Final Project Assignment ETHN 112B / HIUS 108B

Guidelines for Final Research Project

“When the Indian account includes the mechanics of the event,
it should be regarded as a valid eyewitness event.”            Vine Deloria, Jr.

The research project assignment asks you to identify a topic that:

— provides an analysis of an issue relevant Native Americans in the present within its historical context, or;
— provides an analysis of a historical problem that has consequences for Indian people or communities in the present.


Your paper must be 8-12 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and with normal margins and type size.  For any project that results in an alternative final form, please discuss the equivalent with me.

Be sure to cite all sources in the body of your paper  (Deloria, 163) or as a footnote1, as well as in a list of “References Cited” at the end of your paper.  For and example of History-style bibliographic references click here.

The paper must be submitted in class on Friday, March 10.  No exceptions!

Some parameters:

The object of the research project is go beyond the surface in seeking to understand an aspect or issue  presented in this course that you find interesting.  As Vine Deloria notes above, taking Indian accounts seriously can complicate matters.  Welcome these complications.

Your project may be an individual or group effort.  Group projects are encouraged, and must include a section in the final report describing the specific contributions of each member of the team.

The point of departure for your project should be some text, document, article, or theme included in the course. 

PLEASE look over this "Checklist for Better Writing" before writing up your research project.

Progress Report:

Please turn in a progress report of your research project on Friday, March 10 at the beginning of class.  It should consist of 1-2 double-spaced page and should address:

Presentation (during scheduled Final Exam):

Imagine creative ways to present your project.  Thinking about how to convey the significant conclusions of your research is a part of the project.

1  Deloria, Red Earth, White Lies, 12.

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