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1. | On to Muttra From this place they traveled some 80 yojanas to the southeast, passing by a succession of very many monasteries, with a multitude of monks, who might be counted by myriads. |
从此东南行。 减八十由延。 经历诸寺甚多。 僧众万数。 Cóngcǐ dōngnán xíng. Jiǎn bāshí yóuyán. Jīnglì zhū sì shén duō. Sēngzhòng wàn shù. 從此東南行。 減八十由延。 經歷諸寺甚多。 僧眾萬數。 |
2. | After passing all these places, they came to a country named Muttra (“The Peacock City” [and birthplace of Krishna], Mótóuluó 摩头罗). | 过是诸处已。 到一国。 国名摩头罗。 Guò shì zhū chù yǐ. Dào yī guó. Guómíng Mótóuluó. 過是諸處已。 到一國。 國名摩頭羅。 |
3. | They still followed the course of the Púnà 蒱那 river [probably the Jumna or Yamuna], on the banks of which, left and right, there were twenty monasteries, which might contain three thousand monks; and here the Law of the Buddha was still more flourishing. | 又经蒱那河。 河边左右。 有二十僧伽蓝。 可有三千僧。 佛法转盛。 Yòu jīng pú nà hé. Hébiān zuǒyòu. Yǒu èrshí sēng qiélán. Kě yǒu sānqiān sēng. Fófǎ zhuǎn shèng. 又經蒱那河。 河邊左右。 有二十僧伽藍。 可有三千僧。 佛法轉盛。 |
4. | Condition and Customs of Central India Everywhere, from the Sandy Desert, in all the countries of India, the kings have been firm believers in that Law. |
凡沙河已西。 天竺诸国。 国王皆笃信佛法。 Fán Shāhé yǐ xī. Tiānzhú zhūguó. Guówáng jiē dǔxìn Fó.ǎ. 凡沙河已西。 天竺諸國。 國王皆篤信佛法。 |
5. | When they make their offerings to a community of monks, they take off their royal caps, and along with their relatives and ministers, supply them with food with their own hands. | 供养众僧时。 则脱天冠。 共诸宗亲群臣。 手自行食。 Gòngyǎng衆 sēng shí. Zé tuō tiān guān. Gòng zhū zōngqīn qúnchén. Shǒu zìxíng shí. 供養衆僧時。 則脫天冠。 共諸宗親群臣。 手自行食。 |
6. | That done, the king has a carpet spread for himself on the ground, and sits down in front of the chairman; they dare not presume to sit on couches in front of the community. | 行食已。 铺毡于地。 对上座前。 坐于众僧前。 不敢坐床。 Xíngshí yǐ. Pū zhān yú dì. Duì shàngzuò qián. Zuò yú zhòng sēng qián. Bù gǎn zuòchuáng. 行食已。 鋪氈於地。 對上座前。 坐於眾僧前。 不敢坐牀。 |
7. | The laws and ways, according to which the kings presented their offerings when the Buddha was in the world, have been handed down to the present day. | 佛在世时。 诸王供养法式。 相传至今。 Fó zàishì shí. Zhū wáng gòngyǎng fǎshì. Xiāngchuán zhìjīn. 佛在世時。 諸王供養法式。 相傳至今。 |
8. | All south from this is named the Middle Kingdom [in Pali the Majjhima-desa]. In it the cold and heat are finely tempered, and there is neither hoarfrost nor snow. | 从是以南。 名为中国。 中国寒暑调和。 无霜雪。 Cóng shìyǐ nán. Míngwéi zhōngguó. Zhōngguó hánshǔ tiáohé. Wú shuāngxuě. 從是以南。 名為中國。 中國寒暑調和。 無霜雪。 |
9. | The people are numerous and happy; they have not to register their households, or attend to any magistrates and their rules; only those who cultivate the royal land have to pay [a portion of] the grain from it. | 人民殷乐。 无户籍官法。 唯耕王地者。 乃输地利。 Rénmín yīn lè. Wú hùjí guān fǎ. Wéi gēng wáng dì zhě. Nǎi shū dìlì. 人民殷樂。 無戶籍官法。 唯耕王地者。 乃輸地利。 |
10. | If they want to go, they go; if they want to stay on, they stay. | 欲去便去。 欲住便住。 Yù qù biàn qù. Yù zhù biàn zhù. 欲去便去。 欲住便住。 |
11. | The king governs without decapitation or other corporal punishments. Criminals are simply fined, lightly or heavily, according to the circumstances of each case. | 王治不用刑斩有罪者。 但罚其钱。 随事轻重。 Wáng zhì bùyòng xíng zhǎn yǒuzuì zhě. Dàn fá qí qián. Suí shì qīngzhòng. 王治不用刑斬有罪者。 但罰其錢。 隨事輕重。 |
12. | Even in cases of repeated attempts at wicked rebellion, they only have their right hands cut off. | 虽复谋为恶逆。 不过截右手而已。 Suī fù móu wéi ènì. Bùguò jié yòushǒu éryǐ. 雖復謀為惡逆。 不過截右手而已。 |
13. | The king’s body-guards and attendants all have salaries. | 王之侍卫左右。 皆有供禄。 Wáng zhī shìwèi zuǒyòu. Jiē yǒu gōng lù. 王之侍衛左右。 皆有供祿。 |
14. | Throughout the whole country the people do not kill any living creature, nor drink intoxicating liquor, nor eat onions or garlic [regarded as too stimulating to the senses for monastic Buddhists]. | 举国人民。 悉不杀生。 不饮酒。 不食葱蒜。 Jǔguó rénmín. Xī bù shāshēng. Bù yǐnjiǔ. Bù shí cōngsuàn. 舉國人民。 悉不殺生。 不飲酒。 不食葱蒜。 |
15. | The only exception is that of the Chandalas [the untouchable caste]. That is the name for those who are held to be wicked men, and live apart from others. | 唯除旃荼罗。 旃荼罗名为恶人。 与人别居。 Wéi chú zhāntúluó. Zhān tú luó míngwéi èrén. Yǔ rén biéjū. 唯除旃荼羅。 旃荼羅名為惡人。 與人別居。 |
16. | When they enter the gate of a city or a market-place, they strike a piece of wood to make themselves known, so that men know and avoid them, and do not come into contact with them. | 若入城市。 则击木以自异。 人则识而避之。 不相搪揬。 Ruò rù chéngshì. Zé jī mù yǐ zì yì. Rén zé shí ér bì zhī. Bù xiāng tángtú. 若入城市。 則擊木以自異。 人則識而避之。 不相搪揬。 |
17. | In that country they do not keep pigs and fowls, and do not sell live cattle; in the markets there are no butchers’ shops and no dealers in intoxicating drink. | 国中不养猪、鸡。 不卖生口。 市无屠店。 及沽酒者。 Guózhōng bù yǎngzhū、jī. Bù mài shēngkǒu. Shì wú tú diàn. Jí gūjiǔ zhě. 國中不養豬、雞。 不賣生口。 市無屠店。 及沽酒者。 |
18. | In buying and selling commodities they use cowries. Only the Chandalas are fishermen and hunters, and sell flesh meat. | 货易则用贝齿。 唯旃荼罗。 渔猎师。 卖肉耳。 Huò yì zé yòng bèi chǐ. Wéi zhān tú luó. Yúliè shī. Mài ròu ěr. 貨易則用貝齒。 唯旃荼羅。 漁獵師。 賣肉耳。 |
19. | Of Monks, Viharas, and Monasteries After the Buddha attained to pari-nirvana, the kings of the various countries and the heads of the Vaisyas [or merchant castes] built viharas for the priests, and endowed them with fields, houses, gardens, and orchards, along with the resident populations and their cattle, the grants being engraved on plates of metal, so that afterwards they were handed down from king to king, without any daring to annul them, and they remain even to the present time. |
自佛般泥洹后。 诸国王、长者、居士为众僧起精舍。 供给田宅、园圃、民户、牛犊。 铁券书录。 后王王相传。 无敢废者。 至今不绝。 Zì Fó bān níhuán hòu. Zhūguó wáng、Zhǎngzhě、Jūshìwéi zhèng sēng qǐ jīngshè. Gōngjǐ tián zhái、Yuánpǔ、Mínhù、Niúdú. Tiě quàn shūlù. Hòuwáng wáng xiāngchuán. Wú gǎn fèi zhě. Zhìjīn bùjué. 自佛般泥洹後。 諸國王、長者、居士爲衆僧起精舍。 供給田宅、園圃、民戶、牛犢。 鐵券書錄。 後王王相傳。 無敢廢者。 至今不絕。 |
20. | When any monk stops here, he does not want for bedding, food, or clothing. All are provided. | 众僧住止房舍。 床蓐、饮食、衣服。 都无阙乏。 处处皆尔。 Zhòng sēng zhù zhǐ fángshè. Chuángrù、yǐnshí、yīfu. Dōu wú què fá. Chùchù jiē ěr. 衆僧住止房舍。 牀蓐、飲食、衣服。 都無闕乏。 處處皆爾。 |
21. | The regular business of the monks is to perform acts of meritorious virtue, and to recite their Sutras and sit in meditation. | 众僧常以作功德为业。 及诵经坐禅。 Zhòng sēng cháng yǐ zuò gōngdé wéiyè. Jí sòngjīng zuòchán. 眾僧常以作功德為業。 及誦經坐禪。 |
22. | When stranger monks arrive at any monastery, the old residents meet and receive them, carry for them their clothes and alms-bowl, give them water to wash their feet, oil with which to anoint them, and the liquid food permitted out of the regular hours [something prohibited to resident monks]. | 客僧往到。 旧僧迎逆。 代担衣钵。 给洗足水。 涂足油。 与非时浆。 Kè sēng wǎng dào. Jiù sēng yíng nì. Dài dān yībō. Gěi xǐ zú shuǐ. Tú zú yóu. Yǔ fēi shí jiāng. 客僧往到。 舊僧迎逆。 代擔衣缽。 給洗足水。 塗足油。 與非時漿。 |
23. | When the stranger has enjoyed a very brief rest, they further ask the number of years that he has been a monk, after which he receives a sleeping apartment with its appurtenances, according to his regular order, and everything is done for him which the rules prescribe. | 须臾息已。 复问其腊数。 次第得房舍卧具。 种种如法。 Xūyú xī yǐ. Fù wèn qí là shù. Cìdì dé fángshè wòjù. Zhǒngzhǒng rú fǎ. 須臾息已。 復問其臘數。 次第得房舍臥具。 種種如法。 |
24. | Where a community of monks resides, they erect stupas to Shariputtra [Shèlìfú 舍利弗 or Zhìhuì 智慧, a disciple of the Buddha, renowned for his wisdom], to Maha-maudgalyayana [Mùlián 目连, a disciple of the Buddha, renowned for his filial piety], and to Ananda [Ēnántǎ 阿难塔, the favorite disciple of the Buddha], and also stupas (in honour) of the Abhidharma [Ēpítán 阿毗昙, part of the Buddhist canon], the Vinaya [lǜ 律, part of the Buddhist canon], and the Sutras [jīng 经, part of the Buddhist canon]. | 众僧住处。 作舍利弗塔、目连、阿难塔。 幷阿毗昙、律、经塔。 Zhòngsēng zhùchù. Zuò shèlìfú tǎ、Mùlián、Ēnántǎ. Bīng Ēpítán、Lǜ、Jīngtǎ. 衆僧住處。 作舍利弗塔、目連、阿難塔。 幷阿毗曇、律、經塔。 |
25. | A month after the annual season of rest, the families which are looking out for blessing stimulate one another to make offerings to the monks, and send round to them the liquid food which may be taken out of the ordinary hours. | 安居后一月。 诸希福之家。 劝化供养僧。 行非时浆。 Ānjū hòu Yīyuè. Zhū xī fú zhī jiā. Quànhuà gòngyǎng sēng. Xíng fēi shí jiāng. 安居後一月。 諸希福之家。 勸化供養僧。 行非時漿。 |
26. | All the monks come together in a great assembly, and preach the Law; after which offerings are presented at the stupa of Shariputtra, with all kinds of flowers and incense. | 众僧大会说法。 说法已。 供养舍利弗塔。 种种华香。 Zhòng sēng dàhuì shuōfa. Shuōfa yǐ. Gòngyǎng shèlì fú tǎ. Zhǒngzhǒng huá xiāng. 眾僧大會說法。 說法已。 供養舍利弗塔。 種種華香。 |
27. | All through the night lamps are kept burning, and skillful musicians are employed to perform. | 通夜然灯。 使伎乐人作。 Tōngyè rán dēng. Shǐ jì lè rén zuò. 通夜然燈。 使伎樂人作。 |
28. | When Shariputtra was a great Brahman, he went to the Buddha, and begged to be permitted to quit his family and become a monk. | 舍利弗。 大婆罗门时。 诣佛求出家。 Shèlìfú. Dà Póluómén shí. Yì Fó qiúchū jiā. 舍利弗。 大婆羅門時。 詣佛求出家。 |
29. | The great Mugalan and the great Kasyapa [Dàjiāyè 大迦叶, a disciple of the Buddha] also did the same. | 大目连。 大迦叶。 亦如是。 Dà mù lián. Dà jiā yè. Yì rúshì. 大目連。 大迦葉。 亦如是。 |
30. | The bhikshunis [nuns] for the most part make their offerings at the stupa of Ananda, because it was he who requested the World-honoured one to allow females to quit their families and become nuns. [The story can be found elsewhere on this web site. (Link) ] | 诸比丘尼。 多供养阿难塔。 以阿难请世尊听女人出家故。 Zhū bǐqiūní. Duō gòngyǎng ā nán tǎ. Yǐ Ēnán qǐng shìzūn tīng nǚrén chūjiā gù. 諸比丘尼。 多供養阿難塔。 以阿難請世尊聽女人出家故。 |
31. | The sramaneras [novices, male or female, who have still taken only partial vows] mostly make their offerings to Rahula [Luóyún 罗云, the Buddha’s son and disciple, patron novices]. | 诸沙弥。 多供养罗云。 Zhū shāmí. Duō gòngyǎng Luóyún. 諸沙彌。 多供養羅云。 |
32. | The professors of the Abhidharma make their offerings to it; those of the Vinaya to it. | 阿毗昙师者。 供养阿毗昙。 律师者供养律。 Āpítán shī zhě. Gòngyǎng ā pí tán. Lǜshī zhě gòngyǎng lǜ. 阿毘曇師者。 供養阿毘曇。 律師者供養律。 |
33. | Every year there is one such offering, and each class has its own day for it. | 年年一供养。 各自有日。 Niánnián yī gòngyǎng. Gèzì yǒurì. 年年一供養。 各自有日。 |
34. | Students of the Mahayana present offerings to the Prajna-paramita [Bānruò-bōluómì 般若波罗蜜, one of the six or ten paramitas, or ways of passing to nirvana], to Manjusri [Wénshū-shīlì 文殊师利, a bodhisattva often worshiped with the Buddha], and to Guānshìyīn 观世音 [a bodhisattva sometimes referred to as the “goddess of mercy”]. | 摩诃衍人。 则供养般若波罗蜜、文殊师利、观世音等。 Mó hē yǎn rén. Zé gòngyǎng Bānruò-Bōluómì、Wénshūshīlì、Guānshìyīn děng. 摩訶衍人。 則供養般若波羅蜜、文殊師利、觀世音等。 |
35. | When the monks have done receiving their annual tribute from the harvests, the heads of the Vaisyas and all the Brahmans bring clothes and other such articles as the monks require for use, and distribute among them. | 众僧受岁竟。 长者居士。 婆罗门等。 各将种种衣物。 沙门所须以用。 布施众僧。 Zhòng sēng shòu suìjìng. Zhǎngzhě jūshì. Póluómén děng. Gè jiàngzhǒng zhǒng yīwù. Shāmén suǒ xū yǐ yòng. Bùshī zhòng sēng. 眾僧受歲竟。 長者居士。 婆羅門等。 各將種種衣物。 沙門所須以用。 布施衆僧。 |
36. | The monks, having received them, also proceed to give portions to one another. | 僧受亦自各各布施。 Sēng shòu yì zì gègè bùshī. 僧受亦自各各布施。 |
37. | From the nirvana of the Buddha, the forms of ceremony, laws, and rules, practised by the sacred communities, have been handed down from one generation to another without interruption. | 佛泥洹已来。 圣众所行。 威仪法则。 相承不纪。 Fóníhuán yǐ lái. Shèng zhòng suǒ xíng. Wēiyí fǎzé. Xiāngchéng bù jì. 佛泥洹已來。 聖眾所行。 威儀法則。 相承不紀。 |
38. | From the place where the travelers crossed the Indus to Southern India, and on to the Southern Sea, a distance of forty or fifty thousand lǐ, all is level plain. There are no large hills with streams among them; there are simply the waters of the rivers. | 自度新头河。 至南天竺。 迄于南海。 四五万里。 皆平坦无大山川。 正有河水耳。 Zì dù xīn tóu hé. Zhì nán Tiānzhú. Qì yú Nán Hǎi. Sì wǔwànLí. Jiē píngtǎn wú dà shānchuān. Zhèng yǒu héshuǐ ěr. 自度新頭河。 至南天竺。 迄于南海。 四五萬里。 皆平坦無大山川。 正有河水耳。 |
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