Content created: 2012-03-22
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Administrative Officers of
Táiwān 台湾 Province
in the Qīng 清 Dynasty
The following table shows the political organization of Taiwan in about 1894, after it had become a province but before it was ceded to Japan in 1895.
Indentation shows administrative subordination. Essentially, Taiwan province was divided into three "prefectures" (fǔ 府), plus a directly administered eastern zone generally considered beyond the reach of civilized people.
The table comprehends both the administrative units and the titles of their presiding officers. In Chinese the title of the presiding officer is often (but not always) simply the word zhī ("know") 知 followed by the kind of unit, typically a prefecture/municipality fǔ 府 or district/county xiàn 县. Since the unit names can be derived from the officer names (but not vice versa), the table gives the names of the officers.
The English terms are more or less conventional translations. Traditional characters are added in blue when they differ from the standard simplified character set (in red).
Mǐnzhè Zǒngdū 闽浙总督 / 閩浙總督 == Viceroy (Governor General) for Fújiàn, Táiwān, and Zhèjiāng Provinces (shěng 省)
- Zhèjiāng Xúnfǔ 浙江巡抚 / 浙江巡撫 == Governor of Zhèjiāng Province
- Fújiàn Xúnfǔ 福建巡抚 / 福建巡撫 == Governor of Fújiàn Province
- Táiwān Xúnfǔ 台湾巡抚 / 臺灣巡撫 == Governor of Táiwān Province,
incorporating the offices of the
- Àncháshǐ 按察使 == Surveillance Commissioner and the
- Bùzhèngshǐ 布政使 (= Bùzhèngsī 布政司) == Provincial Administration Commissioner
- Táiběi Zhīfǔ 台北府 / 臺北知府 == Prefect of Táiběi Prefecture
- Jīlóng Fǔmín Lǐfán Tóngzhī 基隆抚民理蕃同知 / 基隆撫民理蕃同知 == Vice-Prefect of Jīlóng for Protecting Citizens and Controlling Savages
- Yílán Zhīxiàn 宜兰知县 / 宜蘭知縣 == Yílán District Magistrate
- Xīnzhú Zhīxiàn 新竹知县 / 新竹知縣 == Xīnzhú District Magistrate
- Dànshuǐ Zhīxiàn 淡水知县 / 淡水知縣 == Dànshuǐ District Magistrate
- Táiwān Zhīfǔ 台湾知府 / 臺灣知府 == Prefect of Táiwān Prefecture (A central region, not to be confused with Táiwān Province as a whole.)
- Pǔlǐ Shètīng Tóngzhī埔里社厅同知 / 埔裏社廳同知 == Pǔlǐ Community Vice-Magistrate (Note the Qīng use of the character 裏.)
- Miáolì Zhīxiàn 苗栗知县 / 苗栗知縣 == Miáolì Magistrate
- Dàjiǎ Xúnchá 大甲巡检 / 大甲巡檢 == Regional Inspector for Dàjiǎ
- Yúnlín Zhīxiàn 云林知县 / 雲林知縣 == Yúnlín Magistrate
- Zhānghuà Zhīxiàn 彰化知县 / 彰化知縣 == Zhānghuà Magistrate
- Nántóu Xiànchéng 南投县丞 / 南投縣丞 == Nántóu District Magistrate
- Táiwān Zhīxiàn 台湾知县 / 臺灣知縣 == Táiwān District Magistrate
- Húlúdūn Xúnchá 葫芦墩巡检 / 葫蘆墩巡檢 == Regional Inspector for Húlúdūn
- Táinán Zhīfǔ 台南知府 / 臺南知府 == Prefect of Táinán Prefecture
- Pénghú Tīng Tóngzhī 澎湖厅同知 / 澎湖廳同知 == Vice Prefect for Pénghú Sub-prefecture
- Héngchūn Zhīxiàn 恒春知县 / 恆春知縣 == Héngchūn District Magistrate
- Jiāyì Zhīxiàn 嘉义知县 / 嘉義知縣 == Jiāyì District Magistrate
- Ānpíng Zhīxiàn 安平知县 / 安平知縣 == Ānpíng District Magistrate
- Dàwǔlǒng Xúnchá 大武陇巡检 / 大武隴巡檢 == Regional Inspector for Dàwǔlǒng
- Fèngshān Zhīxiàn 凤山知县 / 鳳山知縣 == District Magistrate of Fèngshān District
- Bāzhàowù Xúnchá 八罩雾巡检 / 八罩霧巡檢 == Bāzhàowù Regional Inspector
- Fāngliáo Xúnjiǎn 枋藔巡检 / 枋藔巡檢 == Fāngliáo Regional Inspector
- Lower Dànshuǐ Magistrate 下淡水县丞 / 下淡水縣丞 == Assistant Magistrate for the Lower Dànshuǐ River District (located in modern Gāoxióng Xiàn 高雄县 / 高雄縣)
- Táidōng Zhílì Zhōu 台东直隶州 / 臺東直隸州 == Directly Administered Department of Táidōng
- Huāliángǎng Zhōupàn 花莲港州判 / 花蓮港州判 == Assistant Department Magistrate for Huālián Harbor
- Bēinán Zhōutóng 卑南州同 == Assistant Department Magistrate for Bēinán District
Principal Sources:
- HUCKER, Charles O.
- 1985 A dictionary of official titles in imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Wáng Shí 王石鵬
- 1964 臺灣三字經 (Three-character classic for Taiwan). Táinán: Jīngwěi Shūjú 經緯書局.