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Confucian Canon page

Content created: 2013-11-14
File last modified: 2020-06-14

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Lamentation of Confucius


It is said that Confucius, rebuffed by the various political worthies he sought to advise, was returning home when he saw a wildflower blooming along the path. There, tradition holds, he composed and sang this sad song, accompanying himself on his lute.

That is, however, only a story. The poem is very old. That it is by Confucius is a bit implausible.


The Wild Orchid 猜兰操《幽兰操》
Cāi Lán Cāo (Yōu Lán Cāo)

1. With the gentle valley breezes come darkness and rain 习习谷风,以阴以雨。
Xí xí gǔ fēng, yǐ yīn yǐ yǔ.
This person returns home from where he set out. 之子于归,远送于野。
Zhī zǐ yú guī. yuǎn sòng yú yě.
How has Heaven not attained its goal? 何彼苍天,不得其所。
Hé bǐ cāng tiān, bù dé qí suǒ/

2. He has wandered the world without a home. 逍遥九州,无所定处。
Xiāo yáo jiǔ zhōu, wú suǒ dìng chǔ.
People today are ignorant and do not recognize a sage. 时人闇蔽,不知贤者。
Shí rén àn bì, bù zhī xián zhě.
The years pass and he grows old. 年纪逝迈,一身将老。
Nián jì shì mài, yī shēn jiāng lǎo.

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