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Content created: 2009-04-26
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The 24 Filial Exemplars (23)

Mèng Zōng 孟宗


Mèng Zōng of the Three Kingdoms period was also called Gōngwǔ. His father died when he was small, and his mother was very ill. One winter she longed to eat a soup made with boiled bamboo shoots. Zōng had no means to give her such a thing, and he went out to the bamboo grove where, seizing a bamboo stalk, he wept. His filial piety moved heaven and earth. In a moment, the earth cracked open and many stalks of bamboo shoots appeared. He gathered them and returned home to make soup for his mother. When she had eaten it, she recovered. Verses praise him, saying:
Tears drop; the north wind is cold

And moans through a stand of bamboo;

But winter bamboo shoots come forth!

The wish of Heaven is to bring harmony.*

*-Píng'ān. For a discussion of this complex concept in its specialized application to families, see my book, Gods, Ghosts, & Ancestors: The Folk Religion of a Taiwanese Village, page 92.
三国。孟宗。字恭武。少孤。母老病笃。多月思笋煮羹食。宗无计可得。乃往竹林中。抱竹而泣。孝感天地。须臾地裂。出笋数茎。持归。作羹奉母。食毕疾愈。有诗为颂。 诗曰

23. Kū Zhú Shēng Sǔn
Sānguó Mèng Zōng. Zì Gōngwǔ. Shào gū. Mǔ lǎo jí dǔ. Dōng yuè sī sūn zhǔ gēng shí. Zōng Wú jì kě dé. Nǎi wǎng zhúlín zhōng. Bào zhú ér qì. Xiào gǎn tiāndì.Xū yǔdì diè. Chū sǔn shù jīng. Chí guī. Zuò gēng fèng mǔ. Shí bì jí yù. Yǒu shī wéi sòng.
Shī yuē:
Lèi dī shuò fēng hán. Xiāoxiāo zhú shù gān. Xū yú dōngsǔn chū. Tiān yì bào píng'ān.

三國。孟宗。字恭武。少孤。母老病篤。多月思筍煮羹食。宗無計可得。乃往竹林中。抱竹而泣。孝感天地。須臾地裂。出筍數莖。持歸。作羹奉母。食畢疾愈。有詩為頌。 詩曰

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