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I. Contact Information (Office Hours &c.)

Students Outrageously Natter on Cell
Phones (or possibly merely belch)
As Jordan Lectures About Boring
Old Skull Named Clementina,
Who Keeps Ominously
Licking Her Spectral
Office Hours
Since I am retired and ended most teaching with Winter Quarter, 2019, I no longer have a campus office or regular office hours. Please contact me for a special appointment (in person or electronically) if needed. (Students in my freshman seminars will be provided with a telephone number to facilitate contact.)
For here for a quick rant about office hours.
Click here for useful but ridiculously extended generic advice to new students about college office hours, click here.

II. Department Contact Information (Other)

Dept. of Anthropology, UCSD
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0532 USA

Located at: Soc. Sci. Bldg (SSB)
Room 210*
   tel.: +1-858-534-4145 (dept. sec.)**
fax: +1-858-534-5946 (dept. machine)

* Office. Because I am no longer have need of an on-campus office, any meetings need to take place in gardens, bars, coffee shops, libraries, or other locations or using Skype, Zoom, Alexa, Google Duo, or other videoconferencing.

The Department office is SSB 210. SSB (Social Science Building), is located on the Roosevelt campus near RIMAC and the Supercomputer; it is not the same as HSS (Humanities & Social Sciences Building), on the Muir campus, which does not actually house any social science departments. (Don't ask.) It is also not the same as the Student Services Center (SSC) east of the Chancellor's Office. (There is an official campus on-line map on which SSB is numbered 490. Click on "Buildings/ Roosevelt College /Social Sciences Building" and SSB will turn purple.)

** Telephone. I no longer have a campus telephone extension. To reach me by telephone, please email me your phone number and I'll call you back. If you are in a current class, you are welcome to call using the number provided in the class handout.

*** Email. I do not look at Email every day —more like once a week on average. I also have all available spam filters trying to protect me from pornographers, thieves, corporations, and idiots. Please avoid spam-like subject lines such as "Hi!" to avoid being filtered directly into the E-trash. If your are a Nigerian widow, please do not ask me to marry you or launder money. If you are a front for a political candidate, please don't tell me that the future of civilization depends on my sending you money.

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