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Annotated Bibliography on Christianity
(a.k.a. Suggested Additional Readings)
Page Outline:
- The Historical Jesus
- The Early Church
- The Mythological Traditions
- Historical & Ethnographic Variations: (General Histories, Comparative Studies, Asia, Latin America, Anglophone America, Africa, Europe)
- The "Scientific Study" of Religion
- Miscellaneous Reference
The Historical Jesus
BERTORI, Raffaele D.
- 2014 Jésus Gay?: L’enquete interdite par le Vatican. Privately published. Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- BORG, Marcus J.
- 1994 Jesus in contemporary scholarship.Harrisburg PA: Trinity Press International. BT303.2 B586/ 1994.
- FUNK, Robert W. & Roy W. HOOVER
- 1993 The five gospels: the search for the authentic words of Jesus. New York: Macmillan. BS2553 .S24/ 1993.
- FUNK, Robert W. & the Jesus Seminar
- 1998 The acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco. BT301.9 .A37/ 1998.
- 1973 Revolution in Judaea. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company. BM620 .M3/ 1980.
- KNOHL, Israel
- 2000 The messiah before Jesus: the suffering servant of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Berkeley: University of California Press. BM487 .K63/ 2000.
- 1965 The Passover plot: new light on the history of Jesus. London: Hutchinson. BM620 .S36. Reprinted as The Passover plot: a new interpretation of the life and death of Jesus. New York: Bantam Books.
MOORE, Christopher
- 2002 Lamb: the gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood pal. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
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The Early Church
- EHRMAN, Bart D.
- 2003 Lost Christianities: the battles for scripture and the faiths we never knew. Oxford: Oxford University Press. BS2840.E4/ 2003
- 2003 Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press. BS2832.E37/ 2003
- ESLER, Philip F.
- 1995 Modelling early Christianity: social-scientific studies of the New Testament in its context. London: Routledge. BS2545 .S55M63/ 1995.
- KASSER, Rodolphe, Marvin MEYER, and Gregor WURST
- 2006 The Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos. Washington: National Geographic Society.
- PAGELS, Elaine
- 1979 The Gnostic gospels. New York: Random House. BT1390 .P3.
- 1988 Adam, Eve, and the serpent. New York: Random House. BS2545 .S36P34/ 1988.
- 1995 The origin of Satan. New York: Random House. BS2555.6 .D5P34.
- 2000 The Bible: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. BS445 .R53/ 2000.
- RUBENSTEIN, Richard E.
- 1999 When Jesus became God: the struggle to define Christianity during the last days of Rome. San Diego: Harcourt. BT216 .R83/ 1999.
- ROBINSON, James M. (Ed.)
- 1988 (1977) The Nag Hammadi library. San Francisco: Harper & Row. Third edition. BT1391 .A3/ 1988b.
- 1946 The Jew of Tarsus: a life of Paul. London: Macdonald.
- 1948 Saints against Caesar: the story of the first Christian community. London: Macdonald.
- 1968 Those incredible Christians. New York: Bernard Geis Associates.
- 1974 The Pentecost revolution: the story of the Jesus Party in Israel, A.D. 36-66. London: Macdonald.
- SPONG, John Shelby
- 1991 Rescuing the Bible from fundamentalism: a bishop rethinks the meaning of scripture. San Francisco: HarperCollins. BS511.2 .S69/ 1991.
STARK, Rodney
- 1996 The rise of Christianity: a sociologist reconsiders history. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. BR166 .S75/ 1966. ISBN 0-691-02749-8.
(The same book appears to have been issued as a 1997 paperback under the slightly different title: The rise of Christianity: how the obscure, marginal Jesus movement became the dominant religious force in the Western world in a few centuries. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0060677015.)
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The Mythological Traditions
- 1994 The Bible and the saints. Paris: Flammarion.
- DURHAM, Michael S. (Ed.)
- 1995 Miracles of Mary: apparitions, legends, and miraculous works of the blessed virgin Mary. San Francisco: Harper. BT650 .D87/ 1995.
- HABEGGER, Christa Gingery
- 1987 Saints & non-saints. Greenville, SC: Unusual Publications. BX4655.2 .H23/ 1987.
- SIL, Gertrude Grace
- 1975 A handbook of symbols in Christian art. New York: Collier Books. N8010 .S54/ 1975.
- WARNER, Marina
- 1976 Alone of all her sex: the myth and the cult of the virgin Mary. New York: Knopf. BT602 .W37/ 1976.
- WEINSTEIN, Donald & Rudolph M. BELL
- 1982 Saints and society: two worlds of western Christendom, 1000-1700. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. BX4659 .E85W55.
- ZIOLKOWSKI, Theodore
- 1972 Fictional transfigurations of Jesus. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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Historical & Ethnographic Variations
General Histories
- 2000 Christianity: a global history. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco. BR145.2 C425/ 2001.
- 2002 The next Christendom: the coming of global Christianity. New York: Oxford University Press. BR121.3 .J46/ 2002.
MARTY, Martin
- 2007 The Christian world: a global history. New York: Modern Library. BR145.3 .M38/ 2007
McGRATH, Alister E.
- 2002 The future of Christianity. Oxford: Blackwell. BR121.3 .M34/ 2001.
McMANNERS, John (Ed.)
- 1990 The Oxford illustrated history of Christianity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. BR145.2.086/ 1990.
- 2014 Christianity: a very short introduction. Second edition. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press. BR121.3 .W66/ 2014.
Comparative Studies
CANNELL, Fanella (Ed.)
- 2006 The anthropology of Christianity. Duram, NC: Duke University Press. BR115 .C8A58/ 2006.
- CUMMINS, J.S. (Ed.)
- 1997 Christianity and missions 1450-1800. Oxford:
Ashgate. BV2120 .C45/ 1997.
HEFNER, Robert W. (Ed.)
- 1993 Conversion to Christianity: historical and anthropological perspectives on a great tradition: Berkeley: University of California Press. BV4916 .C67/ 1993.
SAUNDERS, George R. (Ed.)
- 1988 Culture and Christianity: the dialectics of transformation. New York: Greenwood Press. BR115 .C8C85/ 1988
STARK, Rodney
- 2005 The victory of reason: how Christianity led to freedom, capitalism, and western success. New York: Random House. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-8129-7233-3.
- AKKEREN, Philip van
- 1970 Sri and Christ: a study of the indigenous church in East Java. London: Lutterworth Press. BR1235 .A373.
- CLARK, Donald N.
- 1986 Christianity in Modern Korea. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. BR1328 .C53/ 1986.
- FLYNT, Wayne & Gerald W. BERKLEY
- 1997 Taking Christianity to China: Alabama missionaries in the Middle Kingdom, 1850-1950. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. BR1287 .F58/ 1997.
- MADSEN, Richard
- 1998 China's Catholics: tragedy and hope in an emerging civil society. Berkeley: University of California Press. BX1665 .M29/ 1999.
- MULLINS, Mark R.
- 1998 Christianity made in Japan: a study of indigenous movements. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. BR1307 .M85/ 1998.
- 1991 The Protestant community on modern Taiwan: mission, seminary, and church. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. BR1298 .P76/ 1991.
- SMITH, Carl T.
- 1985 Chinese Christians: élites, middlemen, and the church in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. BR1295 .H6S55/ 1985.
Latin America
- BARRIOS, Virginia B. de
- 1997 The cross in Mexico. Mexico City: Minutiae Mexicana. ISBN: 968-7074-37-X.
- 1970 Miracle at Joaseiro. New York: Columbia University Press. F2651.J83 D4.
- DOW, James & Alan R. SANDSTROM (eds.)
- 2001 Protestant Conversion in Mexico and Central America: Anthropological Views (Religion in the Age of Transformation). n.p.: Praeger. ISBN: 0-275-95852-3.
- GARRARD-BURNETT, Virginia & David STOLL (eds.)
- 1993 Rethinking Protestantism in Latin America. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. BX4832.5 .R48/ 1993.
- GOSSEN, Gary H. (Ed.)
- 1993 South and Meso-American native spirituality: from the cult of the feathered serpent to the theology of liberation. New York: Crossroad Publishing. E59.R38S68/ 1993. Reprinted in paper 1997 ISBN 0-8245-1224-3.
- HALLUM, Anne Motley
- 1996 Beyond missionaries: toward an understanding of the Protestant movement in Central America. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield. BX4833.5 .H33/ 1996.
- INGHAM, John M.
- 1986 Mary, Michael, and Lucifer: folk Catholicism in Central Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press. BX1431 .T55I54/ 1986.
- MARTIN, David
- 1990 Tongues of fire: the explosion of Protestantism in Latin America. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. BX4832.5 .M37/ 1990.
- 2009 Revolutions in Mexican Catholicism: reform and revelation in Oaxaca, 1887-1934. Durham: Duke University Press. BX1429.O2W75/ 2009.
Anglophone America
- BLOOM, Harold
- 1992 The American religion: the emergence of the post-Christian nation. New York: Simon & Schuster. BR515 .B58/ 1992.
- FINKE, Roger & Rodney STARK
- 1992 The churching of America, 1776-1990: winners and losers in our religious economy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. BR515 .F56/ 1992.
- KILDUFF, Marshall & Ron JAVERS
- 1978 The suicide cult: The inside story of the People's Temple sect and the massacre in Guyana. New York: Bantam Books.
- O'DEA, Thomas F.
- 1957 The Mormons. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- WUTHNOW, Robert
- 2000 After heaven : spirituality in America since the 1950s. Berkeley: University of California Press. BL2525 .W85/ 1998.
- WUTHNOW, Robert & John F. WILSON (eds.)
- 1990 The restructuring of American religion. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. BL2525 .W88/ 1988.
- ZARETSKY, Irving I. & Mark P. LEONE (eds.)
- 1974 Religious movements in contemporary America. Princeton: Princeton University Press. BR516.5 .Z37
- BOND, George, Walton JOHNSON, & Sheila S. WALKER
- 1979 African Christianity: patterns of religious continuity. New York: Academic Press. BR1360 .A526.
- 1985 Body of power, spirit of resistance: the culture and history of a South African people. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. DT764.R65 C65/ 1985.
- ISICHEI, Elizabeth
- 1995 A history of Christianity in Africa from Antiquity to the present. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. BR1360 .I75/ 1995
- CHRISTIAN, William A., Jr.
- 1992 Moving crucifixes in modern Spain. Princeton: Princeton University Press. BT580 .S7C47/ 1992.
- 1996 Visionaries: The Spanish Republic and the reign of Christ. Berkeley: University of California Press. BT652.S7 C57/ 1996
- OZMENT, Steven
- 1991 Protestants: the birth of a revolution. New York: Doubleday. BR305.2 .O89/ 1993.
- TAYLOR, Lawrence
- 1995 Occasions of faith: an anthropology of Irish Catholics. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. BX1506.2 .T39/ 1995
- WEIBEL, Deana
- 2001 Kidnapping the virgin. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology, UCSD.
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The "Scientific Study" of Religion
- 1999 Religion & magic: approaches & theories. New York: New York University Press. BL41.C86 1999.
GLOCK, Charles Y. & Phillip E. HAMMOND
- 1973 Beyond the classics? Essays in the scientific study of religion. New York: Harper & Row. BL41 .G55/ 1973.
- MARTY, Martin E. & R. Scott APPLEBY
- 1992 The glory and the power: the fundamentalist challenge to the modern world. Boston: Beacon Press. BL238 .M37/ 1992.
PALS, Daniel L.
- 1996 Seven theories of religion. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-508725-9. BL41 .P36/ 1966.
- SMART, Ninian
- 1979 The phenomenon of Christianity. London: Collins. BR121.2 .S57.
STARK, Rodney & William Sims BAINBRIDGE
- 1987 A theory of Religion. Reprinted 1996 New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
- 1999 Religion: the classical theories. Washington: Georgetown University Press. BL51 .T54/ 1999.
- TURNER, Victor & Edith L.B. TURNER
- 1978 Image and pilgrimage in Christian culture: anthropological perspectives. New York: Columbia University Press. BX2323 .T87.
- WILSON, Bryan
- 1970 Religious sects: a sociological study. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. BR157.W54.
- YOUNG, Lawrence A. (Ed.)
- 1997 Rational choice theory and religion: summary and assessment. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-91192-3 (paper). BL48.R296/ 1996.
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Miscellaneous Reference
ALLEN, John L., Jr
- 2002 Conclave: the politics, personalities, and process of the next papal election. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-50453-5.
- 1995 Catechism of the Catholic church. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-47967-0.
- FREEDMAN, David Noel (Ed.)
- 2000 Eerdmans dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. BS440 .E44/ 2000.
- GEORGE, Leonard
- 1995 Crimes of perception: an encyclopedia of heresies and heretics. New York: Paragon house. BT1315.2 .G46/ 1994.
GRENTZ, Stanley J, David GURETZKI, & Cherith Fee NORDLING
- 1999 Pocket dictionary of theological terms. Downers Grove IL: Inter-Varsity Press. BR95 .G66/ 1999.
JOHNSON, Kevin Orlin
- 1994 Why do Catholics do that? a guide to the teachings and practices of the Catholic church. New York: Ballantine Books. (Originally entitled "Expressions of the Catholic faith: a guide to the teachings and practices of the Catholic church.) BX1752 .J64/ 1994.
- MAGIDA, Arthur J.
- 1996 How to be a perfect stranger: a guide to etiquette in other people's religious ceremonies. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing. BJ2010 .M34/ 1995.
- 1997 Chronicle of the popes: the reign-by-reign record of the papacy from St. Peter to the present. London: Thames & Hudson.
- 1998 A concise encyclopedia of Christianity. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.
REID, Daniel G. et al.
- 1995 Concise dictionary of Christianity in America. Downers Grove, IL: InverVarsity Press. BR515 .C665 /1995.
- SMITH, Jonathan Z. (Ed.)
- 1995 The HarperCollins dictionary of religion. San Francisco: Harper. BL31 .H37/ 1995.
- WATER, Mark
- 1999 The Bible made plain and simple. Peabody MA: Hendrickson.
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