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Stercus bubulus omnia vincit
—My Daddy

Jargon & Gibberish

"At any given moment there is an orthdoxy, a
body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-
thinking people will accept without question."
—George Orwell (Preface to Animal Farm)

(And then there are the equally mindless
phrases in which the right-thinking
people talk about it.)

Table of Contents

  1. Politpiddle: The Language of Political Posturing
  2. Musicmumble: The Language of Concert Program Notes
  3. Pomoprattle: The Language of Postmodernism
  4. Bureaubabble: The Language of University Administration
  5. Moneymumble: The Language of Corporate America
  6. Donordrivel: The Language of Collegiate Fundraising