Curriculum Vitae
Articles and Book Chapters
Measures and Translations
In the Media
Evolution and Human Behavior Laboratory
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In the Media
March 12, 2015, Mind and Morality: A Dialogue. by Arthur Zajonc and Micharel McCullough. On Being with Krista Tippett.
March 12, 2015, In the Room with Michael McCullough and Arthur Zajonc at the American Museum of Natural History in New York as part of a symposium by the Center for Humans and Nature. On Being with Krista Tippett.
November 8, 2014, Michael McCullough: "Two Cheers For Falsification." HeadCon '14. by Michael McCullough. Edge.
September 15, 2013, Listen to Mike on The Biology of Forgiveness, from NPR's To the Best of Our Knowledge
May, 24, 2012, Getting Revenge and Forgiveness. by Michael McCullough. On Being with Krista Tippett.
December 2011, Sacred Salubriousness: New Research Explains the Link Between Religion and Health (Scientific American)
November 21, 2011, A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day (New York Times; Reprinted here in the Miami Herald)
November 2011, Giving Thanks Helps your Psychological Outlook (USA Today)
October 2011, The Complicated Psychology of Revenge (APS Observer, Association for Psychological Science)
September 6, 2011, Here's a link to an hour-long episode of SBS's award-winning show Insight on the Psychology of Revenge
July 11, 2011, Mike gives his take on revenge on this podcast of an episode of Strange Animal from the Canadian Broadcasting Network
May 4, 2011, Does Revenge Serve an Evolutionary Purpose? Scientific American Online.
February 17, 2010, Mike on Interfaith Voices talking about Forgiveness
August 2, 2009, Mike with Dacher Keltner on
May 4, 2009, Adventures in Good and Evil, Newsweek
April 12, 2009, Faith and Religion Viewed as Beneficial to Health, Miami Herald
April 12, 2009, All is Forgiven? CBS News Sunday Morning
December 30, 2008, For Good Self-Control, Try Getting Religious About It, New York Times
October 25, 2008, Religious Origins of the Detox Diet, Newsweek
October 7, 2008, Citizen Enforceres Take Aim, New York Times
September 26, 2008, Presidential Pardon. by Michael McCullough. Huffington Post.
March 2008, Me If It's All About You, You're in Trouble. Washington Post
Janurary 2008, "Living in a World of Hurts:The Science of Taking Revenge, Offering Forgiveness." Science and Spirit
December 31, 2007, "Humans May Be Hard Wired to Have a Soft Spot." Los Angeles Times
November 2007, "Denial Makes the World Go Round." New York Times
November 2007, "Gratitude Attitude: Counting Your Blessings Can Make You Happier." Miami Herald
October 2007, "The New Science of Thank You." Reader's Digest
August 2007, "Revenge: Why turn the other cheek when swift, clean vengeance can be yours?" Details
***(This is my first experience of being quoted--and misquoted--in a men's fashion magazine. The feeling is indescribable).***
Summer 2007, "Stumbing Toward Gratitude," Greater Good
August 19, 2007, "Revenge by Gadget" The Wall Street Journal
March 4, 2007, Gratitude helps people get off the Hedonic Treadmill The Guardian
February 13, 2007, Hear Mike on "The Infinite Mind" discussing the role of gratitude in satisfaction with life
February 3, 2007, "Expert to Talk About Counting Blessings, Being Happier" Dallas Morning News
January 7, 2007, "Why Our Hero Leapt Onto the Tracks and We Might Not," New York Times
July 2005, Rational Life Choices Guide People's Religiousness Over Time APA Monitor
March 31, 2005, Hear Mike on "Talk of the Nation", on the topic of Petty Revenge
January 9, 2005, "Power to Uplift," Time Magazine
August 9, 2004, Hear Mike on "Voices in the Family" on the topic of Revenge
July 27, 2004, "Payback Time: Why Revenge Tastes So Sweet" New York Times
March 10, 2003, "Counting Blessings is Healthful," Washington Post
December 24, 2002, "Grateful Attitude Can Make All the Difference," Miami Herald
June 4, 2000, "Thank God for Your Good Health," London Sunday Times