Content created: 2009-04-26
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10. SHE SUCKLED HER MOTHER-IN-LAW Cuī Nánshān of the Táng dynasty had a great grandmother known as Madame Zhǎngsūn. She was very old and no longer had teeth. Each day his grandmother, Madame Táng, combed the old lady's hair, washed her face, and brought her into the main hall, where she fed her mother-in-law with her own milk. Although the old lady ate not a crumb, nevertheless she passed many years in good health. One day she fell sick, and young and old gathered about her as she announced: "There is no way that I can repay my daughter-in-law's favors. I want all the sons and grandsons and their wives to be as filial and respectful as this daughter-in-law has been." She is praised in verse thus: The filial daughter-in-law of the Cuī family |
十、乳姑不怠 唐。崔南山曾祖母长孙夫人。年高无齿。祖母唐夫人。每日栉洗升堂。乳其姑。奶不粒食。数年而康。一日病。长幼咸集。乃宣言曰。无以报新妇恩。愿子孙妇。如妇之孝敬足矣。有诗为颂。 诗曰 孝敬崔家妇。乳姑晨盥梳。此恩无以报。愿得子孙如。 10. Rǔ Gū Bū Dài Táng Cuī Nánshān zēngzǔmǔ Zhǎngsūn fūrén. Nián gāo wú chǐ. Zǔmǔ Táng fūrén měi rì jié xǐ shēng táng. Rǔ qí gū. Nǎi bú lì shí. Shù nián ér kāng. Yí rì bìng. Zhǎng yòu xián jí. Nǎi xuān yán yuē: Wú yǐ bào xīn fù ēn. Yuàn zǐsūn fù. Rú xīnfù zhi xiàojìng zú yǐ. Yǒu shī wéi sòng. Shī yuē: Xiào jìng Cuī jiā fù. Rǔ g:uu chén guàn shū. Cǐ ēn wú yǐ bào. Yuàn dé zǐsūn rú. 十、乳姑不怠 唐。崔南山曾祖母長孫夫人。年高無齒。祖母唐夫人。每日櫛洗升堂。乳其姑。奶不粒食。數年而康。一日病。長幼咸集。乃宣言曰。無以報新婦恩。願子孫婦。如婦之孝敬足矣。有詩為頌。 詩曰 孝敬崔家婦。乳姑晨盥梳。此恩無以報。願得子孫如。 |