School Site:
An important requirement of this course is weekly participatory site visits to a school or educational setting. You will work with teachers and their students during an approximately three and a half hour period each week outside of our class meeting times, and write up a reflection on your experiences and observations. Below is a description of the school site for this quarter and its location, along with the days/times that you can sign up for beyond the Thursday meetings at the School. Please look this over carefully and let me know your availability/preference for a specific days or times outside of our class meeting times (Tues/Thurs 12:30-1:50). The school is open from 9-3:30 except the second and forth wednesday of each month when there is early dismissal at 12:30. Note: you must commit to visiting the site the same times every week. Let me know if you interested in carpooling to the sites (either needing a ride or providing a seat in your car) and I will help to put you in touch with others in the class.
Site Description:
High Tech Middle Media Arts
2861 Womble Rd.
San Diego, CA 92106
High Tech Middle Media Arts is located in the Point Loma area of San Diego,
on the former Naval Training Center at the intersection of Rosecrans St and
Womble Rd (a 15-20 minute drive from UCSD). High Tech Middle Media Arts is
an innovative charter school (open and free to California Residents) serving
approximately 300 students in grades 6-8 in San Diego and features a focus
on multi-media and communications. HTMMA is part of a larger complex of schools
including an elementary, another High Tech Middle, and High Tech High school
all at the same site.
website: http://www.hightechhigh.org/schools/HTMMA/ Directions
Driving Directions:
From the North: Interstate 5 South; Rosecrans Exit; After the intersection
of Lytton and Rosecrans, turn left Womble Road, turn right on Truxtun and
park in first lot on the left.
From the South: Interstate 5 North; Pacific Highway; Left on Barnett Avenue;
Left on Rosecrans, Left Womble Road, turn right on Truxtun and park in first
lot on the left.
Lesson plans and learning objectives
The Wiki site:
Spanish-English Resources:
Web Access
- Censoring Cyberspace: Library Internet Filtering
http://justicetalking.org/viewprogram.asp?progID=194- Cleanspeak: A Look at Web Censorship
http://justicetalking.org/viewprogram.asp?progID=89- Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org/
- Swarthmore's Coalition for the Digital Commons http://scdc.sccs.swarthmore.edu/
- ElectronicFrontier Foundation http://www.eff.org/
- First Mondays: Freedom of Information http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_11/clarke/index.html
- Washingtomn Post Primer on COPA, CIPA etc http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A39748-2002May31.html
Chat spaces:
- Habbo Hotel http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/
- Cokemusic.com http://cokemusic.com/
- metapets: http://metapet.net/
- the palace: http://www.thepalace.com/
- harvard neurology chat palace: http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/palace.html
- Hotel Chelsea Chat room http://www.hotelchelsea.com/chat.html
- chat avenue kids chat: http://www.chat-avenue.com/kidchat.html
- Kids.com chatrooms: http://www.kidscom.com/chat/kidschat/kidschat.html
- gurl message boards http://www.gurl.com/
- a dos and don'ts list http://www.charlottebear.co.uk/chat/par-info.htm
- psychology of avatars: http://www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/psyav.html