Mellon Institute
4400 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, University Pittsburgh, 1937

Dunbar Township High School, graduated in 1933 as valedictorian

Professional Career

Research Chemist, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1937-1950

Professional Honors

The Nutrition Fellowship of The Buhl Foundation


Gerald J. Cox, Mary L. Dodds, Margaret Matuschak Levin, and Harold C. Hodge (1948). The Effect of Carbohydrates on Experimental Caries in the Rat, Journal of Dental Research, 27, 562-575.

Gerald J. Cox and Margaret Matuschak Levin (1942). Resume of the Fluorine-Caries Relationship. Publication No. 19 of The American Association for the Advancement of Science, 68-73.

Gerald J. Cox and Margaret C. Matuschak (1941). An Abbreviation of the Method of Least Squares, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 45(2), 362-369.

Gerald J. Cox, Mary L. Dodds, W. E. Walker, Sara F. Dixon, & Margaret C. Matuschak (1941). Abstract in Dental Caries: Findings and Conclusions on Its Causes and Control. Compiled for the Research Commission of The American Dental Association.

Gerald J. Cox, Mary L. Dodds, Sara F. Dixon, and Margaret C. Matuschak (1939). Experimental Dental Caries III. A System of Recording Corn Meal Caries in Rats, Journal of Dental Research, 18, 469-480.

Gerald J. Cox, Margaret C. Matuschak, Sara F. Dixon, Mary L. Dodds, and W. E. Walker (1939). Experimental Dental Caries IV. Fluorine and its Relation to Dental Caries, Journal of Dental Research, 18, 481-490.

Gerald J. Cox, Margaret C. Matuschak, Sara F. Dixon, and W. E. Walker (1939). Mottled Enamel in Rat Molars, Science, 90(2326), 83.

Conference Presentations

Margaret Matuschak Levin and Gerald J. Cox (1950). Water Consumption in Relation to Environmental Temperature and its Significance in the Fluoridization of Water Supplies, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth General Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research. French Lick Hotel, French Lick, Ind.

Margaret Matuschak Levin and Gerald J. Cox (1949). Water Consumption by Children in Relation to Temperature and Humidity and the Relation to Fluoridization of Water Supplies, a speech given by Margaret Matuschak Levin at the meeting of the International Association for Dental Research in Pittsburgh on December 8, 1949.

Gerald J. Cox and Margaret Matuschak Levin (1944). Alteration of Tooth Form in the Rat by the Preeruptive Diet, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second General Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research. Drake Hotel, Chicago, Ill.

This CV was constructed in 2018 & 2019 by James Levin, son of Margaret C. Matuschak Levin, as a way to make her publications more easily accessible.