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The Jade Guidebook

The Third Court

photo by DKJ

The Third Court
The Realm of Lord Sòng Dì
第三殿 宋帝王

Dì-Sān Diàn Sòng Dì Wáng

第三殿 宋帝王
His Infernal Majesty Sòng Dì reigns at the bottom of the great Ocean, away to the south-east, below the Wòjiāo rock, in the Hell of Black Ropes. 宋帝王,主掌大海之底,东南沃燋石下的黑绳大地狱。

Sòng Dì wáng, zhǔzhǎng dàhǎi zhī dǐ, dōngnán Wòjiāoshí xiàde hēi shéng dà dìyù.

This Hall is eight thousand miles wide, and is subdivided into sixteen dungeons, as follows: 此地狱宽广八千里(五百由旬),也令设十六小地狱;

cǐdì yù kuānguǎng bāqiān lǐ (wǔbǎi yóu xún), yě lìng shè shíliù xiǎo dìyù;



1. The Dungeon of Salts 一名咸卤小地狱;

Yī Míng Xián Lǔ Xiǎo Dìyù;

2. The Dungeon of Nooses and Fetters 二名麻缳枷纽小地狱;

Èr Míng Má Huán Jiā Niǔ Xiǎo Dìyù;

3. The Dungeon Where Ribs Are Pierced 三名穿肋小地狱;

Sān Míng Chuān Lè Xiǎo Dìyù;

4. The Dungeon where Faces Are Scraped With Copper and Iron 四名铜铁刮脸小地狱;

Sì Míng Tóng Tiě Guāliǎn Xiǎo Dìyù;

5. The Dungeon Where Fat Is Scraped From the Body 五名刮脂小地狱;

Wǔ Míng Guā Zhī Xiǎo Dìyù;

6. The Dungeon of Pincers to Squeeze Hearts and Livers 六名钳挤心肝小地狱;

Liù Míng Qián Jǐ Xīngān Xiǎo Dìyù;

7. The Dungeon of Eye Gouging 七名挖眼小地狱;

Qī Míng Wā Yǎn Xiǎo Dìyù;

8. The Dungeon of Flaying 八名铲皮小地狱;

Bā Míng Chǎn Pí Xiǎo Dìyù;

9. The Dungeon Where Feet Are Cut Off 九名刖足小地狱;

Jiǔ Míng Yuè Zú Xiǎo Dìyù;

10. The Dungeon Where Fingernails and Toenails are Pulled Out 十名拔手脚甲小地狱;

Shí Míng Bá Shǒujiǎo Jiǎ Xiǎo Dìyù;

11. The Dungeon for Sucking Blood 十一名吸血小地狱;

Shíyī Míng Xīxuè Xiǎo Dìyù;

12. The Dungeon For Hanging People Upside Down 十二名倒吊小地狱;

Shí'èr Míng Dǎo Diào Xiǎo Dìyù;

13. The Dungeon Where Shoulder Bones are Split 十三名分髃小地狱;

Shísān Míng Fēn Yú Xiǎo Dìyù;

14. The Dungeon of Insects and Reptiles 十四名蛆蛀小地狱;

Shísì Míng Qū Zhù Xiǎo Dìyù;

15. The Dungeon for Beating Knees 十五名击膝小地狱;

Shíwǔ Míng Jī Xī Xiǎo Dìyù;

16. The Dungeon for Scratching Hearts 十五名割心小地狱;

Shíwǔ Míng Gē Xīn Xiǎo Dìyù;


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photo by DKJ


The kinds of people who are handled here are those who when alive committed the following crimes: 如在阳世时,曾犯以下罪恶:

Rú zài yángshì shí, céng fàn yǐxià zuì'è:

1. Those who do not reflect upon the Imperial bounty, or its importance in life, 不认为领袖、主管的恩德最大,人的生命最重要,

Bù rènwéi lǐngxiù, zhǔguǎn de ēndé zuìdà, rén de shēngmìng zuì zhòngyào,

or those who are officials or have high position but are unfaithful and betray or neglect the people's life 当官、有地位之时,对主管不忠诚,存心背叛,不顾恤人的生命。

dāngguān, yǒu dìwèi zhī shí, duì zhǔguǎn bù zhōngchéng, cúnxīn bèipàn, bùgù xù rén de shēngmìng.

2. Officers of State who revel in large emoluments without reciprocating their sovereign's goodness, and who love neither the nation nor the people; 执行公务的人见了利益,就忘了道义,缺乏爱国、爱民之心。

Zhíxíng gōngwù de rén jiàn le lìyì, jiù wàng le dàoyì, quēfá àiguó, ài mín zhī xīn.

3. Husbands who do not behave with righteousness; 身为丈夫的人,不行道义;

Shēnwéi zhàngfu de rén, bùxíng dàoyì;

and wives who engage in cuckoldry or are not meek and obedient; 身为妻子的,言行不柔顺。

shēnwéi qīzi de, yán xíng bù róu shùn.

4.Sons who have been brought up over a long period, 身为养子,受长期养育的恩惠;

Shēnwéi yǎngzǐ, shòu chángqī yǎngyù de ēnhuì;

and reap what advantages there are and then go off to their own homes; 等得到财产,立即忘恩负义,回到生父生母身边的人。

děng dédào cáichǎn, lìjí wàng'ēn fùyì, huídào shēngfù shēngmǔ shēnbiān de rén.

5. Servants who are ungrateful to their trusting masters or betray them; 佣人,或受人之托办事,却辜负、背叛。

Yōngrén, huò shòurénzhītuō bànshì, què gūfù, bèipàn.

6. Official underlings who betray their superiors; 职员或基层士官兵,背叛主管或长官。

Zhíyuán huò jīcéng shìguān bīng, bèipàn zhǔ guǎn huò zhǎngguān.

7. Working partners who defraud their colleagues; 为业主办事,却伙同同事诈财。

Wéiyè zhǔbàn shì, què huǒtóng tóngshì zhàcái.

8. Culprits who are committed to prison but sneak away, 犯罪入狱,却越狱潜逃。

Fànzuì rùyù, què yuèyù qiántáo.

or who escape their guard while being transferred, bringing trouble to family and guards alike; 或者因罪押解他方,中途逃走,因为押运的官兵曾经具名连保,以致连累了这些官差的亲属。

huòzhě yīn zuì yājiè tāfāng, zhōngtú táozǒu, yīnwèi yāyùn de guānbīng céngjīng jùmíng liánbǎo, yǐzhì liánlěi le zhè xiē guānchāi de qīnshǔ.

and who even after a long time have not repented and made up the victim's loss, 经过长远的时间,未向事主忏悔,弥补其损失。

jīngguò chángyuǎn de shíjiān, wèi xiàng shìzhǔ chànhuǐ, míbǔ qí sǔnshī.

all such, even though they have off-setting good deeds, must pass through the misery of every dungeon. 虽然事后多做善事,仍然发入地狱,受诸重苦之刑。

suīrán shìhòu duō zuò shànshì, réngrán fā rùdì yù, shòu zhū zhòng kǔ zhī xíng.

9. Those who interfere with other people's fēngshuǐ, obstructing funeral processions and burials 为了讲究风水的年运,以致阻止丧家出殡,埋葬;

Wèile jiǎngjiu fēngshuǐ de nián yùn, yǐzhì zǔzhǐ sàngjiā chūbìn, máizàng;

and preventing the peaceful burial of the dead; 令亡者不得入地为安。

lìng wángzhě bude rùdì wéi ān.

10. those who, in digging in a field, come on a coffin and do not immediately cover it up or move it to another grave site, but do damage to the bones; 造田挖土时,看见地下埋有别人的棺梈或尸骨,却不马上停止,换另外的龙穴,以致伤损他人的尸骨。

zàotián wātǔ shí, kànjian dìxia mái yǒubié rén de guān梈 huò shīgǔ, què bù mǎshàng tíngzhǐ, huàn lìngwài de lóngxué, yǐzhì shāngsǔn tārén de shī gǔ.

11. those who steal when in charge of supplies, or who fail to record grain or money taken in; 为人管事,私自偷窃,漏列金钱、粮食,占人便宜。

wéirén guǎnshì, sīzì tōuqiè, lòu liè jīnqián, liángshi, zhàn rénbiàn yí.

12. those who lose all record of the site of their family burying-place; 祖先的墓地不去祭扫,久而遗失踪迹。

zǔxiān de mùdì bù qù jìsǎo, jiǔ ér yíshī zōngjī.

13. those who incite others to commit crimes 引诱他人犯法;

yǐnyòu tārén fànfǎ;

or who cause disputes, or mendaciously encourage others to go to law and thus injure them 挑拨是非,制造纠纷,欺骗人打官司,伤人和气。

tiǎobōshìfēi, zhìzào jiūfēn, qīpiàn rén dǎguānsi, shāngrén héqi.

14. those who write anonymous letters to sully others; 写匿名信污蔑别人。

xiě nìmíngxìn wūmiè biéren.

15. those who write anonymous placards and essays to damage the reputations of others; 乱写公告、文章,毁损别人的名誉。

luànxiě gōnggào, wénzhāng, huǐsǔn biéren de míngyù.

16. those who fabricate evidence by which to help someone repudiate a betrothal; 捏造退婚的字据,以帮人解除婚约。

niēzào tuìhūn de zìjù, yǐ bāngrén jiěchú hūnyuē.

17. those who forge deeds, contracts, bonds, and other documents to swindle money from others; 伪造契约,来往书信,以诈取别人的钱、债券。

wěizào qìyuē, láiwǎng shūxìn, yǐ zhàqǔ biéren de qián, zhàiquàn.

18. those who receive payment of a debt without signing a receipt or giving up the IOU 本未加注名,也未签名,

běn wèi jiāzhù míng, yě wèi qiānmíng,

or who counterfeit signatures or falsely have seals cut in the names of others or deliberately falsify accounts, victimizing those who come afterward 随便套描别人的签名样式,伪刻别人的印章。目的用以添加、删改帐目,让后人受害。

suíbiàn tào miáo biéren de qiānmíng yàngshì, wěi kè biéren de yìnzhāng. Mùdì yòngyǐ tiānjiā, shāngǎi zhàngmù, ràng hòurén shòuhài.

隨便套描別人的簽名樣式,僞刻別人的印章。 目的用以添加、删改帳目,讓後人受害。
— for all these, and similar offenders, according to the gravity of each offence, 以上事件有违反的,查对事情的轻重,

Yǐshàng shìjiàn yǒuwéi fǎn de, cháduì shìqing de qīngzhòng,

there shall come devils with big knives who will seize the erring ones and thrust them into the great hell; 派大力鬼先推入大地狱受苦。

pài dàlì guǐ xiān tuī rù dà dìyù shòukǔ.

besides which, they shall also expiate their sins in the proper dungeons, 另外再依所犯事情之类别,配入小地狱受苦。

lìngwài zài yī suǒ fànshì qíng zhīlèi bié, pèi rù xiǎo dìyù shòukǔ.

When they have done their time, they shall then he forwarded to the Fourth Court, where they shall be tortured and dismissed to the general Hell. 受刑期满,再转解第四殿,加重刑罚,收入地狱。

Shòuxíng qīmǎn, zài zhuǎnjiè dì sì diàn, jiāzhòng xíngfá, shōurù dìyù.

photo by DKJ


O you still in the human world, on the 8th day of the 2nd moon, register an oath that you will do no evil. 世人假若能于二月初八日,发誓立愿禁戒永远不再违反。

Shìrén jiǎruò néng yú èr yuè chū bā rì, fāshì lìyuàn jìnjiè yǒngyuǎn bùzài wéifǎn.

Then after death you may enter a happier place, and escape the bitterness of these hells. 死后就准许转发别的福地,不用进地狱受苦。

sǐhòu jiù zhǔnxǔ zhuǎnfā biéde fúdì, bùyòng jìn dìyù shòukǔ.


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