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Fǎxiǎn: A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms

Chapter 24
Where Buddha Finally Renounced the World and Where He Died.

1. East from here three yojanas, there is the place where the heir-apparent sent back [his charioteer] Chandaka (Chēnì 车匿), with his white horse [Kanthaka, when he abandoned his life as prince]; and there also a stupa was erected. 从此东行三由延。 太子遣车匿白马还处。 亦起塔。
Cóngcǐ dōngxíng sān yóuyán. Tàizǐ qiǎn Chēnì báimǎ hái chù. Yì qǐ tǎ.
從此東行三由延。 太子遣車匿白馬還處。 亦起塔。
2. Four yojanas to the east from this, the travelers came to the Charcoal Stupa [over the place of the the Buddha’s cremation], where there is also a monastery. 从此东行四由延。 到炭塔。 亦有僧伽蓝。
Cóngcǐ dōngxíng sì yóuyán. Dào tàn tǎ. Yì yǒu sēng qiélán.
從此東行四由延。 到炭塔。 亦有僧伽藍。
3. Going on twelve yojanas, still to the east, they came to the city of Kusanagara (Jūyínàjié 拘夷那竭) [near modern Kusiah, about 90 miles east of Kapilavastu], on the north of which, between two trees, on the bank of the Nairanjana (Xīliánchán 希连禅) river, is the place where the World-honoured one, with his head to the north, attained to pari-nirvana (and died). 复东行十二由延。 到拘夷那竭城。 城北。 双树间。 希连禅河边。 世尊于此北首而般泥洹。
Fùdōng xíng shí'èr yóuyán. Dào Jūyínàjié chéng. Chéng běi. Shuāng shù jiān. Xī lián chán hébiān. Shìzūn yúcǐ běi shǒu ér bān níhuán.
復東行十二由延。 到拘夷那竭城。 城北。 雙樹間。 希連禪河邊。 世尊於此北首而般泥洹。
4. There also are the places where Subhadra (Xūbá 须跋), the last of his converts, attained to wisdom and became an arhat; 及须跋最后得道处。
Jí Xūbá zuìhòu dédào chù.
5. and where, in his coffin of gold, they made offerings to the World-honoured one for seven days [as though he had been a king], 以金棺供养世尊七日处。
Yǐ jīn guān gòngyǎng shìzūn qī rì chù.
6. and where the Vajrapani (Jīngāng lìshì金刚力士, “diamond scepter holder”) laid aside his golden club, and where the eight kings divided the relics of the burnt body. 金刚力士放金杵处。 八王分舍利处。
Jīngānglìshì fàng jīn chǔ chù. Bā wáng fēn shèlì chù.
金剛力士放金杵處。 八王分舍利處。
7. At all these places were built stupas and monasteries, all of which still exist. 此诸处皆起塔。 有僧伽蓝。 今悉现在。
Cǐ zhū chù jiē qǐ tǎ. Yǒu sēng qiélán. Jīn xī xiànzài.
此諸處皆起塔。 有僧伽藍。 今悉現在。
8. In the city [of Kusanagara] the inhabitants are few and far between, comprising only the families belonging to the different societies of monks. 其城中人民。 亦希旷。 止有众僧民户。
Qí chéng zhōngrén mín. Yì xī kuàng. Zhǐ yǒu zhòng sēng mínhù.
其城中人民。 亦希曠。 止有眾僧民戶。
9. Going from this to the south-east for twelve yojanas, they came to the place where the Lichchhavis (líchē 梨車) [chiefs of Vaisali (Píshèlí 毘舍离), early converts to Buddhism] wished to follow the Buddha to the place of his pari-nirvana, 从此东南行十二由延。 到诸梨车欲逐佛般泥洹处。
Cóngcǐ dōngnán xíng shí'èr yóuyán. Dào zhū lí chē yù zhú Fó bān níhuán chù.
從此東南行十二由延。 到諸梨車欲逐佛般泥洹處。
10. and where, when he would not listen to them and they kept cleaving to him, unwilling to go away, he made to appear a large and deep ditch which they could not cross over, and gave them his alms-bowl, as a pledge of his regard, thus sending them back to their families. 而佛不听。 恋佛不肯去。 佛化作大深堑。 不得渡。 佛与钵作信。 遣还其家处。
Ér Fó bùtīng. Liàn Fó bùkěn qù. Fó huà zuòdà shēn qiàn. Bù dé dù. Fó yǔ bō zuò xìn. Qiǎn hái qí jiā chù.
而佛不聽。 戀佛不肯去。 佛化作大深塹。 不得渡。 佛與鉢作信。 遣還其家處。
11. There a stone pillar was erected with an account of this event engraved upon it. 立石柱。 上有铭题。
Lì shízhù. Shàng yǒu míng tí.
立石柱。 上有銘題。


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