109 Digital Media Pedagogy
Brian Goldfarb, Winter 2010
Dept of Communication, UCSD
Course Schedule:
Readings are due before the class. Readings are subject to change by the instructor.
You will be notified as early as possible of any changes.
1 | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8
| 9 | 10
Week One (Jan 5 & 7): Introduction
[Site visits begin on Thursday, Jan 7, please arrive
at 12pm for orientation at
High Tech
Middle Media Arts--see the resources page for site description and directions]
- Course overview: scope and requirements
- Discuss Site Visits at HTMMA: Sign up for school site times
- Weekly journals on WebCT
- Lab: Introduction to Flash-prep for working at HTMMA
Week Two
(Jan 12 & 14): New Literacies?
Further reading:
- Buckingham, "Defining Digital Literacy: What Do Young People Need to Know About Digital Media?" in Digital Literacies p73-90
- Lankshear and Knobel, "Do We Have Your Attention?" http://everydayliteracies.net/attention.html
- J.L. Lemke "Metamedia Literacy: Transforming Meanings and Media" http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jaylemke/reinking.htm
- lana Snyder,
"Silicon Literacies" pages 3-12, and, "Communication, Imagination,
Critiques" pages 173-183 in Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation
and Education in the Electronic Age, ed., Ilana Snyder , (e-reserves)
Lab: Introduction to Flash in prep for HTMMA interactive paintings project.
Week Three
(Jan 19 & 21): Multimedia pedagogies
- Brian Goldfarb, Visual Pedagogy: Media
Cultures in and beyond the Classroom, "Introduction," pages1-22 (e-reserves)
Week Four
(Jan 26 & 28): Youth Culture and New Media Practices
- Brian Goldfarb, Visual Pedagogy: Media Cultures
in and beyond the Classroom, "Chapter 4: Peer Education and Interactivity" pages107-139
- Erstad, " Trajectories of Remixing: Digital Literacies, Media Production, and Schooling" in Digital Literacies, p177-202 (part of same pdf linked to syllabus for week 2)
Further reading:
- Joseph Tobin, "An American Otaku"
, pages 106-127, Digital Diversions: Youth
Culture in the Age of Multimedia, edited by Julian Sefton-Green (e-reserves)
- Erstad, Gilje and de Lange "Re-mixing Multimodal Resources"
- Judith Williamson, "Engaging Resistant Writers
Through Zines in the Classroom" http://www.missouri.edu/~rhetnet/judyw_zines.htm
Week Five
(Feb 2 & 4 ): Digital geographies: the "digital divide" and the world of
the Web
Further reading :
Week Six
(Feb 9 & 11): Universal access: visuality, [dis]ability and digital learning
- Patricia A. Dunn and Kathleen
Dunn De Mers: "Reversing Notions
of Disability and Accommodation: Embracing Universal Design in Writing Pedagogy
and Web Space," Kairos, Volume 7, Issue 1 online: http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/7.1/binder2.html?coverweb/dunn_demers/index.html
- Chis Abbott, "Writing the Visual"
pages 31-46, in Silicon literacies : Communication, Innovation and Education
in the Electronic Age, ed., Ilana Snyder , (e-reserves)
Week Seven
(Feb 16 & 18): Balancing safety and independence in learning: negotiating control
and monitoring access to content in classrooms, libraries and at home
Week Eight
(Feb 23 & 25): Games, play and learning
Further Reading:
- Justine Cassell "Story
Telling as a Nexus for Change in the Relationship between Gender and Technology"
Chapter 13 in Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins, From Barbie to
Mortal Kombat (available online to through Roger when on campus or via web proxy).
- Catherine Beavis, "Reading, Writing and Role-playing
Computer Games" 45-61 in Silicon Literacies:
Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, ed., Ilana Snyder , (e-reserves)
Week Nine
(March 1 & 3): Intellectual property, plagiarism, collaboration, and the public good
Further Reading:
Ten (March 8 & 10):Learning with Social Network Media
- Lankshear and Knobel, "Digital Literacy and Participation in Online Social Networking Spaces" in Digital Literacies
- Learning From Youtube: An Interview with Alex Juhasz
- Viera Lorencova, "YouTube Dilemmas: The Appropriation of User-Generated Online Videos in Teaching and Learning"
Finals Week (March 14-17): FINAL PAPER (take
home exam) Due on March 17
Additional Topics:
- OpenSource Software and Education.
- Learning in/about Private and Public Digital Space