Site created: 1996-01-02
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Jordan in the Field
(Lector intende laetaberis.)

David K. Jordan

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, UCSD

(Look! A fast-loading, entirely hand-made web site of over 500 pages without ads, cookies, gigantic irrelevant graphics, malfunctioning drop-down menus, advertising hidden in the code, “news” feeds, in-app purchases, pictures that change without warning, blaring music, blinding expanses of blank white space, or stacks of junk links running down the sides of the pages. It’s as exotic as a hand-made quilt! Oh boy!)
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(Click on the guy lurking in the weeds if you need to get to the site’s back door.)

Web Site Table of Contents

  1. Resources for College Students & Teachers
    (For an overview of the guiding principles click here.)
  2. Curriculum Vitae & Similar Stuff
  3. Interesting Languages
  4. Other Stuff

More or Less Inevitable Request for Money:
The David K. Jordan Endowment Fund at UCSD has been set up to provide supplementary financial support to UCSD doctoral candidates in the Department of Anthropology doing anthropological fieldwork among non-Anglophone populations of Asia and/or Oceania. Grants range from $3,000 to $10,000 dollars (inflation adjusted from 2010 values —in May of 2024 the award parameters are therefore $4,313 to $14,279). These amounts are too modest to be a student’s primary support for fieldwork, but can cover expenses precluded by the restrictions imposed some other grants and can make things possible that would not happen.

The endowment reached sufficient size to make its first grant in 2015. You are invited to contribute to it by going to UCSD’s donations page. To reach the donation form, click here. Type “jordan” or “anthropology” into the “Search for giving options” search box and scroll down to the endowment fund. Future generations of anthropology graduate students thank you in advance. (The UCSD internal fund number is R-13611. Unlike most donations, which go to the UCSD Foundation, this fund is administered by the UC Regents. The differences are minor but tax IDs vary. The Regents’ tax ID number is 95-6006144.)
Alternatively or in addition, think about setting up your own endowment fund at this university or another one to promote the careers of the next generation.

Contact Jordan!

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Background: Animal Crackers