overview meetingsy bibliography links

COGR 275 Theories of Digital Culture (Section ID 515029)
Prof. Brian Goldfarb

Resources and Media Examples

Week 1 (Sept23): Introduction: approaches to digital culture

Week 2 (Sept 30 –may have to reschedule) Computer network’s military legacy

Week 3 (Oct 7)  Cybernetics, post-humanism, cyborg politics.

Week 4 (Oct 14) (dis)ability and technology

Week 5 (Oct 21) Digital-Visual Pedagogy, Power/Knowledge

Week 6 (Oct 28) Online Identity and Virtual Community, Cyberanthropology


Week 7 (Nov 4) Online Identity II: Queer and gendered cyberspace


Week 8 (Nov 11) Global networks, local cultures  (digital corporate culture, and network activism)

Week 9 (Nov 18) Intellectual property. Information economy. New forms of property/new forms of sharing

Week 10  (Dec 2) Privacy, security, anonymity surveillance

Other topics:

Ubiquitous computing: digital devices and everyday life

Global archives, database as cultural form

The digital screen:  developments in cinema and visual culture

Games and play

Translation/manipulation of data as cultural production

Censorship and regulation of online content; pornography and the protection of children.

Digital divide

Digital theories of mind. AI’s impact on culture