Covering topics: |
Materials | |
Week 1, Tuesday (March 30): Introduction of the course | Introduction |
slides |
Week 1, Tuesday (April 1):
Background introduction to discriminiative classifiers. |
Classifier basics, VC dimension |
slides |
Week 2, Tuesday (April 6): Basics about SVM classifier | Support Vector Machines |
slides |
Week 2, Thursday (April 8):
Ensemble Classifiers |
Empirical study of the
performance of popular classifiers Ensemble classifiers: bagging, boosting |
slides Project 1 |
Week 3, Tuesday (April 13)
Boosting |
Boosting |
Week 3, Thursday (April 15) Random forests | Random Forests |
Week 4, Tuesday (April 20)
Semi-supervised Learning |
Semi-supervised learning,
transductive learning |
(X. Zhu) survey |
Week 4, Thursday (April 22)
Semi-supervised Learning |
Label propagation |
Week 5, Tuesday (April 26)
Semi-supervised Learning |
Harmonic functions, spectrum clustering | slides Project2 |
Week 5, Thursday (April 29)
Semi-supervised Learning |
PAC theory |
Week 6, Tuesday (May 4)
Semi-supervised Learning |
Diffusion maps |
(Coifman) |
Week 6, Thursday (May 6) Active
Learning |
Active learning |
slides (Dasgupta) |
Week 7, Tuesday (May 11) |
Mixture model, ICA |
Week 7, Thursday (May 13) |
LASSO, sparsity |
Week 8, Tuesday (May 18) |
sparse coding |
Week 8, Thursday (May 20) |
RBM and deep belief network |
Week 9, Tuesday (May 25) Graphical models | Bag of words model | slides Project 3 |