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The Jade Guidebook

The First Court

photo by DKJ

The First Court
The Realm of Lord Qín Guǎng
第一殿 秦广王

Dì-Yī Diàn Qín Guǎng Wáng

第一殿 秦廣王
His Infernal Majesty Qín Guǎng is especially in charge of the register of life and death for both old and young, 秦广王的业务,专管人间的长寿与夭折,出生与死亡的册籍;

Qín Guǎng wáng de yèwù, zhuānguǎn rénjiān de chángshòu yǔ yāozhé, chūshēng yǔ sǐwáng de cèjí;

and presides at the judgment-seat in the netherworld. 统一管理阴间受刑的吉、凶。

tǒngyī guǎnlǐ yīnjiān shòuxíng de jīi, xiōng.

His ghostly hall of judgment is situated in the great Ocean, away beyond the Wòjiāo rock [the gateway to Purgatory], far to the west near the murky road which leads to the Yellow Springs [i.e., the netherworld]. 鬼判殿位居大海中、沃燋石之外,正西的黄泉黑路上。

Guǐ pàn diàn wèijū dàhǎi zhōng, Wòjiāoshí zhīwài, zhèngxī de Huángquán hēilù shàng.

Some people, dying in old age, are good people and are to be led to heaven or to the western paradise. 凡是善人寿终的时候,有的接引往生天堂,或西方极乐。

Fánshì shànrén shòuzhōng de shíhou, yǒude jiēyǐn wǎngshēng tiāntáng, huò xīfāng jí lè.

If they are men and women whose record of good and evil deeds is perfectly balanced, 如是功过两半的男人、女人,

Rúshì gōngguò liǎngbàn de nánren, nǚrén,

如是功過兩半的男人, 女人,
then after death they are sent directly to the tenth court, and then transferred back to life, 死后送交第十殿,发往投生人间,

sǐhòu sòngjiāo dì shí diàn, fāwǎng tóushēng rénjiān,

sometimes male becoming female, female male, according to their just deserts. 有的男人转生女人;有的女人转生男人,各按照在世时所造的业力,因缘,分别去接受因果报。

yǒude nánren zhuǎnshēng nǚrén; yǒude nǚrén zhuǎnshēng nánren, gè ànzhào zàishì shí suǒzào de yè lì, yīnyuán, fēnbié qù jiēshòu yīnguǒ bào.


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The Terrace of the Mirror Of Sin

All those whose good deeds are outnumbered by their bad ones 凡是在世恶行较多,善行较少的人,

Fánshì zàishì èxíng jiào duō, shànxíng jiào shǎo de rén

are sent to a terrace on the right of the court, called the Terrace of the Mirror of Sin. 则引入殿右的高台,名为孽镜台。

zé yǐnrù diàn yòu de gāotái, míngwéi Nièjìng Tái.

The terrace is ten feet in height and the mirror is about fifty arm-lengths in circumference and hangs towards the east. 台高一丈,镜子大约十人圈围,向东悬挂,

Tái gāo yīzhàng, jìngzi dàyuē shí rén quān wéi, xiàng dōng xuánguà,

Above are seven characters written horizontally over it:

"Before the Terrace of the Mirror of Sin there are no good men."

shàng héng shū qī zì: "Nièjìng Tái qián wú hǎorén."

There the wicked ghosts escorted there are able to see the trechery of their own hearts while they were among the living, 被押赴来的多恶行鬼魂,自然地见到自己在世时心地之奸险,

Bèi yā fù láide duō èxíng guǐhún, zìrán dì jiàndào zìjǐ zàishì shí xīndì zhī jiānxiǎn,

and the miseries of death and hell. 以及死赴地狱受苦的惨状。

yǐjí sǐ fù dìyù shòukǔ de cǎnzhuàng.

photo by DKJ
Only then do they finally understand the proverb, 此时才知道:

Cǐshí cái zhīdào:

"Ten thousand taels of yellow gold
cannot be brought away.
But every crime will tell its tale
upon the judgment day."

Wàn liǎng de huángjīn dōu dài bù jìnqù,
yībèizi zhǐyǒu zuìniè suízhe dào dìyù lái.

When the souls have been to the Terrace and seen their wickednesses, they are forwarded into the second court, 照过孽镜台后,批解第二殿、

Zhào guò Nièjìng Tái hòu, pījiè dì èr diàn,

to begin being sorted by dungeon and being tortured 开始分发地狱、运用刑具,

kāishǐ fēnfā dìyù, yùnyòng xíngjù,

so that they receive every kind of painful punishment 令受诸种苦痛的刑罚。

lìng shòu zhū zhǒng kǔtòng de xíngfá.


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photo by DKJ


Their offenses and reasons for them, are as follows: 其罪刑与罪因详情如下:

Qí zuì xíng yǔ zuìyīn xiángqíng rúxià:

1. The Crime of Suicide 自杀者的罪刑

Zìshāzhě de Zuì Xíng

Should there be any who enjoys life without reflecting that heaven and earth produce mortals, 假如有世人,不去思考天地生人,

Jiǎrú yǒu shìrén, bù qùsì kǎo tiāndì shēngrén,

and that father and mother bring the child to maturity, a burden heavy as a mountain 父母养育身体,珍贵异常,恩重如山。

fùmǔ yǎngyù shēntǐ, zhēnguì yìcháng, ēnzhòngrúshān.

and, who ignores the four obligations to parents, to all living things, to the ruler, and to the three Buddhist treasures (scripture, law, and clergy), 父母恩、众生恩、国王恩、三宝恩等四恩未报。

fùmǔ ēn, zhòngshēng ēn, guówáng ēn, Sānbǎo ēn děng sì ēn wèi bào.

and who, before receiving the summons (to die), commits suicide without authorization 未奉到勾贴,就擅自轻生、

wèi fèngdào gōu tiē, jiù shànzì qīngshēng,

by cutting his throat, hanging himself, poisoning, or drowning himself 自杀、上吊、服毒、投水等等。

zìshā, shàngdiào, fúdú, tóushuǐ děngděng.

and who does the deed not out of loyalty, filial piety, chastity, or friendship 除因忠孝节义的德行,

chú yīn zhōngxiào jié yì de déxíng,

(for which sacrifice of their his live he would go to Heaven), 牺牲生命,死后为神之外,

xīshēng shēngmìng, sǐhòu wéi shén zhīwài,

but rather who in a trivial burst of rage, 假若是因细小的忿恨,

jiǎruò shì yīn xìxiǎo de chóuhèn,

or fearing the consequences of a crime which would not merit death, 或因犯罪的羞事被发觉即率尔轻生,究其所犯罪刑,并未至死刑的地步。

huò yīn fànzuì de xiū shì bèi fājué jí shuài'ěr qīngshēng, jiū qí suǒ fànzuì xíng, bìngwèi zhìsǐ xíng de dìbù.

or in the hope of blaming or injuring a fellow-creature 也有的想嫁祸、加害他人

yě yǒude xiǎng jiàhuò, jiāhài tārén

then such a person, when the last breath has left his body, 而弄假成真,轻生气绝的,

ér nòngjiǎ chéngzhēn, qīngshēng qìjué de,

shall be escorted by door gods and god of the hearth. 以上诸种,门神、灶神,

yǐshàng zhū zhǒng, ménshén, zàoshén,

under guard to this court 立即押解本殿,

lìjí yājiè běn diàn,

and shall be placed in the Hunger and Thirst Sections. 收入饥饿厂与干渴厂。

shōurù Jī'è Chǎng yǔ Gānkě Chǎng.

Every day from seven till eleven o'clock 这些自杀的鬼魂,每逢戌、亥日,

Zhè xiē zìshā de guǐhún, měiféng xū, hài rì,

such shades must resume the suffering of their moment of death, and 完全如临死时一般痛苦。

wánquán rú línsǐ shí yībān tòngkǔ.

in the scenes of pain and suffering, they shall appear as they were before. 一切痛苦的情景,照原来的样子,再出现一次。

yīqiè tòngkǔ de qíngjǐng, zhào yuánlái de yàngzi, zài chūxiàn yīcì.

After seventy days, or one or two years, as the case may be, 有的七十天,有的一、二年之后,押解其魂魄,

Yǒude qīshí tiān, yǒude yī, èr nián zhī hòu, yājiè qí húnpò,

they will be conducted back to the scene of their suicide, to suffer again their regrets 再回到寻死的地方,受悔恨折磨之苦。

zài huídào xúnsǐ de dìfang, shòu huǐhèn zhémo zhī kǔ.

but will not be permitted to use the foods, or the paper goods, or other offerings to the dead. 并且不许接受羹饭、纸帛等祭品的祭拜。

bìngqiě bùxǔ jiēshòu gēng fàn, zhǐ bó děng jìpǐn de jìbài.

If the suicide ghost repents, then it must control itself, 假如自杀的鬼魂自知忏悔,敛心守藏,

Jiǎrú zìshā de guǐhún zìzhī chànhuǐ, liǎn xīn shǒu cáng,

and may not appear as a ghost to frighten people 不现出鬼魅形来惊吓人;

bù xiànchū guǐmèi xíng láijīng xiàrén;

or wildly seek to procure a substitute. 也不乱找替死的人。

yě bù luàn zhǎo tì sǐde rén.

Rather it must wait until the person it has harmed forgets the harm, 那么等遭他牵累的人,已经脱离牵累,

Nàme děng zāo tā qiānlěi de rén, yǐjing tuōlí qiānlěi,

and then the door gods and the god of the hearth will transfer it under guard back to this court. 是日,门神、灶神,仍然将此犯押解到本殿,

shìrì, ménshén, zàoshén, réngrán jiāng cǐ fàn yājiè dào běn diàn,

to be sent on to the second court, 转发第二殿。

zhuǎnfā dì èr diàn.

where its balance of good and evil will be investigated, and dreadful tortures applied, 重新考查较对他的功与过,从重加刑,

chóngxīn kǎochá jiàoduì tāde gōng yǔ guò, cóngzhòng jiā xíng,

and it will then be passed on through the various courts to suffer the utter misery of hell. 再另递交各殿,配发地狱去受苦。

zài lìng dìjiāo gè diàn, pèifā dìyù qù shòukǔ.

Should anyone have the intention of appearing to the living to frighten them or to seek a substitute, 假如曾经生现形吓人或找替死的心,

Jiǎrú céngjīng shēng xiànxíng xiàrén huò zhǎo tì sǐde xīn,

or use words to frighten or deceive someone, 或用这些言语吓人、诈人,

huò yòng zhè xiē yányǔ xiàrén, zhà rén,

then even though he doesn't kill anyone, or even should he do a thousand years of good deeds, no hell shall be permitted to remit his punishment. 虽然未至令人死亡;那么即使一千曾经行诸善事,所有地狱也一概不准减免其罪刑。

suīrán wèi zhì lìngrén sǐwáng; nàme jíshǐ yīqiān céngjīng xíng zhū shànshì, suǒyǒu dìyù yě yīgài bùzhǔn jiǎnmiǎn qí zuì xíng.

Any soul which after suicide does not remain invisible, 若是轻生已死之后,毫不收敛鬼的形影,

Ruòshì qīngshēng yǐ sǐ zhī hòu, háobù shōuliǎn guǐ de xíngyǐng,

but instead frightens people, even causing their death, 以致惊吓、令人丧命的话;

yǐzhì jīngxià, lìngrén sàngmìng dehuà;

will immediately be seized by black-faced, long-tusked demon servants and dragged for torture to the various hells, 立即命青面獠牙的鬼役,勾到各地狱去受苦。

lìjí mìng qīngmiànliáoyá de guǐ yì, gōu dào gèdì yù qù shòukǔ.

and a hundred days later will be thrust into the great Avici Hell, 满一百日后,发配入阿鼻大地狱,

mǎn yībǎi rì hòu, fāpèi rù Ābí dàdì yù,

for ever to remain hung up in fetters, and not permitted to be born again. 永远用锁链予以扣住,不许超生。

yǒngyuǎn yòng suǒliàn yǔyǐ kòuzhù, bùxǔ chāoshēng.

photo by DKJ

The Fortress of Wrongful Death (Wǎngsǐ Chéng 枉死城), where those who commit suicide or die by violence are held until their destined time of death. Different artists place this structure in different courts.

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2. The crime of Rushing Through Scriptures 诵经漏脱字句之罪刑

Sòngjīng Lòutuō Zìjù zhī Zuì Xíng

Every Buddhist or Taoist priest who receives money for prayers and liturgies, 凡是出家人、道士、拿人的钱,为人拜教育诵经忏悔,

fánshì chūjiārén, dàoshi, nárén de qián, wéirén bài jiàoyù sòngjīng chànhuǐ,

but skips over words and misses out sentences, 遗漏字句、或页卷的,

yílòu zìjù, huò yè juàn de,

on arriving at this court, will be sent to the Office of the Completion of Scriptures. 就带来本殿,发进补经所。

jiù dàilái běn diàn, fā jìn Bǔjīng Suǒ.

There, in a small dark room, 各个送入内藏经黑暗的小房间内。

Gège sòngrù nèi zàngjīng hēi'àn de xiǎofáng jiān nèi.

he shall pick out such passages as he has omitted, writing them legibly or chanting them clearly, 所有他遗漏的字句之处,一概都签写明白,补诵清楚。

suǒyǒu tā yílòu de zìjù zhīchù, yīgài dōu qiān xiěmíng bái, bǔ sòng qīngchu.

by the uncertain light of an infinitesimal wick, burning in ten jīn of oil. 此处设有油灯,贮存数十斤的油。

cǐchù shèyǒu yóudēng, zhùcún shùshí jīn de yóu.

There is only a tiny wick, sometimes brighter, sometimes darker, 只有一根细线点,有时明亮、有时黑,

Zhǐyǒu yīgēn xìxiàn diǎn, yǒushí míngliàng, yǒushí hēi,

so one dares not breathe, and must quickly fill in that was left out. 不能一口气就很快的补写完足。

bùnéng yīkǒuqì jiù hěn kuài de bǔ xiě wánzú.

3. Punishments for the Distracted 修行起贪图供养者的罪刑

Xiūxíng Qǐ Tāntú Gòngyǎng Zhě de Zuì Xíng

Even good and virtuous Buddhist or Taoist priests whose minds get distracted by greed or desire for their fee must also repair their chants here, 如果原来净修行的出家人或道士,却发了贪心,枉求供养以享受的人,也得在此补经。

Rúguǒ yuánlái jìng xiūxíng de chūjiārén huò dàoshi, què fā le tānxīn, wǎng qiú gòngyàng yǐ xiǎngshòu de rén, yě dé zàicǐ bǔ jīng.

4. Sincere People Who Practice Moral Teachings and Advance the Cause of Buddhism 诚心修行,弘扬佛法者之利益

Chéngxīn Xiūxíng, Hóngyáng Fófǎ Zhě zhī Lìyì

Every man or woman in private devotion or any nun, who in sincerity 一般在家修持得善男信女或尼姑,十分诚心,

Yībān zài jiā xiū chí dé shànnán xìnnǚ huò nígū, shífēn chéngxīn,

when repeating any scripture or incantation or repeating of the name of a buddha 心口一如地拜念一切经、咒、佛号。

xīnkǒu yīrú dì bài niàn Yīqièjīng, zhòu, fó hào.

may have made mistakes or left out something 即使有错误、遗漏;

jíshǐ yǒu cuòwù, yílòu;

from over-earnestness, attention not being properly fixed on the actual words repeated— 然而重在诚心,而不重在字句。

rán'ér zhòng zài chéngxīn, ér bù zhòng zài zìjù.

for this sort of sincere person, the Buddha has directed that he need not undergo Completion of Scriptures, and on the first day of each month his contributions are entered in the register of the virtuous. 类此诚心修持之人,佛降旨不用补经,每月初一,并将其功德记载于善籍之中。

lèicǐ chéngxīn xiū chí zhī rén, fó jiàngzhǐ bùyòng bǔ jīng, měi yuè chū yī, bìng jiāng qí gōngdé jìzǎi yú shàn jí zhīzhōng.


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O you still in the human world, on the 1st day of the 2nd moon, 世间之人,若于每年的二月初一日,

Shìjiān zhī rén, ruò yú měinián de èr yuè chū yī rì,

turn to the north and worship sincerely, cultivate the perfection of the the Èmítuó Buddha, lord of the sweat dews, and benefit all all the myriad beings 向西方至诚地礼拜,学习阿弥陀佛甘露王清净,利益一切众生的庄严万德。

xiàng xīfāng zhìchéng dì lǐbài, xuéxí Ēmítuófó gān líng wáng qīngjìng, lìyì yīqiè zhòngshēng de zhuāngyán wàn dé.

practice virtue, chant scriptures and incantations, do good works, 将平常忆念行持佛德,及诵经、持咒、严守戒德的内功外德,

jiāng píngcháng yìniàn xíngchí fó dé, jí sòngjīng, chí zhòu, yánshǒu jiè dé de nèigōng wài dé,

and fix your thoughts on good, that you may attain paradise! 发大念力,祈当生得证极乐世界得性德。

fā dà niàn lì, qí dāng shēngdé zhèng jílè shìjiè dé xìng dé.

Moreover promote the precepts of Buddha with great vigor so as to benefit all living things, 并且发是经进去修持,尽力地宏扬佛法,利益一切重生。

Bìngqiě fā shì jīng jìnqu xiū chí, jìnlì dì hóngyáng fófǎ, lìyì yīqiè chóngshēng.

And thus when the last hour comes your spirits may be received led by a buddha and led to paradise. 那么寿终之后,立即蒙佛接引,往生极乐。

Nàme shòuzhōng zhī hòu, lìjí méng fó jiēyǐn, wǎngshēng jí lè.


Shídiàn Cover Illustration

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