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Tractate of the Most High One
on Actions and Consequences
Chapter VI

Hope for Those Who Repent

1. When a person’s heart is moved by goodness, although the goodness has not yet been achieved, nevertheless felicitous spirits are already following him. 夫心起于善,善虽未为,而吉神已随之。
Fū xīn qǐ yú shàn, shàn suī wèi wéi, ér jí shén yǐ suí zhī.
2. But when a person’s heart is moved by evil, although the evil has not yet been achieved, nevertheless spirits of misfortune are already following him. 或心起于恶,恶虽未为,而凶神已随之。
Huò xīn qǐ yú è, è suī wèi wéi, ér xiōng shén yǐ suí zhī.
3. A person who formerly did bad things but afterward repents and does no more evil, and continues in good behavior, gradually must obtain good fortune and happiness. 其有曾行恶事,后自改悔,诸恶莫作,众善奉行,久久必获吉庆。
Qí yǒu céng xíng è shì, hòu zì gǎi huǐ, zhū è mò zuò, zhòng shàn fèng xíng, jiǔ jiǔ bì huò jí qìng;
4. This is called “changing disaster into good fortune.” 所谓「转祸为福」也。
Suǒ wèi “zhuǎn huò wéi fú” yě.
5. Therefore a joyous man speaks what is good, thinks what is good, and does what is good; 故吉人语善、视善、行善;
gù jí rén yǔ shàn、shì shàn、xíng shàn;
6. each day he does these three things, and in three years Heaven will bequeath to him good fortune. 一日有三善,三年天必降之福。
yī rì yǒu sān shàn, sān nián tiān bì jiàng zhī fú.
7. But an unlucky man is he who speaks what is evil, thinks what is evil, and does what is evil; 凶人语恶、视恶、行恶;
xiōng rén yǔ è、shì è、xíng è;
8. each day he does these three things, and in three years Heaven will strike him with misfortune. 一日有三恶,三年天必降之祸。
yī rì yǒu sān è, sān nián tiān bì jiàng zhī huò.
9. Why would we not be diligent in following this? 胡不勉而行之?
Hú bù miǎn ér xíng zhī?

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