Ethnic Studies 110 - Final Study Questions

REVIEW SESSION : Wednesday, March 22, 3:00-5:00PM, Warren Lecture Hall 2207

EXAM: Friday, March 24, 8:00-11:00AM, Warren Lecture Hall 2207

IMPORTANT NOTE: When working on these study question make sure to supply specific examples to illustrate your answer.

Compare and contrast the role of central religious ceremonies or institutions in the four culture areas studied in this course.

Describe your definition of “cultural world view” as it applies to the Native American societies studied in this course.

Discuss the relevance of compartmentalization and ethnogenesis in the study of Native American world views outside of the Río Grande Pueblos of New Mexico.

Discuss the relevance of Anthony F. C Wallace’s concept of “revitalization” or the “adaptive function of religious change” for the understanding of:

1) colonial cultural survival of the Pueblo world view;

2) ceremonial change among the Saulteur-Ojibwa through the 1830s;

3) the Ghost Dance, Wounded Knee (1890) and the Ghost Dance revival of the 1970s ('70s if part of 3/16 lecture) .

Compare the role of the first stages of white contact in shaping Native American world views among the Río Grande Pueblos, the peoples of the Woodlands in the Great Lakes area, and the native groups of the Western Plains, and Native California.

Discuss the relevance of Raymond de Mallie’s article ‘These Have No Ears:’ Narrative and the Ethnohistorical Method.” for the study of Native American world views outside of the 19th century Plains Indian peoples ?

Discuss ways in which Anglo-European interpretations of Native American culture have obscured or distorted aspects of native cultural world views.

How can Native American material culture, language, or songs and music be used to interpret and understand the world view of a specific native group or movement? What are its helpful aspects and limitations?

What elements of Native American world views have tended to change most over the last four centuries? Which have changed the least?

What strategy would you take and methodologies would you employ in a study of the world view of a Native American group to which you had not previously been introduced?

In what ways can myth serve as a foundation for understanding Native American cosmology?


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