- Vijay Veerabadran Now at Reality Labs, Meta
- Xiaojing Xu Now at Meta
- Kuei-da Liao Now at Stealth Startup
- Mahta Mousavi (FISP awardee, INC fellowship, Marye Anne Fox dissertation year fellowship, PhD 2019, now at TU Berlin)
- Shuai Tang PhD 2021, now at Amazon
- Sriram Ravindran M.S. 2018 now at Adobe
- Patrick Gallagher
(NSF fellowship, NSF IGERT trainee) PhD 2015 now Data Scientist at SparkBeyond
- Adam Koerner (NSF IGERT trainee, INC fellowhip) PhD 2013 now Head of Data at Dropfake (Ph
- Josh Lewis (NSF IGERT trainee) PhD 2011 now Vice President Alpine Data Labs
- Vicente Malave (NSF IGERT trainee, San Diego Fellowship)
- Tim Mullen (with Scott Makeig) (San Diego Fellowship, Glushko award, Chancellor's Dissertation Medal) PhD 2015 now CEO/ Research Director, Intheon Labs
- Eunho Noh (Kavli Innovative Research Award (2012-2013), Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship finalist (2012)) PhD 2014 now Bioinformatics Scientist at Illumina
- Walter Talbott (with Javier Movellan) (NSF IGERT trainee, Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship finalist) PhD 2015, now at Apple
- Leo Trottier (NSERC fellowship) now Founder and CEO CleverPet
- Priya Velu (MD/PhD 2014) now Resident Pathologist at U Penn
- Alan Robinson (Ph.D. 2009) now postdoc UCSD (Psych and CogSci)
- Hsin-Hao Yu (with Marty Sereno) (Ph.D. 2007) now research fellow at Monash University
- Paul Hammon NSF IGERT trainee (Ph.D. 2009) now Senior Data Scientist Renovate America
- Jesse Cirimele
(graduated 07) PhD Stanford CS now at Osmo (Tangible Play, Inc)
- Mitch Datlow
(graduated 06), MS John Hopkins, MD UC Davis, now Resident Physician and DRD consulting
- Robert Morgan (graduated 03) MD/PhD UC Irvine now Psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic
- John Rieman (graduated 03) MS in Aerospace Engineering
- Sophie Soong (now Hsu) (graduated 06) Berkeley Optometry now Optometrist
- Tom Sullivan NSF IGERT trainee, INC fellowship (Ph.D. 2006) now Lead Sensor System Architect at Apple
- Josh Susskind (graduated 03) PhD University of Toronto now at Apple
- Qiong Zhang (visiting undergrad from National University of Singapore) PhD student at CMU now Assistant Professor at Rutgers University