Lo que sigue es una transcripción de la interacción sobre la viruela (kuyel en tzotzil), con un análisis y glosas (en inglés) morfema por morfema.   Para volver a ver el video, escoge una liga: REAL VIDEO (0.7Mb),  transcripción de video sincronizada; sólo el  sonido (formato MP3, 0.3Mb), o el sonido sincronizado con la transcripción.


  1  j;   ja` taj ech' kuyele k'usi

          ja` taj  ech' k-  u     - y   -el  -e  k'usi

          !   that pass 1E- month - and -NOM -CL what

          What was that epidemic of "kuyel" like?

  2  x;   mu`nuk ich'i ta jbek'taltik nan mu jna`

          mu  y-  u`un   -uk     i-  ch'i ta

          NEG 3E- agency -IRREAL CP- grow PREP

          j-  bek'tal -tik   nan     mu  j-  na`

          1E- flesh   -PLINC perhaps NEG 1E- know

          I'm not sure, some kind of skin disease I think.

  3  j;   ji`




  4  x;   k'u x`elan taj kuyel chalik une

          k'u  x-   `elan taj  k-  u     - y   -el

          what ASP- be    that 1E- month - and -NOM

          ch-  y-  al  -ik un -e

          ICP- 3E- say -PL PT -CL

          What was that disease they call "kuyel" like?

  5  m;   .

  6       muk'tik-

          muk'  -tik

          large -PLINC

          They were big.

  7       xi smuk'tikil

          xi       s-  muk'tikil

          say,thus 3E- size

          About this big.

  8       sak-k'uyanik chk ch'iuk

          sakk'uyan       -ik chk

          white_in_clumps -PL like

          ch'i -uk

          grow -IRREAL

          They would form big whitish clumps when they grew.

  9  x;     kere





 10  m;   chak chin

          chak      chin

          like,want skin_rash

          Like a rash.

 11  x;   aa



 12  m;   sak-k'uyanik

          sakk'uyan       -ik

          white_in_clumps -PL

          Whitish clumps

 13       jpat jxokontik

          j-  pat  j-  xokon -tik

          1E- back 1E- side  -PLINC

          all over our bodies.

 14  x;   kere




 15  m;   mu xa stak' xipuch'iotik

          mu  xa      s-  tak'

          NEG already 3E- answer

          x-   i-  puch'i   -otik

          ASP- CP- lie_down -1APLI

          We couldn't even lie down.

 16  x;   a bweno

          a  bweno

          ah good


 17  m;   oy toj tzo:tz ch`ak'batik jlom

          oy    toj      tzotz  ch-  ak'  -b-   -at    -ik

          exist too_much strong ICP- give -BEN- -PASS  -PL

          jun- lom

          one- NC[group]

          Some people were given really serious cases.

 18       solel xch'oet is spat ikom

          solel x-   ch'oet    li s-   s-  pat

          only  ASP- punctured ART3E-  3E- back

          i-  kom

          CP- remain

          Their backs were just filled with holes. 

 19       xk'a`et tajmek

          x-   k'a`et  ta   j-   mek

          ASP- rotting PREP one- NC[time]

 20  x;   kere




 21  m;   ja` me-

          ja` me

          !   DESID

          That's right.

 22       xi:- . ya`el chka`ie

          xi       ya`el    ch-  k-  a`i  -e

          say,thus it_seems ICP- 1E- hear -CL

          That's they way I heard it.

 23       mu jna`be smelol lek

          mu  j-  na`  -be  s-  melol      lek

          NEG 1E- know -BEN 3E- proper_way good

          I don't really know the truth of the matter.

 24  x;   kere yu`nan vo`ne xa un

          kere yu`     nan     vo`ne    xa      un

          boy  be_able perhaps long_ago already PT

          Boy, that must have been a long time ago.

 25  m;   vo`ne kere:

          vo`ne    kere

          long_ago boy

          A long time, indeed!


 26  x;         yu`un vo`ne che`e

                y-  u`un   vo`ne    che`e

                3E- agency long_ago then

                Yes, it was a long time ago.

 27  m;   vo`ne



          Long ago.

 28  x;   kere




 29  m;   k'u no van xal li mol rominko ulo`etik

          k'u  no   van       xal li  mol       rominko

          what only perhaps+Q say ART old,large Domingo



          Why, old Domingo the Chamula tells about it.

 30       va`i ja` o la . choti

          av- a`i  ja` o    la   choti   

          2E- hear !   then EVID sit_down

          You heard, that he had just learned to sit then.

 31       k'u nan smuk'ul taj ichoti

          k'u  nan     s-  muk'ul taj  i-  choti

          what perhaps 3E- size   that CP- sit_down

          At what age did he learn to sit?

 32       ja` nan chk unen tzeb ((he he he))

          ja` nan     chk  unen  tzeb

          !   perhaps like small girl

          Perhaps the size of your little girl.

 33  x;   yu`nan ja` yech nan chk le`e

          yu`     nan     ja` yech nan     chk

          be_able perhaps !   thus perhaps like

          le`        -e

          that,there -CL

          Perhaps he was no bigger than that child.

 34  m;   ja` un

          ja` un

          !   PT


 35  x;   ch`albat xa ya`iik un yu`van

          ch-  `al -b-   -at   xa      y-  a`i  -ik un

          ICP- say -BEN- -PASS already 3E- hear -PL PT



          So he was told, they say.

 36  m;   ja`o la lichoti va`i xi

          ja`o      la   l-  -i-  choti    av- a`i

          just_then QUOT CP- -1A- sit_down 2E- hear



          "That's when I was able to sit," he says, as you have heard.

 37  x;   a bweno

          a  bweno

          ah good


 38  m;   i` pero

          ii  pero

          yes but

          Ah, but...

 39       vo`ne che`e

          vo`ne    che`e

          long_ago then

          That was indeed long ago!

 40       mol xa li . nel xa li mol rominko

          mol       xa      li  nel       xa      li

          old,large already ART finished already ART

          mol       rominko

          old,large Domingo

          And he's now old, old Domingo is now finished.


Página principal Objetivos CHOL TSELTAL TZOTZIL