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The 24 Filial Exemplars (2)

Liú Héng 刘恒 (Emperor Wén 文帝)


Emperor Wén of the western Hàn was named [Liú] Héng. He was the third son of [Liú Bāng,] the founder of the dynasty. Before he became emperor he was appointed king of Dài [in Shānxī province]. His mother became Queen-Mother Bó[-jī]. the emperor-to-be respectfully tended her and was not idle. His mother took sick for three years. The emperor did not sleep nor even unfasten the belt of his clothes. And if he had not tasted a medicine, it was not brought to his mother. His benevolence and piety were rumored throughout the kingdom. Verses praise him saying:
Benevolence and piety are rumored through the kingdom;

Lofty and eminent he excels a hundred kings;

The Queen-Mother has been sick for three years,

And he always tastes the medicine first
西汉文帝。名恒。高祖第三子。初封代王。生母薄太后。帝奉养无怠。母尝病三年。帝目不交睫。衣不解带。汤药非亲尝弗进。仁孝闻于天下。系诗颂之。 诗曰

2. Qīn Cháng Tāng Yào
Xīhàn Wén dì. Míng héng. Gāo zǔ dì sān zǐ. Chū fēng Dài wáng. Shēngmǔ bó tàihòu. Dì fèng yàng wú dài.Mǔ cháng bìng sān nián. Dì mù bù jiāo jié. Yī bù jiǎo dài. Tāngyào fēi qīn cháng fú jìn. Rénxiào wén yú tiānxià. Xì shī sòng zhī.
Shī yuē:
Rénxiào wèn tiānxià. Wéiwéi guàn bó wáng. Mǔhòu sānzài bìng. Tāngyào bì xiān cháng.

西漢文帝。名恆。高祖第三子。初封代王。生母薄太后。帝奉養無怠。母嘗病三年。帝目不交睫。衣不解帶。湯藥非親嘗弗進。仁孝聞於天下。系詩頌之。 詩曰

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