www.lawandlanguage.comLast modified: 24 June 2004

Sanford Schane

Research Professor 

University of California, San Diego 
Department of Linguistics
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0108

Office phone: (858) 534-7231
Linguistics department:
(858) 534-3600
Departmental fax: (858) 534-4789
Email: sschane@ucsd.edu

My research interests, when I was actively teaching as Professor of Linguistics, covered phonological theory, Romance linguistics, English orthography, and language & law. 

All current research deals with the intersection of legal theory and linguistics and with legal issues involving problems of language. 

I continue to teach a course Law & Language, LIGN105, which looks at language analysis as a tool for understanding the law .
The class may be used as one of the elective courses for the minor in the Law and Society program as well as for the major in lingustics.

I provide consulting services for attorneys and act as an expert witness in issues involving language and the law: www.lawandlanguage.com