Primary source for the following Site Data is McGrew et. al. (1996), Great Ape Societies (Cambridge University Press), Appendix.
Name: | Lomako |
Location: | D. R. Congo [ex-Zaire], Province de Equateur, 0° 51' N, 21° 5' E |
Status: | Unprotected, timber concession granted |
Area: | 30km2 in 3500km^2 of undisturbed forest |
Altitude: | 390m |
Temp: | --- °C |
Rainfall: | 1850mm (1994) |
Vegetation: | Polyspecific primary forest, primary evergreen forest, swamp forest |
Human influence: |
Hunting mostly with bow and arrow, snaring, gathering of
fruit, honey, leaves, medicinal plants, fishing, no provisioning Disturbance ratings -- 2, 1, 1, 3, 1 |
Closest village: | 2km |
Species studied: | P. paniscus (Eyengo community) |
Population density: | --- individuals per km2 |
Fauna: | Perodicticus potto, Galago demidovii, Colobus angolensis, Cercopithecus ascanius, C. mona, Cercocebus aterrimus, Panthera pardus |
Study period: | 1974-91 intermittent by SUNY Stony Brook; Project Pan 1990- present |
Habituation: | Good |
Research presence: | Seasonal |
Conservation: | None |
Current research: | Communication, socio-ecology of nest building, social organization, food sharing, play |
Methods: | focal-subject sampling, nest-to-nest, ad libitum |
Contact person: | Gottfried Hohmann/Barbara Fruth, Max-Planck-Institut fur Verhaltensphysiologie, D-82319 Seewiesen, Germany |
Habitat photos | --- |
Maps | --- |
Aerial photos | --- |
Bibliography | References for data found in this site, and other sources relating to Lomako |
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Miscellaneous | Related links |