Phase-Encoded Movies of Language Tasks

Lei, V.L.C., T.I. Leong, C.T. Leong, L. Liu, C.U. Choi, M.I. Sereno, D. Li, and R.-S. Huang (2023)
Phase-encoded fMRI tracks down brainstorms of natural language processing with sub-second precision.
Human Brain Mapping 45:e26617.
(doi: 10.1002/hbm.26617)

    Article PDF
    Supplementary Material
    Ruey-Song Huang UCSD talk

Supplementary Movie (mp4) quick links:  (re-coded to also play on Mac, right-click to download):

    Movie S1. Traveling waves during a silent reading task in L1
    Movie S2. Traveling waves during a listening task in L1
    Movie S3. Traveling waves during a reading-aloud task in L1
    Movie S4. Traveling waves during a shadowing task in L1
    Movie S5. Traveling waves during a reading-memorizing-reciting task in L1
    Movie S6. Traveling waves during a listening-memorizing-reciting task in L1
    Movie S7. Traveling waves during a silent reading task in L2
    Movie S8. Traveling waves during a listening task in L2
    Movie S9. Traveling waves during a reading-aloud task in L2
    Movie S10. Traveling waves during a shadowing task in L2
    Movie S11. Traveling waves during a reading-memorizing-reciting task in L2
    Movie S12. Traveling waves during a listening-memorizing-reciting task in L2
    Movie S13. Traveling waves during an L1-to-L2 sight interpreting task
    Movie S14. Traveling waves during an L1-to-L2 consecutive speech interpreting task
    Movie S15. Traveling waves during an L1-to-L2 consecutive digit interpreting task
    Movie S16. Traveling waves during an L2-to-L1 sight interpreting task
    Movie S17. Traveling waves during an L2-to-L1 consecutive speech interpreting task
    Movie S18. Traveling waves during an L2-to-L1 consecutive digit interpreting task
    Movie S19. A snapshot of the University of Macau Brain Atlas (UMBA) website
    Movie S20. Group average traveling waves on spherical surf: Chinese read-memorize-recite (Fig 4e)

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