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Quod sum, eris.
[What I am, you will be.]
Roman Tomb Inscription
Three Hundred and Ten Advantages of Being Dead
Loosely Associated Files
- Ruminations on Halloween (link)
- List of Advantages of Being Dead (This page)
- Background Essay on Día de Muertos (link)
- Ethnographic Photos: Día de Muertos in Oaxaca (link) (several pages)
- Ethnographic Description: San Andrés Mixquic 1997 (link)
There are certain advantages to being dead:
- People tell each other not to speak ill of you.
- There is no need to wash the dishes.
- Doctors don’t tell you to eat less and exercise more.
- Banks don’t ask you to sign up for yet more credit cards.
- No one tries to take your place in line.
- There are no midterms, pop quizzes, finals, or placement exams.
- Cell phone companies don’t try to get you to sign long-term contracts with hidden charges.
- Cats don’t expect you to feed them.
- You have no responsibility to change the air filter, the diapers, the tires, or the litter box.
- It doesn’t matter if you forgot to buy eggs.
- Calories don’t make you fat.
- Nobody schedules meetings, classes, or medical appointments before breakfast.
- You can be as politically incorrect as you please.
- There is no need to hold it in if you feel a need to cough, sneeze, burp, or fart.
- Nobody sends you unsigned valentines.
- You can quit saying hail-marys and still count as Catholic.
- Nobody expects you to write letters, reports, memos, checks, or termpapers. Nobody tells you to present oral reports, or deliver PowerPoint presentations.
- Nothing itches.
- Department stores don’t direct “back to school” ads at you in June or Christmas ads in September.
- People don’t boast to you about how vegan they are.
- You can stop making payments on your student loans.
- You no longer bash your head on hanging flowerpots, open cabinet doors, low lintels, tree branches, or chandeliers.
- Teenage Nigerian con artists don’t send Email asking for your bank information because they are sexy prostitutes wanting to have affairs, or because you have won a lottery, or because they are rich widows of deposed dictators seeking to split the loot you will launder for them.
- You don’t have to watch training videos.
- Nobody asks to see your ticket, press pass, membership card, security clearance, hand-stamp, hall pass, passport, or photo ID.
- Track coaches don’t tell you to get the lead out of your ass.
- Your father doesn’t order you to major in engineering.
- You don’t worry about being cool.
- Nobody says to you, “Stop! How many times do I have to tell you?”
- You are excused from jury duty.
- You don’t mind waiting for tradesmen.
- Other drivers don’t cut you off, slow down in front of you, pass you on the wrong side, or try prevent you from changing lanes.
- You don’t care about being raped, mugged, lynched, or fed to crocodiles.
- You don’t need to look up your symptoms on-line.
- You don’t have to fly Frontier Airlines.
- You don’t care about credit card fees, loyalty points, or identity theft.
- It makes no difference if your phone, tablet, or laptop won’t hold a charge.
- People don’t keep the cookies on a high shelf to keep you from reaching them.
- It doesn’t matter whether there is a grease spot on your shirt.
- You don’t give a damn what the stock market is doing.
- You don’t have to hear rap music, listen to neighbors’ political opinions, or read freshman compositions.
- You don’t care what’s rattling behind the dashboard.
- Even the alumni society eventually gives up asking for contributions.
- Nobody tells you to change your log-in and password.
- You don’t lose chess games to your computer.
- You don’t get pimples any more.
- You don’t give a damn about congested traffic.
- You don’t have to spend time looking for a parking space.
- People stop trying to sell you life insurance.
- It doesn’t matter where you put the car keys.
- You don’t have to give up your bus seat to old people.
- Nobody cares about your fly being zipped, your knowing Latin, or your being on time.
- There is no risk of falling off the roof, stumbling as you cross the stage, or sneezing into the salad bar.
- No one tries to teach you trigonometry or the fox trot or never to pick your nose in public.
- They don’t do proctoscopies on you any more.
- The U.S. government doesn’t threaten to waterboard you.
- Domestic animals don’t climb in bed with you.
- You don’t have to see your social worker, hearing board, or parole officer ever again.
- Nobody expects you to memorize stuff.

- Professors don’t keep urging you to attend their office hours.
- You don’t have to wait in your office hours and have no students show up.
- No coach, spouse, physician, phone app, or smart watch tells you to get more exercise.
- There is no homework.
- Elderly women don’t keep dumping their food onto your plate to show that they don’t eat much.
- Mosquitoes have no interest in you.
- You don’t risk running out of toilet paper.
- You are untroubled by neo-Nazis, post-modernists, flat-earthers, astrologers, Trumpists, and other ideological flotsam.
- You do not have to deal with phone trees or robots that say your call is important to them.
- Nobody cares if you can’t tell an Emmenthal from a Gruyère or a merlot from a malbec.
- Old people don’t tell you about their aches and pains.
- You don’t need a new prescription for your glasses.
- The cat doesn’t expect you to let it in/out.
- Nobody tells you not to suck your thumb, pick your nose, or chew with your mouth open.
- You needn’t know about the binomial theorem or why Heliogabalus lost his head.
- You have no risk of becoming pregnant.
- “Peaceful” protesters don’t try to kill you.
- Even if you’re a dog, people don’t expect you to chase balls and sticks.
- You are not the target of car commercials, political campaign ads, or public broadcasting membership drives.

- No one expects you to practice the piano.
- Neighbors don’t complain about your noisy parties.
- You don’t care which side of the plate the fork goes on.
- Geeky idiots don’t spam your telephone or Email account.
- You don’t have to go to band practice, Hebrew School, weekend Mandarin classes, or YMCA camp.
- Nobody says you have to finish your vegetables before you can have dessert.
- Your spouse doesn’t mutter darkly every time you want to buy something.
- Ironing your clothes is unnecessary.
- It doesn’t make any difference that you haven’t read War and Peace, Moby Dick, Ulysses, or the Encyclopedia Britannica.

- You are free to forget holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and famous dates in history.
- Dogs, cats, bargirls, and grandchildren don’t try to climb in your lap.
- You don’t have to pack suitcases, fold shirts, or sort socks.
- Nobody asks you what you want to be when you grow up.
- You can ignore the rules devised by the neighborhood association, residents’ committee, housing office, or board of governors.
- It doesn’t matter if the bus comes late.
- You don’t have to participate in an experiment as a condition of passing your psych class.
- Nobody throws baby food at you.
- Door-to-door missionaries leave you alone. So do Amway ladies, brush salesmen, and kids selling magazines trying to pretend they are not selling magazines.
- Your mother doesn’t push you to pick a college major based on how much money she thinks it will make.
- It is easy to ignore medical quacks, racetrack tipsters, and all politicians.
- Street preachers don’t bother to tell you that you are going to hell.

- It’s somebody else’s problem if the roof leaks, or the sewer backs up, or the dog rolls in dung.
- There is no need to reboot your computer.
- You cease to be offended by foul smells.
- You don’t have to get bubble gum out of anybody’s hair.
- You don’t care about disaster preparation.
- People don’t try to feed you cilantro or horseradish or to read you “poetry” that doesn’t rhyme.
- Nobody envies you because of the space you’re in.
- You don’t give a damn about a snarky critic giving you a bad review.
- You will never again have to walk through the Frankfort airport or have an overnight layover in Detroit.
- You can quit worrying about what to do with old issues of National Geographic.
- It is unnecessary to get up early to get to work on time.
- Labor unions don’t try to organize you.
- You don’t have to answer your critics.
- People don’t expect you to lend them money.
- People don’t tell you to quit smoking.
- You cease to care if people give your kids that make lots of noise or have lots of pieces.
- Terrorists don’t imagine that blowing you up will get them into paradise.
- You don’t need to Google anything, fax anything, scan anything, photoshop anything, or muck with PDFs.
- There are no early morning fire drills.
- Losing your contact lenses is not a problem.
- People don’t tell you to slow down.
- The teacher doesn’t send you to the principal’s office.
- There is no need to worry about the weather.
- Agitated demonstrators don’t hold rallies against you.
- Teenagers don’t complain that you don’t understand them.
- Matchmakers don’t try to force you into marriage (at least in most countries).
- Nobody expects you to to do a waltz, polka, foxtrot, square dance, or minuet.
- Lawyers see little profit in suing you.

- You can stop applying for research grants or dealing with research review boards.
- You don’t need to wash the car or get it fixed.
- If you happen to be a dog, you can stop worrying about fleas, ticks, and choke collars.
- You don’t care what reviewers say about your books.
- You don’t have to go through any job interviews.
- Kids don’t expect Halloween candy from you.
- No one cares whether you keep kosher.
- You don’t have to make up snow days.
- Nobody expects you to remember the trigonometry, American history, or Spanish that you studied in high school.
- You don’t have to register for the draft, walk the dog, sort the laundry, or take the garbage out.
- Unknown people don’t try to “friend” you on Facebook.
- You don’t care how much noise people make.
- No one phones you during dinner or when you’re on the pot.
- You don’t have to spend time commuting to work.
- Nobody asks if you are old enough to drink, drive, or see rated-X movies.

- Nobody says what a cute/ugly little kid you are.
- You don’t need to floss.
- You don’t have sing the national anthem or listen to it sung by a bad pop star.
- Crazed fanatics don’t declare jihads against you.
- You don’t worry about falling asleep in class.
- Nobody talks about Habermas, Bordieu, Foucault, Gramsci, or Derida.
- It makes no difference whether you ever learned to swim.
- An evil fairy won’t appear at your birth and curse you to sleep for 100 years starting on your 15th birthday.
- Nobody puts you on probation.
- You don’t have to figure out where you left your car or your grocery cart.
- You are free of Google Chat, Microsoft Teams, Facebook likes, Facebook ads, and Twitter tweets.
- There is no need to drive on crowded freeways.
- You don’t have to go to gym class.
- Old ladies do not tell you to carry a sweater “just in case it gets cold at night.”
- You are unperturbed by jars that won’t open, programs that won’t run, and kids who won’t listen.
- People aren’t offended if you can’t remember their names.
- People don’t knock at the door when you are on the toilet.
- Nobody yells at you for being out after curfew.
- Your back doesn’t hurt. Neither do your feet.
- Parents don’t tell you to eat yucky stuff so you can grow big and strong.
- You can ignore operating system upgrades.
- Nobody asks if you’re “seeing someone.”
- Hong Kong touts (eventually) quit trying to sell you fake Rolexes.
- People don’t speak to you in baby talk.
- Librarians don’t reprimand you for making too much noise.
- Nobody cares if you’re ugly.
- If you speak up, people pay attention.
- Pushy strangers don’t butt in front of you in line.
- Real estate salesmen don’t try to sell you useless land in the desert.
- Rush hour doesn’t slow you down.
- Indian accents are no more obscure than any other kind.
- You don’t give a damn how much they charge for a seat at the opera.
- You don’t have to remember the code for the copy machine, your Microsoft password, or where you left your grocery cart.
- Crackpots don’t try to explain to you how they alone understand the mysteries of past civilizations.
- You no longer need to get a divorce.
- You don’t have to be a designated driver or default baby sitter.
- You don’t get appointed to committees.
- People in Beijing, Paris, and New York don’t expect you to pay extra attention to them.
- You don’t care if the toilet paper has run out.
- You can ignore instructions from the flight crew.
- People stop trying to persuade you that cryptocurrency makes sense.
- Students don’t ask you to raise their grade.
- Computers don’t address you by your first name.
- Your mother doesn’t expect you to grow up to be a genius.
- You don’t have to look at nag boxes or pop-up windows.
- You don’t have to calculate how much income tax you owe.
- Sending Christmas cards is unnecessary and would only alarm people.
- Previous sexual partners don’t try to attach your wages.
- Your kids don’t pester you to buy them expensive electronics.

- They don’t hold up the poker game because you are late.
- You don’t have to pick strawberries, clean fish, or pluck chickens.
- Nobody tells you not to wear stripes and plaids together
- Gushy old ladies don’t expect you to kiss them.
- There are no mammograms, pap smears, or prostate exams.
- Nobody tells you to lose weight, sit up straight, or lay off the gin.
- You don’t need to ask anybody for a letter of recommendation.
- You don’t have to take out the garbage, or unload the dish washer.
- You don’t have to give up anything for Lent.
- You don’t have to reset clocks to accommodate daylight-saving time.
- Nobody bullyrags you about donating your car to support public broadcasting.
- You don’t need to think about Apple, Google, or Microsoft ever again, and malign techies stop telling you to switch to Linux.
- People stop asking your opinion about things they have already made up their minds about.
- Sunburn doesn’t lead to skin cancer.
- Nobody tells you to keep the line moving.
- You don’t worry about having to lose weight.
- Mobile phone companies don’t try to confuse you about their data rates.
- You don’t have to attend training sessions about ethnic sensitivity, sexual harassment, lab safety, intellectual integrity, retirement options, alternative health plans, or conflict of interest regulations.
- You don’t give a damn if your identity is stolen.
- Nobody expects you to spend Christmas with in-laws.
- Your mommy doesn’t scold you for wetting the bed, and you don’t have to be the mommy who cleans up after a kid who wets the bed.
- The government doesn’t draft you, tax you, or put you on juries, and in many countries it takes care of casting your vote for you.
- It’s hard for repairmen to cheat you.
- It’s not your responsibility to walk the dog and you don’t care how much it slobbers, barks, whines, wees, or chews on the furniture.
- You don’t need any more vaccinations, skin biopsies, or colonoscopies.
- The fork can go on either side of the plate.
- The post office doesn’t deliver bills or junk mail.
- There are no more multiple-choice tests.
- You don’t need to understand the new accounting software.
- Nobody cares if your driver’s license has expired.
- You don’t snore in church or cough in concerts.
- Excessive drinking doesn’t lead to passing out, hangovers, or ill-advised tattoos.
- Words can be spelled any way you want.
- Nobody drags you to karaoke bars.
- You are immune to computer viruses.
- You don’t have to juggle conflicting appointments.
- You don’t worry much about global warming.
- You’re done with iceberg lettuce once and for all.
- You don’t have to fill out forms.
- You don’t have to rake leaves, shovel snow, pull weeds, pick strawberries, or mow the lawn.
- You don’t have to memorize poems for English class or learn lines for the school play.
- Nobody expects you to be a bird watcher, rock hound, or sports fan.

- You lose your fear of heights.
- Nobody expects you to remember an account number.
- You don’t have to dispose of hairballs, man a pooper-scooper, or clean up spilled stuff.
- Nobody urges you to live a little.
- People stop telling you what you ought (not) to read.
- Cholesterol is irrelevant.
- You are really convincing if you walk around as a zombie on Halloween.
- You don’t have to worry about the oatmeal boiling over.
- It doesn’t matter that the clock in the car is always slightly off.
- Belly dancers, hypnotists, and cheap comedians don’t try to pull you onto the stage with them.
- You don’t have to figure out how to turn the closed-captioning on or off.
- Nobody worries about whether your teeth are your own.
- You don’t have to get permission for anything from your mother, your supervisor, your spouse, your parole officer, or your Primary Care Physician.
- People give up on trying to get you to declare a different college major.
- You are at peace with crab grass and garden snails. (Gophers not so much.)
- You have really high sales resistance.
- You don’t need to worry about posting bond.
- You don’t have to save for retirement.
- You don’t have to bus your own dishes.
- Student activists don’t march on your office.
- You don’t have to worry about where to put things.
- You don’t have diarrhea, constipation, or coughing fits.
- The insurance company stops raising your deductible.
- You don’t give a damn about the damage inflicted on the world by populist proto-dictators like Vladimir Putin, Benyamin Netanyahu, Tayyip Erdoğan, Jair Bolsonaro, Viktor Orban, Narendra Modri, or The Idiot Trump.
- Flies and archaeologists think you are fascinating.
- There is no risk of dropping the cafeteria tray, the collection plate, the communion chalice, the Torah scroll, or the baby.
- There is no reason to care whether Macs and PCs are incompatible.
- You don’t have to herd cattle, slop pigs, muck stalls, break horses, gut fish, or sex chicks.

- Aging gold-diggers lose interest in marrying you.
- People give up trying to potty-train you.
- European philosophers won’t be on any exams.
- Your Russian teacher doesn’t make you sing.
- The telephone doesn’t ring before you wake up or just as you are going out.
- It doesn’t matter if you split infinitives.
- You quit caring whether people mix up “may” and “might” or “affect” and “effect” or “went” and “gone.”
- Pompous but insecure people don’t try to bully you into saying you agree with them.
- Bran and wheat germ are irrelevant.
- You don’t need to reset the clocks for Daylight Savings Time.
- Mariachi bands, belly dancers, and gypsy violinists don’t expect you to tip them.
- It stops making any difference that the Republican Party has fallen into the hands of jackasses.
- You never have to use anybody’s voice mail, navigate anybody’s phone tree, or listen to anybody’s elevator music.
- You don’t need to distinguish between running shoes and walking shoes.
- You don’t have to sit at the children’s table.
- You can be certain that you won’t slip and fall in the middle of a jété, temps levé, or pas de chat.
- Freudian theory doesn’t apply.
- They don’t send you to prison no matter what you do.
- Nothing makes you cough, sneeze, or break out in bumps.
- It doesn’t matter whether the discount coupon has expired or not.
- You don’t have to put up or take down storm windows, change the furnace filter, or clean out the septic tank.
- There is no need to make the bed.
- Tuneless music, ostentatious prose, and hideous architecture don’t bother you.
- Nobody says you talk too much.
- It doesn’t matter how wide your tie is
- You stop noticing people’s English errors.
- People stop calling you a young whippersnapper or a senile old fart.
- The President doesn’t send you to be killed in a foreign war that Congress never declared.
- The office of Human Resources doesn’t try to meet Affirmative Action quotas by keeping “statistics” about your age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, or sexual orientation.
- You can ignore all alarm clocks.
- Elderly women don’t keep telling you not to drive so fast or pull in front of you so they can force you to drive very very slowly.
- Nobody tells you that it’s past your bed time.

- Doctors don’t tell you to drink less, floss more, or wear sun screen.
- It doesn’t matter if you can’t find your glasses.
- Cleaning ladies, garbage collectors, and construction trucks don’t come early in the morning in order to wake you up prematurely.
- Russian prostitutes don’t try to proposition you on Skype.
- You don’t get birthday cards teasing you about your age.
- People don’t tell you that you are full of promise.
- Nobody expects you to make an impromptu speech.
- People don’t come to the door to serve warrants, ask for your vote, or give you copies of The Watchtower.
- You have no risk of being sent to the principal’s office.
- Financial advisers stop trying to help you plan for retirement.
- Old people don’t say, “Oh, how you’ve grown!”

- It’s okay if the plumbing doesn’t work.
- Nobody tells you to shut up.
- You don’t give a damn how the election turns out.
- Wailing children and/or howling animals don’t waken you in the night.
- You aren’t allergic to anything.
- You are a whole lot more gothic than people who are alive.
- You don’t have to worry about dying.
A really big DIS-advantage of being dead is the prevalence of incredibly tacky, faded plastic flowers.
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All photos by DKJ