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The 24 Filial Exemplars (8)

Jiāng Gé 江革


Jiāng Gé lived in the later Hàn dynasty. His father died when he was young, and he lived alone with his mother. The times were troubled and chaotic, so, carrying his mother on his back, he fled. Again and again they encountered bandits who wanted to force him to join them. But Gé burst into tears and told them that he bore his mother with him [whom he had to support]. The bandits could not bring themselves to kill him, and at length he reached Xià Péi [in Jiāngsū province]. Impoverished, naked, and barefoot, he hired himself out as a laborer to support his mother. His mother was able to have all she desired, and there was no end to what he gave her. A verse praises him thus:
He carries his mother out of danger;

When destitute brigands assault him many times,

He tells them his grief and is able to avoid them;

By his labors he supports his mother.
后汉江革。少失父。独与母居。遭乱。负母逃难。数遇贼。或欲劫之去。革辄泣告有母在。贼不忍杀。转客下邳。贫穷裸跣。行佣以供母。母使身之物。莫不毕给。有诗为颂。 诗曰
负母逃危难。 穷途贼犯频。告知方获免。佣力以供亲。

8. Xíng Yōng Gòng Mǔ
Hòuhàn Jiāng Gé. Shào shī fù. Dú yǔ mǔ jū. Zāo luàn. Fù mǔ táo nàn. Shuò yù zé. Huò yù jié zhi qù. Gé zhé qì gào yǒu lǎomǔ zài.Zé bù rěn shā. Zhuǎn kè Xià Péi. Pínqióng luǒxiǎn.. Xíng yōng yǐ gōng mǔ. Mǔ biàn shēn zhi wù. Mò bú bì jǐ. Yǒu shī wéi sòng.
Shī yuē:
Fù mǔ táo wéi nàn. Qióngtú zé fàn pín. Gào āi fāng huò miǎn. Yōng lì yǐ gōng qīn.

後漢江革。少失父。獨與母居。遭亂。負母逃難。數遇賊。或欲劫之去。革輒泣告有母在。賊不忍殺。轉客下邳。貧窮裸跣。行傭以供母。母使身之物。莫不畢給。有詩為頌。 詩曰
負母逃危難。 窮途賊犯頻。告知方獲免。傭力以供親。

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