Selected publications


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UCSD Anthropology Department  





Header image John B. Haviland  
UCSD Anthropology Department  





  Curriculum Vitae




1.  Haviland, John B.  A last look at Cook’s Guugu-Yimidhirr wordlist,” Oceania, Vol. XLIV(3), pp. 216-232.  (1974) 


2.  Haviland, John B.  Gossip, Reputation, and Knowledge in Zinacantan. University of Chicago Press; 266 pages   (1977)  


3.  Haviland, John B.   “Gossip as competition in Zinacantan.” Journal of Communication, 27(1), 186-91.  (1977)


4.  Haviland, John B.    “How to talk to your brother-in-law in Guugu Yimidhirr.” In T. Shopen (ed.), Languages and Their Speakers, Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop. pp. 160-239.  (1979)


5.   Haviland, John B.   “Guugu Yimidhirr.” (PDF of first half here.) (PDF of 2nd half here) In R.M.W. Dixon and B. Blake (eds.), Handbook of Australian Languages, Canberra: ANU Press. pp.27-180.   (1979)


6.   Haviland, John.    “Guugu Yimidhirr Brother-in-law Language.” Language in Society, 8, 365-393.  (1979)


7.  Haviland, Leslie K. and John B. Haviland.    “How much food will there be in heaven? Lutherans and  Aborigines around Cooktown before 1900.”  Aboriginal History IV(part 2), pp. 118-149.  (1980)


8.  Haviland, John B.    Sk’op Sotz’leb; El Tzotzil de San Lorenzo Zinacantán. México, D.F.: Centro de Estudios Mayas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; 383 pp.   (1981)



9.  Haviland, John B.    El problema de la educación bilingüe en el área Tzotzil.” América Indígena, XLII: 147-170.  (1982)



10.  Haviland, John B.   “Kin and country at Wakooka Outstation; an exercise in rich interpretation.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 36, pp. 53-70.   (1982)


11.  Haviland, John B. with Leslie K. Haviland.  “Inside the fence: the social bases of privacy in a Mexican village.” Estudios de Cultura Maya, Vol XIV. pp. 323-352.   (1982)


12.  Haviland, John B. with Leslie K. Haviland.  Privacy in a Mexican Indian village.” Ch. 14, pp. 341-362 in S.I. Benn and J. Gaus, (eds.), Public and Private in Social Life. Croom Helm: London.  (1983)


13.  Haviland, John B.   Keremcita: Speech relations and social relations in highland Chiapas.” Estudios de Cultura Maya, Vol XVI. (1984)


14.  Haviland, John B.   “The Life history of a Speech Community: Guugu Yimidhirr at Hopevale.” (First part in PDF; 2nd part in PDF) Aboriginal History, 9(1985):170-204.  (1985) 


15.  Haviland, John B.    “‘Con buenos chiles’:Talk, targets and teasing in Zinacantán.” Text. Volume 6-3:249-282 .  (1986) 


16.  Haviland, John B.   Las máximas mínimas de la conversación natural de Zinacantán.Anales de Antropología XX(1984):221-256.  (1986)


17.  Haviland, John B.    La Creación del Ritual: La Pascua de 1981 en Nabenchauk.” América Indígena, XLVI(3):453-475.   (1986)


18.  Haviland, John B.  “The politics of ritual and the ritual of politics: Holy Week in Nabenchauk, Mexico.” National Geographic Research, 3(2):164-183. Spring 1987.  (1987) 


19.  Haviland, John B.    Minimal maxims: cooperation and natural conversation in Zinacantán.” Mexican Studies/ Estudios Mexicanos, Vol IV(1), Winter, 1988, pp. 79-114.  (1988)


20.  Haviland, John B.   It’s my own invention: a comparative grammatical sketch of colonial Tzotzil.  Pp. 79-121, and grammatical annotations, in R .M. Laughlin (with John B. Haviland), The Great Tzotzil Dictionary of Santo Domingo Zinacantán, with Grammatical Analysis and Historical Commentary.  Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, No. 31. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988.  (1988)


21.  Laughlin, R. M. with John B. Haviland.   The Great Tzotzil Dictionary of Santo Domingo Zinacantán, with Grammatical Analysis and Historical Commentary.  Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, No. 31. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1988. xiii + 1119 pp (3 vols.).    (1988)

>>IN addition to the grammatical sketch (listed above), I devised and simplified the grammatical formulas which describe each entry, in Vol. I (pp. 1-356).


22.  Haviland, John B.    “They had a great many photographs.”  A translation from the Tzotzil diary of a Zinacantec visitor to Harvard University.  In Gary Gossen and Victoria Bricker (eds.), Ethnographic Encounters in Southern Mesoamerica, Essays in Honor of Evon Zartmann Vogt, Jr., pp. 33-50.  Albany: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, SUNY Albany   (1989)


23.  Haviland, John B.  Sure, sure: evidence and affect.”  Text 9(1) (1989), pp. 27-68, special issue on Discourse and Affect, edited by Elinor Ochs and Bambi Schieffelin.  (1989) 


24.  Haviland, John B.    Paisanos and Chamulitas: speech relations in and around Zinacantán.”  Multilingua 8(4):301-332.  (1989)


25.  Haviland, John B.  “‘We want to borrow your mouth’: Tzotzil marital squabbles.”  Special issue of Anthropological Linguistics 30(3&4):395-447, “Narrative resources for the creation and mediation of conflict,” edited by Charles Briggs.  (1990). REPRINTED as   “‘We want to borrow your mouth.’  Tzotzil marital squabbles.”  in Briggs, Charles L. (ed.), Disorderly Discourse. Pp. 158-203.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.   (1996)


26.  Haviland, John B.   “‘That was the last time I seen them, and no more’; Voices through time in Australian Aboriginal Autobiography.”  American Ethnologist 18(2):331-361.  (1991)


27.  Haviland, John B.  “‘Seated and settled.’  Tzotzil verbs of the body.”  In de León, L. and S. Levinson (eds.), Space in Mesoamerican Languages, special issue of Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, 45(6):543-561.  Berlin: Akademie Verlag.  (1992)


27b. Haviland, John B. “The grammaticalization of motion (and time) in Tzotzil.”  Working paper #2, Cognitive Anthropology Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.  (Originally presented at the workshop “Space, Time, and the Lexicon,” Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Nov. 8, 1990

28.  Haviland, John B.  .  “Flowers for a price.”  In Dennis Breedlove and Robert M. Laughlin, The Flowering of Man: A Tzotzil Botany of Zinacantán, Vol. I, pp. 77-100.  Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.  (1993).  

          Reprinted In Abridged Edition, pg. 77-100.  (2000)


29..  Haviland, John B.  “Anchoring, iconicity, and orientation in Guugu Yimidhirr pointing gestures.”  Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Vol. III(1), pp. 3-45.  (1993)


30. Haviland, John B.    “Lenguaje ritual sin ritual.”  Estudios de Cultura Maya, Vol. XIX, pp. 427-442.   (1994 [1992])


31.   Haviland, John B.     Te xa setel xulem (The buzzards were circling): Categories of verbal roots in (Zinacantec) Tzotzil.  Linguistics 32(1994), pp. 691-741.  (1994)


32.   LEVINSON, STEPHEN C. and HAVILAND, JOHN B. (eds). "Introduction: Spatial conceptualization in Mayan languages" , vol. 32, no. 4-5, 1994, pp. 613-622. 


33.  Haviland, John B.  “Verbs and shapes in (Zinacantec) Tzotzil: the case of ‘insert’.”  Función 15-16(1994):83-117.  (1994)


34.  Haviland, John B.  Text from Talk in Tzotzil.  In Silverstein, M. and Greg Urban (eds.), Natural Histories of Discourse.  Pp. 45-78.  Univ. of Chicago Press.  (1996)


35.  Haviland, John B.  Projections, transpositions, and relativity.  In Gumperz, J.J. & Levinson, S.C. (eds.), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity.  Pp. 271-323.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  (1996) 


36.  Haviland, John B.    “Owners vs. bubu gujin:  Land rights and getting the language right in Guugu Yimithirr country.”  Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 6(2):145-160.  (1997)


37.  Haviland, John B.  “Shouts, shrieks, and shots: unruly political conversations in indigenous Chiapas.” Pragmatics 7(4):547-573, Special issue on conflict and violence in pragmatic research, edited by Charles Briggs.  (1997)


38.  Haviland, John B.  “Guugu Yimithirr Cardinal Directions.”  Ethos 26(1) (March 1998), pp. 25-47.  (1998) 


39.  Haviland, John B.    Mu`nuk jbankil to, mu`nuk kajvaltik:  “He is not my older brother, he is not Our Lord.”  Thirty years of gossip in a Chiapas village.” Etnofoor 11(2/2), pp. 57-82.  (1998)


40.  Haviland, John B with Roger Hart.  Old Man Fog and the Last Aborigines of Barrow Point.  Illustrated by the late Tulo Gordon.  Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press; 226 pages.  (1998)  [out of print, searchable PDF version can be consulted here]


41.  Haviland, John B.    “Lengua, ley, y antropología en Queensland (¿y en Chiapas?).”  In Vargas-Cetina, Gabriela (coord.), Mirando. . . ¿Hacia Afuera? Experiencias de investigación.  Mexico, D.F.: CIESAS. Pp. 141-168.  (1999)


42.  Haviland, John B.    Early pointing gestures in Zinacantán.  Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 8(2), pp. 162-196.  (2000)


43.  Haviland, John B.   Warding off witches: voicing and dialogue in Zinacantec prayer.”  In Les rituels du dialogue, promenades ethnolinguistiques en terres amérindiennes.  Aurore Monod-Becquelin & Philippe Erikson (eds.)  Pp. 367-400.  Nanterre: Société d’ethnologie.   (2000)


44. Haviland, John B.     Pointing, gesture spaces, and mental maps.”  In Language and Gesture: Window into Thought and Action, David McNeill, editor.  Pp. 13-46.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   (2000)


45.  Haviland, John B.   La invención de la costumbre: el diálogo entre el derecho zinacanteco y el ladino durante seis décadas.  Costumbres, leyes, y movimiento indio en Oaxaca y Chiapas, Lourdes de León, coordinadora.  P.p. 171-188.  México D.F.: CIESAS/Porrúa.   (2001)


46.  Haviland, John B.    Evidential mastery.  CLS 38-2, The Panels, pp. 349-368.  Edited by Mary Andronis, Erin Debenport, Anne Pycha & Keiko Yoshimura.  Chicago:CLS.  (2002 [publ. 2004]


47.  Haviland, John B.    How to point in Zinacantán.  In Sotaro Kita (ed.), Pointing: Where Language, Culture, and Cognition Meet.  Pp. 139-170.  Mahwah, N.J. & London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (2003)


48.  Haviland, John B.    Dangerous places in Zinacantán.”  In Alain BRETON, Aurore MONOD BECQUELIN y Mario H. RUZ (editores).  Espacios mayas: usos, representaciones, creencias. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Centro de Estudios Mayas) / Centro Francés de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos, pp. 383-428.  (2003)


49.  Haviland, John B.  Ideologies of Language: Some Reflections on Language and U.S. Law.”  American Anthropologist  105(4):764-774.  (2003)


50  Haviland, John B.    "Gesture." In A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology. Edited by Alessandro Duranti. Pp. 197-221. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. (2004)


51.  Haviland, John B.  .  Mayan master speakers—the Archive of the indigenous languages of Chiapas.” Collegium Antropologicum. 28 Suppl. 1 (2004), pp. 229-239.  (2004)


52.          Haviland, John B.  Indians, languages, and linguistic accommodation in modern Chiapas, Mexico.  IN Standardvariationen und Sprachauffassungen in verschiedenen Sprachkulturen | Standard Variations and Conceptions of Language in Various Language Cultures, edited by Rudolf Muhr. Pp. 285-310  (2005). 

           (An electronic version in an internet journal:  Trans: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 15(6), Internet URL .  (2004))


53.   Haviland, John B. 2005.   Whorish Old Man” and “One (Animal) Gentleman”: The Intertextual Construction of Enemies and Selves.  Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp. 81–94.   (In Press)


54.  Haviland, John B. 2005.   Dreams of blood: Zinacantecs in Oregon.  In Dislocations/Relocations: Narratives of Displacement, Mike Baynham & Anna de Fina (eds.)  pp. 91-127.  Manchester, UK ; Northampton, MA: St. Jerome Pub.


55. Haviland, John B. 2005.  “Directional Precision in Zinacantec Deictic Gestures: (cognitive?) preconditions of talk about space.”  Intellectica, 2005/2-3, 41-42, pp. 25-54. 2005.


56. Haviland, John B. 2006. Documenting lexical knowledge.  In Essentials of Language Documentation, edited by Jost Gippert, Nikolaus Himmelmann and Ulrike Mosel, pp. 129-162.  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2006.

57. Haviland, John B.  2007.  “Master Speakers, Master Gesturers: a string quartet master classin Gesture and the Dynamic Dimension of Language: Essays in honor of David McNeill, edited by Susan D. Duncan, Elena T. Levy, and Justine Cassell, pp. 147-172.  Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. (More legicible pre-publication version here.)

58. Haviland, John B.  2007.  “Person reference in Tzotzil gossip: referring dupliciter” in Person Reference in Interaction, edited by Tanya Stivers and N. J. Enfield, pp. 226-252.  Cambridge: C.U.P.

59. Haviland, John B.  2007.  “La documentación del conocimiento léxico.”  In Bases de la documentación linguistica, coordinated by John B. Haviland and José Antonio Flores Farfán, pp. 159-196.  México, DF: INALI.

60. Haviland, John B and José Antonio Flores Farfán (eds.).  2007.  Bases de la documentación linguistica, Spanish edition.  México, DF: INALI. (Cf. cover pages.)

61. Haviland, John B.  2007.  ‘Las fórmulas gramaticales y la organización del diccionario.’ In Mol cholobil k’op ta sotz’leb, El Gran Diccionario tzotzil de San Lorenzo Zinacantán, by Robert M. Laughlin, pp. xxiii-xxxvii.  Mexico City: CIESAS, CONACULTA.

62. Haviland, John B.  2008.  "Plurifunctional narratives." Text & Talk 28–3 (2008), pp. 443–451.

63. 24. Haviland, John B. 2009.   ‘Little rituals.’  In Ritual Communication, edited by GUnter Senft & Ellan Basso, pp. 21-50. Oxford, New York: Berg.

64. Haviland, John B. 2010. ‘Mu xa xtak’av: “He doesn’t answer”Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 195–213.

65. Haviland, John B. 2011. ‘Musical spaces.’  In Multimodality and human activity: Research on human behavior, action, and communication, edited by C. Goodwin, J. Streeck, & C, LeBaron, pp. 289-304. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press.

66.Haviland, John B. 2011. Who Asked You, Condom Head? Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 84, No. 1, p. 235–264

67. Haviland, John B. 2011. Nouns, Verbs, and Constituents in an Emerging ‘Tzotzil’ Sign Language. In Representing Language: Essays in Honor of Judith Aissen, Gutiérrez-Bravo, Rodrigo, Line Mikkelsen and Eric Potsdam (eds.), pp. 157-171. California Digital Library eScholarship Repository. Linguistic Research Center,University of California, Santa Cruz. ( and Also available from the on-demand publisher BookSurge, ISBNs 0-9836-9380-3, 0-9836938-0-2.)

68. Haviland, John B. 2012. Review article of Gesturecraft by Jürgen Streeck [2007].  Gesture 12(2): 227-252. 

69. Haviland, John B. 2013. Xi to vi: “Over that way, look!”  (Meta)spatial representation in an emerging (Mayan?) sign language.  In Space in Language and Linguistics, ed. by Peter Auer, Martin Hilpert, Anja Stukenbrock and Benedikt Szmerecsanyi.  Pp. 334-400.  Berlin/Boston: Walter De Gruyter.

70. Haviland, John B. 2013. (Mis)understanding and Obtuseness: “Ethnolinguistic Borders” in a Miniscule Speech Community. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 23(3):160-191.

71. Haviland, John B. 2013. Where does "where do nouns come from?" come from? Gesture 13(3):245-252.

72. Haviland, JOhn B. 2013.  The emerging grammar of nouns in a first generation sign language: Specification, iconicity, and syntax.  Gesture 13(3): 309-353.

73. Haviland, John B. 2014. Different strokes: gesture phrases and gesture units in a family homesign from Chiapas, Mexico.  In From Gesture in Conversation to Visible Action as Utterance, Mandana Seyfeddinipur & Marianne Gulberg (eds.), pp. 245-288.  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

74. Haviland, John B. 2015. “Hey!” Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2015): 124–149.

75. Haviland, John B. 2015. Where do nouns come from? Edited by John B. Haviland.  Benjamins Current Topics #70. John Benjamins Publishing Co.: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. (Introduction, Chapter 4)

76. Haviland, J., 2016 “But you said ‘four sheep’.!”: (sign) language, ideology, and self (esteem) across generations in a Mayan family,Language & Communication (2016), (Full special issue Fashions of Speaking and the Temporalities of Self-Fashioning, Edited by Benjamin Smith and Gregory A. Thompson.)

77. Haviland, John B. 2016. Making gambarr: It belongs to me, I belong to it. In Verstraete, Jean-Christophe & Diane Hafner, eds. Land and Language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country, pp. 455-479. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

78. Haviland, J. 2017. Mayan Conversation and Interaction. In The Mayan Languages, edited by Judith Aissen, Nora C. England and Roberto Zavala. Oxford: Routledge. Pp. 401-432.

79. 2018. Thirty-nine seconds of video.  In Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin, ed. Donald Favareaux, pp. 152-159.  Tartu: University of Tartu Press.

80. 2019. A “Politics of Protection” Aimed at Mayan Immigrants in the United States. In Technologies of Suspicion and the Ethics of Obligation in Political Asylum, edited by Bridget M. Haas and Amy Shuman, pp. 61-102. Athens, OH.: Ohio University Press.


81. 2019. Grammaticalizing the face (as well as the hands) in a first generation sign language: the case of Zinacantec Family Homesign. Papers from the ICHL22, Michela Cennamo & Claudia Fabrizio (eds.), pp. 521-562. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

82. 2020. Signs, interaction, coordination, and gaze: interactive foundations of “Z”—an emerging (sign) language from Chiapas, Mexico. In Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas, edited by Olivier LeGuen, Josefina Safar, and Marie Coppola, pp. 35-96. DeGruyter, Ishara Press..

83. 2020. Zinacantec family homesign (or “Z”). In Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas, edited by Olivier LeGuen, Josefina Safar, and Marie Coppola, pp. 393-400. DeGruyter, Ishara Press.

84. 2021. Attention (and Joint Attention). The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology, edited by James M. Stanlaw. website here

85. 2021. Space as space and space as grammar: an anthropological journey through gesture(d) spaces. Gesture 18-2/18-3. Anthropology of Gesture, by Brookes, Heather and Olivier Le Guen (eds.), pp. 305-342.

86. 2021.   Milbi. Aboriginal stories from Queensland’s Endeavour River. Told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon. Translated, edited and additional material by John B. Haviland. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. ISBN 978-1-922102-90-4.

87. 2022. "How and When to Sign “Hey!” Socialization into Grammar in Z, a 1st Generation Family Sign Language from Mexico" Languages 7, no. 2: 80.   A properly ordered PDF version of the chapter is available here.

88. 2023. “Cline and punishment: A comment on Angermeyer.” Language in Society, Volume 52 Issue 5 , November 2023 , pp. 870 – 881. DOI:

89. 2024. Prólogo de Gómez López, Tomás, 2024. Diccionario del tzeltal de Villa Las Rosas.  San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas:CEM-UNAM, pp. 9-30. ISBN 978-607-30-9432-0.




0a. 1967 “The modern troubador: streetsinging in Europe on no dollars a day.” In Wurster, John Andersen (ed.), Let’s Go II: The Student Guide to Adventure, pp. 51-55. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Student Agencies, Inc.

0b. 1967. “The Monaco Grand Prix.” In Wurster, John Andersen (ed.), Let’s Go II: The Student Guide to Adventure, pp. 38-42. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Student Agencies, Inc.

1.   Review of Berlin, Tzeltal Numeral Classifiers, in Am. Anth., Vol 72, No. 1.  (1970)


2.    Review of Berlin, Breedlove, and Raven, Tzeltal Plant Classification, Science, April 1975, pp.44-45.  (1975)


3.    Review of Yalalag: Changing Town (film), by Carol Jopling and John P. Jopling, Am. Anthropologist, Vol 76, pp. 723-24.  (1975)


4.    Review of R.M.W. Dixon, A Grammar of Yidiny, Language in Society, 8, 300-301.  (1979)


5.  Haviland, John B.   Milbi: Aboriginal Tales from Queensland’s Endeavour River. Told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon. Translation and ethnographic afterward by John B. Haviland. Canberra: Australian National University Press.  59 pp. (1979) [Original edition in English only, now long out of print] 


6.  Haviland, John B.  Ethnographic Afterward.  In  Milbi: Aboriginal Tales from Queensland’s Endeavour River.  Told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon. Translation and ethnographic afterward by John B. Haviland. Pp. 53-59.  Canberra: Australian National University Press.  (1979) 

7a. Haviland, John B. 1986. "Complex referential gestures" Ms., Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences

7b.    “Fighting words: evidential particles, affect, and argument.”  Berkeley Linguistics Society; Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting: Parasession on grammar and cognition, pp. 343-354.  (1987)


8.    “Reflexives in Guugu Yimidhirr and Tzotzil: syntax and pragmatics.”  In DeLancey, Scott & Russell S. Tomlin (eds.), Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Pacific Linguistics Conference, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Oregon, pp. 159-188.  (1987)


9.   “‘What words did the defendant say in your presence?’ Mixtecs, migrants, multilingualism, and murder.”  Working papers and proceedings of the Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago.  (1989)


10.   Review of F. Newmeyer (ed.), 1988.  Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, Vol. 4., Language: The Socio-cultural Context.  American Anthropologist 92(4):1036-1037.  (1990)


11.   Review of M. H. Goodwin, He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Organization among Black Children.  American Anthropologist 94(1):210-211.  (1992)


12.  “The syntax of Tzotzil auxiliaries and directionals: the grammaticalization of ‘motion.’“ Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Syntactic Issues in Native American Languages. pp. 35-49.  (1993)


13.   Review of Alessandro Duranti and Charles Goodwin (eds.), 1992.   Rethinking Context, Language as an Interactive Phenomenon.  Language in Society 24:3 (1995): 419-424.  (1995)


14.  .  “Pointing, gesture spaces, and mental maps.”  Electronically published  multimedia discussion paper, Language-Culture List, (, April 22, 1996.  (1996). The original website is now defunct, but an alternate site is being reconstructed by Doug Glick at


15.    Gesture.” Entry prepared for “Lexicon for the New Millennium” Project, organized by Alessandro Duranti, Society for Linguistic Anthropology, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9(1-2), pp. 88-91.  (2000)

                Reprinted in Key Terms in Language and Culture, Alessandro Duranti   (ed.). PP. 83-86.  Malden, MA.: Blackwell. (2001)


16.    Na’at le ba’ala paalen: “Adivina esta cosa niño.”  Adivinanzas mayas yucatecas,  José Antonio Flores Farfán (coord.)  México, D.F.: CIESAS, Artes de México.  (My translations into English and Tzotzil. Extracts here.)   (2002)


17.    Comment on Kockelman, Paul. 2003  The Meanings of Interjections in Q'eqchi' Maya. Current Anthropology 44: 467-490.  (2003) 


18.  Review of John Henderson & David Nash (eds.), Language in Native Title.  Journal of Anthropological Research pp. 446-448  (2004)


19   Haviland, John B.    Archivo de los Idiomas Indígenas de Chiapas.  Multimedia Internet site [working site-in-progress]:  (2005)

 Haviland, John B.   Comment on William F. Hanks, "Explorations in the deictic field."  Current Anthropology Volume 46, Number 2, April 2005, pp. 212-213 (2005)  

21. Haviland, John B. 2005. “Gesture as Cultural and Linguistic Practice,” in Linguistic Anthropology, [Ed. Anita Sujoldzic], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [] 

22.  Haviland, John B.   3 entries (in different sections)  for the Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition on

          Sociocultural aspects of gesture (Anthropological linguistics)

          Sociocultural aspects of oral discourse (Oral discourse)

          Guugu Yimithirr (Languages).  

23. Haviland, John B 2007 “Tzotzil conversation: stance and evidence.”  Electronic proceedings (abstract, bibliography, presentation), of the Pre-ALT conference Linguistic Typology and Language Documentation, Organisers: Nikolaus P. Himmelmann (Münster) & Nicholas R. Evans (Melbourne),  Paris, 24-25 September 2007, at

24. Haviland, John B.  “Making gambarr.”  Sound film based on photographs taken in 1977 and commentary recorded in 1982, about two Guugu Yimithirr speaking men making tar for spears and wommeras from the bark of the ironbark tree. (rough cut, B&W, Guugu Yimithirr dialogue, English subtitles, ~13 mins.)

25. Haviland, John B. 2009. “The old lady and her grandson.” Animated version with English subtitles by John B. Haviland of a Guugu Yimithirr tale, told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon, Hopevale, Queensland, Australia, 1977.  (Version with Guugu Yimithirr subtititles.)

26. Haviland, John B. 2009 “Waarigan and his two wives.” Animated version with English subtitles by John B. Haviland of a Guugu Yimithirr tale, told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon, Hopevale, Queensland, Australia, 1977. (Version with Guugu Yimithirr subtititles.)

27. Haviland, John B. 2009. “Jiibuul The Bat.” Animated version with English subtitles by John B. Haviland of a Guugu Yimithirr tale, told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon, Hopevale, Queensland, Australia, 1977. (Version with Guugu Yimithirr subtititles.)

28. "Nhinhinhi" 2021. Animated version with bilingual subtitles of Gugu Yimithirr "giant groper" story about Austrlian language diversity, told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon, film by John haviland.

29. "Mungurru" 2020. Animated version with bilingual subtitles of Gugu Yimithirr "Scrub Python" story about the origin of the Endeavour River near Cooktown, Queensland, told and illustrated by Tulo Gordon, film by John haviland.


n.d. Haviland, John B  “White-blossomed on bended knee”: LINGUISTIC MEDIATIONS OF NATURE AND CULTURE.  Book chapter for Festschrift for Terry Kaufman, edited by Roberto Zavala M. & Thomas Smith-Stark. (Volume presented but never formally published.)