Research in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba (environs of Mont Assirik) was conducted by members of the Stirling African Primate Project between 1976 - 1979; this study remains the longest-term project on "savanna" chimpanzees. It has been protected from all hunting since 1950 and is a relatively intact ecosystem.
Primary sources for the following: Baldwin et al. (1982), McGrew et al. (1981).
Name: | Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, aka Mt. Assirik |
Location: | Senegal, 12° 53' N, 12° 46' W |
Status: | National Park |
Area: | Park is 8130km2; study area roughly 50km2 |
Altitude: | roughly 100-311m (the peak of Mt. Assirik) |
Temp: | mean daily maximum: 35°C (highest max: 44°C); mean daily minimum: 23°C (lowest min: 16°C) |
Rainfall: | 954mm/yr (N=4 yrs); 7 dry months/yr (where dry = less than 1/24 of mean annual total) |
Vegetation: | 55% grassland, 37% woodland, 5% bamboo, 3% forest |
Human influence: |
Park founded in 1925, all hunting banned in 1950; no people live within park except for guards and tourist camps. Disturbance ratings -- 1, 1?, 1, 2, 1 |
Closest village: | more than 15km? |
Species studied: | P. t. verus, Papio papio, Cercopithecus sabaeus |
Population density: | 0.09 individuals per km2 |
Fauna: | includes Panthera leo, P. pardus, Crocuta crocuta, Lycaon pictus, Syncerus caffer |
Study period: | Feb. 1976 - Dec. 1979 |
Habituation: | Poor |
Research presence: | Continuous while project running |
Conservation: | --- |
Current research: | None |
Methods: | Indirect evidence, all occurrences |
Contact person: | --- |
Habitat photos | --- |
Maps | --- |
Aerial photos | --- |
Bibliography | References for data found in this site, and other sources relating to Assirik |
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Miscellaneous | Related links |