sins, |
yǐshàng de zuì shì, yītiáo yītiáo dì chámíng qīngchu, 以上的罪事,一條一條地查明清楚, |
and having them handled in this Great Hell of Hot Anger |
zàicǐ rè nǎo dàdì yù zhōng tíchū zhìzuì, 在此熱惱大地獄中提出治罪, |
and passed through the proper dungeons, |
érhòu yǐ jiāo xiāngguān de xiǎo dìyù qù shòukǔ. 而後以交相關的小地獄去受苦。 |
to be forwarded when their time has expired to the Eighth Court, |
qīmǎn zhī hòu, zhuǎnjiè dìbā diàn, shōurù dìyù zhōng, 期滿之後,轉解第八殿,收入地獄中, |
again to be tortured according to their deserts. |
chámíng yǒuwú fàn dìbā diàn de zuìxíng, zài yǔyǐ zhìzuì. 查明有無犯第八殿的罪行,再予以治罪。 |
Not all things may be used as drugs. |
Rénjiān fúyào, hézhǒng yàowù bùkě fúyòng? 人間服藥,何種藥物不可服用? |
It is bad enough to slay birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, in order to prepare medicine for the sick; |
Jiāng qínshòu chóng, yú, huóhuó shāsǐ lái zhìbìng, yǐ shì dà huài liángxīn; 將禽獸蟲、魚,活活殺死來治病,已是大壞良心; |
but to consume red lead or to make tisanes of a "enlarged jujubes" [i.e., jujubes held for a time in a vagina, believed to create an aphrodisiac], or of a baby's afterbirth or umbilical cord and so on, that is even worse. |
jìngrán fúshí hóngqiān, jí pào zài fùrén yīn zhòngdì dàzǎo, yīng'ér de bāoyī, qídài zhīlèi de dōngxi, qǐbùshì jūxīn gèng huài. 竟然服食紅鉛, 及泡在婦人陰中的大棗,嬰兒的胞衣、臍帶之類的東西,豈不是居心更壞。 |
Those who foul their mouths with these nasty mixtures, have mouths as polluted as a woman's vigina. |
Yīdàn fúshí cǐ lèi wūhuì de dōngxi, nà kǒu shé yǔ fùnǚ de yīnhù wúyì. 一旦服食此類污穢的東西,那口舌與婦女的陰戶無異。 |
And even though in life they did all sorts of good deeds, and chanted scripture and said spells, |
suīrán zàishì shì duōbān dì xíngshàn, sòngjīng, chí zhòu, 雖然在世是多般地行善、誦經、持咒, |
they not only will derive no merit from this, but have sinned greatly. |
bùdàn méiyǒu gōngdé, érqiě yǒu dà zuìguò. 不但沒有功德,而且有大罪過。 |
The lords of the underworld will find this very difficult to forgive. |
Yīnjiān de Yánwang yě juéduì nányǐ kuānshù. 陰間的閻王也絕對難以寬恕。 |
You who engage in such things, hear these words, make haste to repent! |
Fánshì yǒu zhè zhǒng xíguàn de rén, tīng le zhè duàn quàn jiè, yào gǎnkuài jièchú. 凡是有這種習慣的人,聽了這段勸誡,要趕快戒除。 |
From today onwards buy many birds and animals in order to set them free; forbear to take life; |
Wéiyǒu mǎi bǎi wàn zhī yǐshàng de shēnglíng lái fàngshēng, huò cóngjīn jièshā; 惟有買百萬隻以上的生靈來放生,或從今戒殺; |
and every morning when you have washed out your mouth, mutter a prayer to a buddha. |
měitiān zǎoshang shùkǒu hòu niànsòng fó hào, 每天早上漱口後念誦佛號, |
Thus, when your last hour comes, a good spirit will stand by your side as a bright light |
Línzhōng zhī shí bì yǒu jìng niè shǐzhě, yǐ guāngmíng dēng, 臨終之時必有淨孽使者,以光明燈, |
and purify you of your bad smell and great filth (i.e., former sins). |
zhào chú shēnshang de chòuwèi, wūhuì. 照除身上的臭味、污穢。 |
And that is how you can remove the sins described above. |
Rúcǐ, fāngnéng xiāochú yǐshàng de zuì'è. 如此,方能消除以上的罪惡。 |
Some people steal the bones of those who have been burnt to death |
Rénjiān yǒu tōuqiè bèi huǒshāo sǐde rén gǔ; 人間有偷竊被火燒死的人骨; |
or the bodies of aborted illegitimate children, |
yǐjí sī shēng duòtāi de yīng'ér, quánshēn de píròu, 以及私生墮胎的嬰兒,全身的皮肉, |
for the purpose of compounding medicines; |
yòngyǐ zhìzào pèihé wéi yào de. 用以製造配合爲藥的。 |
others steal skeletons or skulls (from graves) and sell them to others to make medicine. |
tóngshí, yǒu tōuqiè sǐshī de kūlóu, gǔtou, màigěi Zhōngyī zuò yào de. 同時,有偷竊死屍的骷髏、骨頭,賣給中醫做藥的。 |
Worst of all are those who carry off bones by the basketful, |
Zhè xiē tōuqiè gǔtou de, biàn tōu chéng dān, wéishù zhòngduō, 這些偷竊骨頭的,遍偷成擔,爲數衆多, |
selling the hard ones for making various articles |
jiāng qízhōng gǔtou jiānshí de, màigěi shāngjiā, zuòchéng fǎqì děng qìjù, 將其中骨頭堅實的,賣給商家,做成法器等器具, |
and grinding down the soft ones for the manufacture of pottery. |
gǔzhì kūgān shūsōng de, léi wéi fěnmò, huò zuò shāoyáo zhī yòng. 骨質枯乾疏鬆的,擂爲粉末,或做燒窯之用。 |
Such people, no matter what may have been their good works on earth, |
Zhè lèi de rén, zàishì zhī shí, jíshǐ céng yǒugōng yú shì de gōngdé, 這類的人,在世之時,即使曾有功于世的功德, |
will have them cancelled in the nether regions, and demerits added to them. |
gōu rù yīnsī zhī hòu, suǒ xíng zhī gōngdé, lìngwài dǐchōng qítā guòshī. 勾入陰司之後,所行之功德,另外抵充其他過失。 |
Such errors the infernal lords do not lightly forgive, |
Cǐ guòshī, Yánwang juébù qīngyì jiǎnmiǎn, 此過失,閻王絕不輕易減免, |
and will pass them into the Great Hell of Hot Anger |
lìjí fā rù rè nǎo dàdì yù shòuxíng; 立即發入熱惱大地獄受刑; |
or into a related dungeron |
huò zàifā rù xiāngguān de xiǎo dìyù; 或再發入相關的小地獄; |
and then on to the tenth court. |
zhī hòu yìng zhīzhào dì shí diàn. 之後應知照第十殿。 |
that when they are born again on earth it shall be either without ears, or eyes, hand, foot, mouth, lips, or nose, |
rú zhuǎnfā wéirén zhī shí, yào gē qù ěr, yǎnjing, shǒujiǎo, zuǐchún, bíkǒng zhīlèi, 如轉發爲人之時,要割去耳、眼睛、手腳、嘴唇、鼻孔之類, |
or maimed in one or two other ways as retribution. |
shǐ tāde wǔguān cánquē yī, èr jiàn, láibào yìng tāde zuìguò. 使他的五官殘缺一、二件,來報應他的罪過。 |
Yet such as have thus sinned may still avoid this punishment, if only they are willing to pray and repent, vowing never to sin again. |
Jiǎrú shìrén yǒu fàn yǐshàng zhè xiē zuì'è de, kěn lìjí chànhuǐ, yǒngbù zàifàn, 假如世人有犯以上這些罪惡的,肯立即懺悔,永不再犯, |
Or if they buy coffins for those poor who, when someone dies, have no means to provide a burial |
érqiě huò yùdào pínkǔ zāinàn de rénjiā, yǒu rén sǐwáng, wúlì máizàng, néng gòumǎi guānmù, 而且或遇到貧苦災難的人家,有人死亡,無力埋葬,能購買棺木, |
and persuade others to do likewise, by these means giving a decent burial to many corpses |
huòzhě quàndǎo qīnyǒu, zhù qí rùliàn, ānzàng, 或者勸導親友,助其入殮、安葬, |
—then, when the death-summons comes, the Hearth Spirit will make a black mark upon the warrant brought by the summoning demon, |
rúcǐ yǐ yǒu duōcì de gōngdé, zé zhè jiā de Zàoshén, jiùhuì zài gōu shǐ guǐ yì de bǎn piào zhīshàng, diǎn yī ge hēidiǎn. 如此已有多次的功德,則這家的竈神,就會在勾使鬼役的版票之上,點一個黑點。 |
and punishment will be remitted. |
dàoshíhou, zhǔnxǔ miǎnshòu cǐ bàoyìng. 到時候,准許免受此報應。 |
Sometimes, when there is a famine, and harvests are bad, people have nothing to eat and die of hunger, |
Rénjiān ǒu yǒu zāihuāng, wǔgǔ qiànshōu de dìfang, yǒu rén yīn jī'è sǐwáng. 人間偶有災荒,五穀歉收的地方,有人因饑餓死亡。 |
and wicked merchants, almost before the breath is out of their bodies, cut them up |
yúshì yǒuxiē méiliángxīn de shāngjiā, lìyòng jīmín shàngwèi duànqì shí, gē xià tāde ròu, 於是有些沒良心的商家,利用饑民尚未斷氣時,割下他的肉, |
to make stuffing for buns and cakes and sell them to others for food — a horrid crime indeed. |
zuò mántou, gāo bǐng de xiàn màigěi tārén, rúcǐ de xīnhěn xīn là. 做饅頭,羔餅的餡賣給他人,如此的心狠心辣。 |
As to those who are guilty of such practices as selling human flesh for meat upon arrival in the lower regions, |
Zhè xiē gē mǎi, fànmài rén ròu de rén, jiě dào zhī shí, 這些割買,販賣人肉的人,解到之時, |
the infernal lords will immediately hand them over to the various courts |
Yánwang lìjí jiāng guǐ fàn fājiāo gèdì yù, 閻王立即將鬼犯發交各地獄, |
for an extra 49 days of torture with knives and axes. |
zēng zhòngzuì xíng, xíngfá sìshí jiǔ tiān shòu gè zhǒng dāo, fǔ zhī xíng. 增重罪刑,刑罰四十九天受各種刀、斧之刑。 |
and then the judge of the Tenth Court will be instructed |
érhòu, zhīzhào dì shí diàn de Yánwang zhùmíng yú bùcè zhīshàng, 而後,知照第十殿的閻王注明於簿冊之上, |
to notify the judge of the First Court to put down in his register of births and deaths |
zhuǎnzhī gěi dì yī diàn de Yánwang, tiān liè zài shēngsǐ bù nèi, 轉知給第一殿的閻王,添列在生死簿內, |
that if they are reincarnated among humans, it be as famished outcasts, |
xiàbèizi ruò fēnfā, zhuǎnshēng zài réndào, lìng tóutāi wéi èsǐ de jīmín. 下輩子若分發、轉生在人道,令投胎爲餓死的饑民。 |
and if among animals then loathing the putrid discarded water and food that falls to their lot, |
ruò zhuǎnshēng dào chùshēng dào, lìng tā jíshǐ jiàndào bèi pāoqì de sōu shuǐ, shíwù, yě nányǐ rù zuǐ, 若轉生到畜生道,令它即使見到被抛棄的餿水、食物,也難以入嘴, |
and by-and-by perishing of hunger, for such is their due reward. |
ér yǐ è dé kǔ huāng, ér sǐ láibào yìng牠. 而以餓得苦慌,而死來報應牠。 |
Besides the above, who shall not escape this fate regardless of their acts of merit |
Zhè xiē zuì hún chúle bùzhǔn dǐ píng suǒ zuògōng dé, wúfǎ miǎnchú shòu jī'è zhī bào wài, 這些罪魂除了不准抵平所做功德,無法免除受饑餓之報外, |
those who have eaten the buns and cakes stuffed with human meat, even when starving |
fánshì dāngshí wù chīrén ròu mántou, gāo bǐng de rén, yǐjí jīhuang zhī hòu, 凡是當時誤吃人肉饅頭,羔餅的人,以及饑荒之後, |
and willingly continue to do so, |
réngrán yǐ zhī wéi shí zhě, 仍然以之爲食者, |
will be punished either among men or animals according to their deserts. |
yě dōu lìng qí zàixià bèizi wéirén huò zhuǎnshēng chùshēng zhī shí, 也都令其在下輩子爲人或轉生畜生之時, |
Their throats will swell painfully, and though devoured by hunger they will be unable to swallow, |
Yānhóu zhǒngtòng; fù suī è jí, yú shí jiē dīshuǐ nán jìn, 咽喉腫痛;腹雖餓極,餘食皆滴水難進, |
and thus die in great pain as their bad karma catches up with them. |
yǐ rúcǐ tòngkǔ ér sǐde è bàolái bàoyìng tā. 以如此痛苦而死的惡報來報應他。 |
But those who realize it is human meat, and do not eat more of it, |
Fánshì zhījué shì rén ròu, ér bù zài chīshí de rén, 凡是知覺是人肉,而不再吃食的人, |
may be forgiven as they deserve; |
qíngyǒukěyuán, bùyòng shòu bào. 情有可原,不用受報。 |
and those who have committed such a crime, |
fàn le yǐshàng zuì shì de rén, 犯了以上罪事的人, |
if in years of bad harvests they donate money for the sufferers, |
ruò néng zài yù wǔgǔ qiànshōu zhī nián, juānzī jiùjì, 若能在遇五穀歉收之年,捐資救濟, |
or prepare gruel for beggars, |
huò zhǔ zhōu fàn bùshī; 或煮粥飯佈施; |
or give away rice to the needy, |
huòzhě jiāng yīshēng bàn hé de mǐ, 或者將一升半合的米, |
or go house to house giving to the poor |
āijiā āihù dì shīgěi pínhù; 挨家挨戶地施給貧戶; |
or put out warming ginger-and-soybean soup along the roadside, |
huòzhě shēngjiāng, huángdòu de nóngtāng, fàng zài jiāotōng dào biān, 或者生薑、黃豆的濃湯,放在交通道邊, |
and thus sustain life a little longer |
jiùjì piànkè de jī'è. 救濟片刻的饑餓。 |
If they really do these things and make such contributions to the public welfare |
Rúguǒ néng quèshí zuòchū zhè xiē, zhēnzhèng lìyì dàzhòng de gōngdé, 如果能確實做出這些,真正利益大衆的功德, |
then they shall not only obtain remission of their sins, |
zé bùzhǐshì yǐshàng de zuìguò quán yǔyǐ xiāo qù, 則不只是以上的罪過全予以消去, |
but will also increase their merit and happiness in their present life |
érqiě ànzhōng zēngjiā zhèbèizi xiànshì de shànbào, fú fèn, 而且暗中增加這輩子現世的善報、福份, |
and their happiness and long life in their next incarnation. |
yǔ xiàbèizi fú fèn, shòumìng. 與下輩子福份、壽命。 |
Of the above three clauses, two were proposed by the officials attached to this Seventh Court, |
Yǐshàng sān tiáo zuì shì yǔ xiāozuì zhī fǎ, shì běn diàn wénwǔ pànguān huìyì nǐdìng èr tiáo; 以上三條罪事與消罪之法,是本殿文武判官會議擬定二條; |
the third by the Chief Justice of the great hell, |
dàdì yù de shǐ sī yě nǐdìng yītiáo: 大地獄的使司也擬定一條: |
and the whole submitted together for the approval the following rescript being obtained and recorded in this court. |
bìng gè zòu qǐng hédìng lùrù běn diàn de yìjué shìxiàng nèi. 並各奏請核定錄入本殿的議決事項內。 |
"Let it be as proposed; let the three clauses submitted by all of the judges and officials and granted by his majesty the Jade Emperor, be copied into the Jade Guidebook, |
"Wǒ jiāng yù zhōng gè pànguān, yǒuguān guānlì suǒ nǐ de? yīqǐ zòu gěi Yùhuáng dà tiānzūn pīzhǔn zhī hòu, yībìng jìzǎi zài yù lì nèi. 「我將獄中各判官、有關官吏所擬的,一起奏給玉皇大天尊批准之後,一併記載在玉曆內。 |
and let the officials concerned be promoted or rewarded. |
tóngshí yě tōngxíng dìyù zhōng gōng gè pànguān, zuòwéi yǒuguān guānlì, jìmíng shēngguān, jiǎngshǎng zhī gēnjù. 同時也通行地獄中供各判官,做爲有關官吏,記名升官,獎賞之根據。 |
As to the details of other crimes all gods have already met and drafted laws of retribution. |
至于人间一切作孽造罪的微细情节, 诸神原本就已会议,拟定好报应之律则,
zhìyú rénjiān yīqiè zuòniè zàozuì de wēixì qíngjié, zhū shén yuánběn jiù yǐ huìyì, nǐdìng hǎo bàoyìng zhī lǜ zé. 至於人間一切作孽造罪的微細情節, 諸神原本就已會議,擬定好報應之律則, |
Beyond this, as among the conventions of military and civil governments of the living may suffer disobedience |
Cǐwài, xiàng yángjiān jūnshì, zhèngzhì de gōngwù lǐyí yǒuwéi yuè zhīchù; 此外,像陽間軍事、政治的公務禮儀有違越之處; |
or private interests may create counterfeits or produce contraband, which is trifling, |
huò sīzào wéijìnpǐn děng zuìqíng, jiào wéi xì suǒ. 或私造違禁品等罪情,較爲細瑣。 |
so similarly the law in the netherworld cannot include every detail |
ér yīnjiān fǎlǜ wèi néng jìn kuò de bùfen, 而陰間法律未能盡括的部分, |
so let them be punished according to the laws of their various countries. |
yīgài zūnzhào yángshì gèguó fǎlǜ suǒ dìng de lǜlì zhìzuì. 一概遵照陽世各國法律所定的律例治罪。 |
and let any evasion of punishment and implication of innocent people |
zhìzuì zhīwài, tǎngruò yǒu rén táoduǒ zhìcái, bìng qiānlěi tārén dehuà, 治罪之外,倘若有人逃躲制裁,並牽累他人的話, |
be at once reported by the proper officials for our consideration. |
tóngshí tōngzhī jiūchá, sùbào děng guānlì, zhǔnyǔ lìyòng shéntōng xiǎn huà zhuīhuí, 同時通知糾察、速報等官吏,准予利用神通顯化追回, |
This from the Throne! Obey!" |
Yǐshàng gè shénmíng yí zūnzhào." 以上各神明宜遵照。」 |
O you sons and daughters of men, still in the human world, if on the 27th of the 3rd moon, |
Shìjiān de nánnǚ jiǎruò néng zài sānyuè èrshí qī rì, 世間的男女假若能在三月二十七日, |
you fast from meat and keep clean in body, speech, and thought, |
rúsù, qīngjìng shēn kǒu yì, xiàng běifāng, 茹素,清淨身口意,向北方, |
and facing north and you vow to repent and reform, |
fāshì chànhuǐ gǎiguò; 發誓懺悔改過; |
and to vow publish the whole of the Jade Guidebook for the enlightenment of mankind, |
bìng jiāng Bǎochāo yìn zèng, yǐ quànhuà rénjiān dehuà, 並將寶鈔印贈,以勸化人間的話, |
then you may escape the bitterness of this court. |
zhǔnyǔ miǎnshòu běn diàn zhū zhǒng kǔxíng. 准予免受本殿諸種苦刑。 |
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