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The 24 Filial Exemplars (4)

Mǐn Sǔn 闵损


Mǐn Sǔn of the Zhōu dynasty was called Zǐqiān (=the Master's Inferior). His mother died very early, and his father took another wife, who bore two sons, whom she dressed in raw silk lined with cotton wadding. She was jealous about Sǔn and dressed him in mere rushes. One day his father ordered Sǔn to harness the cart. Sǔn's body was cold and he dropped the rope. His father looked into the reason, then resolved to divorce his second wife. Sǔn said: "If Mother stays, one child will be poorly dressed. If Mother leaves, three children will be cold." The stepmother heard this, and she repented and changed. Verses praise him, saying:
The Mǐn family has a saintly son,

Who never resents his stepmother;

Before the cart he [has begged his father to] let his [step-] mother stay;

Three children are saved from wind and frost.
周。闵损。字子骞。早丧母。父娶后母。生二子。衣以棉絮。闵损。衣以芦花。一日。父令损御车。体寒失鞭。父察知其故。欲出后母。损曰。母在一子单。母去三子寒。后母闻之。卒悔改。系诗颂之。 诗曰

4. Dān Yī Shùn Mǔ
Zhōu. Mǐn Sǔn. Zì Zǐqīn. Zǎo sàng mǔ. Fù qǔ hòumǔ. Shēng èr zǐ. Yì yǐ mián shù. Dù Sǔn. Yì yǐ lúhuā. Yí rì. Fù lìng Sǔn yù jū. Tǐ hán shī yǐn. Fù chá zhī qí gù. Yù chū hòumǔ. Sǔn yuē: Mǔ zài yì zǐ dān. Mǔ qù sān zǐ hán. Hòumǔ wén zhī. Zúhuǐ gǎi. Xì shī wéi sòng:
Shī yuē:
Mǐn shì yǒu xiánláng. Hé zēng yuàn hòuniáng. Jūqián liú mǔ zài. Sān zǐ miǎn fēngshuāng.

周。閔損。字子騫。早喪母。父娶後母。生二子。衣以棉絮。閔損。衣以蘆花。一日。父令損御車。體寒失鞭。父察知其故。欲出後母。損曰。母在一子單。母去三子寒。後母聞之。卒悔改。系詩頌之。 詩曰

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