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Content created: 2014-08-19
File last modified: 2020-11-30
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Selections From The Analects

Passage 1: Superior People & Their Virtue

Go to Procursus, Passage 2, Passage 3


  1. Perfect Virtue
  2. The Superior Man
  3. Superior Government

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A. Perfect Virtue

Dramatis Personae

YÁN Huí asked about perfect virtue. 颜渊问「仁」。
yán yuān wèn「 rén」。
Confucius: To subdue one’s self and return to propriety, is perfect virtue. If a man can for one day subdue himself and return to propriety, all under heaven will ascribe perfect virtue to him. Is the practice of perfect virtue from a man himself, or is it from others? ” 子曰: 「克己复礼,为仁。 一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。 为仁由己,而由仁乎哉?」
zǐ yuē: 「kè jǐ fù lǐ, wéi rén。 yī rì kè jǐ fù lǐ, tiān xià guī rén yān。 wéi rén yóu jǐ, ér yóu rén hū zāi?」
子曰: 「克己復禮,為仁。 一日克己復禮,天下歸仁焉。 為仁由己,而由仁乎哉?」
YÁN Huí: I beg to ask the steps of that process. 颜渊曰: 「请问其目?」
yán yuān yuē: 「qǐng wèn qí mù?」
顏淵曰: 「請問其目?」
Confucius: Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety.
(Distracting note.)
子曰: 「非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。」
zǐ yuē: 「fēi lǐ wù shì, fēi lǐ wù tīng, fēi lǐ wù yán, fēi lǐ wù dòng。」
子曰: 「非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動。」
YÁN Huí: Although I am deficient in intelligence and vigor, I will make it my business to practice this lesson. 颜渊曰: 「回虽不敏,请事斯语矣!」
yán yuān yuē: 「huí suī bù mǐn, qǐng shì sī yǔ yǐ!」
顏淵曰: 「回雖不敏,請事斯語矣!」
RǍN Yōng asked about perfect virtue. 仲弓问「仁」。
zhòng gōng wèn「 rén」。
Confucius: It is, when you go abroad, to behave to every one as if you were receiving a great guest; to employ the people as if you were assisting at a great sacrifice; not to do to others as you would not wish done to yourself; to have no murmuring against you in the country, and none in the family. 子曰: 「出门如见大宾;使民如承大祭;己所不欲,勿施于人;在邦无怨,在家无怨。」
zǐ yuē: 「chū mén rú jiàn dà bīn; shǐ mín rú chéng dà jì; jǐ suǒ bù yù, wù shī yú rén; zài bāng wú yuàn, zài jiā wú yuàn。」
子曰: 「出門如見大賓;使民如承大祭;己所不欲,勿施於人;在邦無怨,在家無怨。」
RǍN Yōng: Though I am deficient in intelligence and vigor, I will make it my business to practice this lesson. 仲弓曰: 「雍虽不敏,请事斯语矣!」
zhòng gōng yuē: 「yōng suī bù mǐn, qǐng shì sī yǔ yǐ!」
仲弓曰: 「雍雖不敏,請事斯語矣!」
SĪMǍ Niú asked about perfect virtue. 司马牛问「仁」。
sī mǎ niú wèn「 rén」。
Confucius: The man of perfect virtue is cautious and slow in his speech. 子曰: 「仁者,其言也讱。」
zǐ yuē: 「rén zhě, qí yán yě rèn。」
子曰: 「仁者,其言也訒。」
SĪMǍ Niú: Cautious and slow in his speech! Is this what is meant by perfect virtue? 曰: 「斯言也讱,其谓之仁矣乎?」
yuē: 「sī yán yě rèn, qí wèi zhī rén yǐ hū?」
曰: 「斯言也訒,其謂之仁矣乎?」
Confucius: When a man feels the difficulty of doing, can he be other than cautious and slow in speaking? 子曰: 「为之难,言之得无讱乎?」
zǐ yuē: 「wéi zhī nán, yán zhī dé wú rèn hū?」
子曰: 「為之難,言之得無訒乎?」

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B. The Superior Man

Dramatis Personae

SĪMǍ Niú asked about the superior man. 司马牛问「君子」。
sī mǎ niú wèn「 jūn zǐ」。
Confucius: The superior man has neither anxiety nor fear. 子曰: 「君子不忧不惧。」
zǐ yuē: 「jūn zǐ bù yōu bù jù。」
子曰: 「君子不憂不懼。」
SĪMǍ Niú: Being without anxiety or fear! Does this constitute what we call the superior man? ” 曰: 「不忧不惧,斯谓之君子矣乎?」
yuē: 「bù yōu bù jù, sī wèi zhī jūn zǐ yǐ hū?」
曰: 「不憂不懼,斯謂之君子矣乎?」
Confucius: When internal examination discovers nothing wrong, what is there to be anxious about, what is there to fear? ” 子曰: 「内省不疚,夫何忧何惧?」
zǐ yuē: 「nèi shěng bù jiù, fú hé yōu hé jù?」
子曰: 「內省不疚,夫何憂何懼?」
SĪMǍ Niú (full of anxiety): Other men all have their brothers, I alone have not.” [His older brother, Huán Tuí 桓魋 was plotting a rebellion, hence not behaving like a brother.] 司马牛忧曰: 「人皆有兄弟,我独亡!」
sī mǎ niú yōu yuē: 「rén jiē yǒu xiōng dì, wǒ dú wáng!」
司馬牛憂曰: 「人皆有兄弟,我獨亡!」
BǓ Shāng: There is the following saying which I have heard [from Confucius]: “Death and life have their determined appointment; riches and honors depend upon Heaven.” 子夏曰: 「商闻之矣:『死生有命,富贵在天』。
zǐ xià yuē: 「shāng wén zhī yǐ:『 sǐ shēng yǒu mìng, fù guì zài tiān』。
子夏曰: 「商聞之矣:『死生有命,富貴在天』。
BǓ Shāng: Let the superior man never fail reverentially to order his own conduct, and let him be respectful to others and observant of propriety — then all within the four seas will be his brothers. What has the superior man to do with being distressed because he has no brothers? 君子敬而无失,与人恭而有礼;四海之内,皆兄弟也。 君子何患乎无兄弟也?」
jūn zǐ jìng ér wú shī, yǔ rén gōng ér yǒu lǐ; sì hǎi zhī nèi, jiē xiōng dì yě。 jūn zǐ hé huàn hū wú xiōng dì yě?」
君子敬而無失,與人恭而有禮;四海之內,皆兄弟也。 君子何患乎無兄弟也?」
ZHUĀNSŪN Shī asked what constituted intelligence. 子张问「明」。
zǐ zhāng wèn「 míng」。
Confucius: He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed. Yea, he with whom neither soaking slander, nor startling statements, are successful, may be called farseeing. 子曰: 「浸润之谮,肤受之愬,不行焉,可谓明也已矣。 浸润之谮,肤受之愬,不行焉,可谓远也已矣。」
zǐ yuē: 「jìn rùn zhī zèn, fū shòu zhī sù, bù xíng yān, kě wèi míng yě yǐ yǐ。 jìn rùn zhī zèn, fū shòu zhī sù, bù xíng yān, kě wèi yuǎn yě yǐ yǐ。」
子曰: 「浸潤之譖,膚受之愬,不行焉,可謂明也已矣。 浸潤之譖,膚受之愬,不行焉,可謂遠也已矣。」

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C. Superior Government

Dramatis Personae

DUĀNMÙ Cì asked about government. 子贡问「政」。
zǐ gòng wèn「 zhèng」。
Confucius: The requisites of government are that there be sufficiency of food, sufficiency of military equipment, and the confidence of the people in their ruler.” 子曰: 「足食,足兵,民信之矣。」
zǐ yuē: 「zú shí, zú bīng, mín xìn zhī yǐ。」
子曰: 「足食,足兵,民信之矣。」
DUĀNMÙ Cì: If it cannot be helped, and one of these must be dispensed with, which of the three should be foregone first? 子贡曰: 「必不得已而去,于斯三者何先?」
zǐ gòng yuē: 「bì bù dé yǐ ér qù, yú sī sān zhě hé xiān?」
子貢曰: 「必不得已而去,於斯三者何先?」
Confucius: The military equipment. 曰: 「去兵。」
yuē: 「qù bīng。」
曰: 「去兵。」
DUĀNMÙ Cì: If it cannot be helped, and one of the remaining two must be dispensed with, which of them should be foregone? 子贡曰: 「必不得已而去,于斯二者何先?」
zǐ gòng yuē: 「bì bù dé yǐ ér qù, yú sī èr zhě hé xiān?」
子貢曰: 「必不得已而去,於斯二者何先?」
Confucius: Part with the food. From of old, death has been the lot of an men; but if the people have no faith in their rulers, there is no standing for the state.” 曰: 「去食;自古皆有死;民无信不立。」
yuē: 「qù shí; zì gǔ jiē yǒu sǐ; mín wú xìn bù lì。」
曰: 「去食;自古皆有死;民無信不立。」

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