################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 07 Dec 2014 ################################################################### Small improvements, bug fixes, documentation updates, and a note on Mac OS X 10.10. Full details appended. First, movie-making script were expanded and documented, which include phasemovie, offsetmovie, movie360 (fix introduced bug), inflatemovie, and flattenmovie. Second, tcl/tk was updated to the latest 8.5 release (8.5.17). Third, I fixed stale 'ps' options that were causing a csurf startup crash on recent Ubuntu. Fourth, MGH .mgz files can now be used in the Import Extern Stats panel as stats overlays (e.g., for qT1 overlays). Finally, I figured out how to block AFNI version checks, because when the AFNI website is down, continual attempts by to3d and afni to call home in the background will block return from tcl command. I tested csurf on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) and found that everything works. However, while OpenGL graphics performance is fine, tk widget drawing speed is inexplicably quite a bit slower on some machines (e.g., Mac Pro). Compiling on 10.10 instead of 10.6 works, but doesn't help. I have filed a bug report with Apple and am working with the XQuartz maintainer Jeremy Huddleston to try to fix this. Nothing breaks; it's just irritating. As always, bug reports appreciated. ### 07 Dec 2014 (movies, small bugfix/updates, doc updates) 1) expand, document movie scripts (phase/offset/movie360/inflate/flatten) 2) update to tcl/tk 8.5.17 3) fixed recent Ubuntu csurf startup crash 4) Import Extern Stats can use .mgz stats file 5) AFNI version checking blocked (in case AFNI website down) 6) runs on Mac OS X 10.10 (tk is slow on some machines) To install the new csurf: cd mv csurf csurf-YYMMDD tar xvfz csurf0.8-{mac,linux}-YYMMDD.tgz cheers, marty ############## UPDATE DETAILS ############## ---------------- 07Dec2014 FreeSurfer0.8/csurf0.8 tarballs ------------------- --update to tcl/tk 8.5.17 --lib/help/tksurfer/script: document all 5 standard tcl scripts --offsetmovie.tcl: update to be parallel phasemovie.tcl --phasemovie.tcl: options: immed make mpg1 *or* dump simple num'd frames for QT --lib/help/csurf/{tksurfer,tkmedit}: calcimg help for MGH read non-0 workaround --calcimg.c: change pixsize=0 from error to report if option is -spacing --movie360.tcl: fix intro'd bug (drawnflag missing '$'), allow/note save tiffs --tksurfer.tcl: warn truncphasemin > truncphasemax: in entries & tick->ON --lib/help/tksurfer/truncphase -- N.B.: warn truncphasemin,max *don't* wrap --csurf: VOLUME-STATS doesn't replace 3D _f with _h if StatMask Paintfile is _f --csurf: fix 3 stale 'ps' options for Linux (fix csurf startup crash Ubuntu!) --csurf: prefix all afni cmds with: env AFNI_VERSION_CHECK=NO ... --ima2brik: setenv AFNI_VERSION_CHECK NO, else to3d hangs if AFNI server down --csurf: if MGHTools enabled, rm back compat from MGHTools and Help menus --lib/help/csurf/{smoothcurvinflatesulchires,flattensurface,compat,handnormaliz} --lib/help/csurf/{mkfinalsurfshires,mkfinalsurfs,makerelaxationcuts} --lib/help/tksurfer/{val_bi,truncphase,truncphasemin,truncphasemax} -- R/G rev! --lib/help/tksurfer/label_read: better description HOWTO fix cut w/label --csurf: readheader: read/correct actual mgz pixsize/thick (was default to 1.0) --csurf: paintcmd: rm infixlist1,2 junk, allow ExtStats read mgz special case --csurf: new functscanlists(def,statformat) mgzsingle, cbx:select_statimage sets --csurf: mghflattencmd now recognizes full*.patch* input patch as a "full" --csurf: also load inflated combo w/sphere.reg???? steps --csurf: when flatten done, reset patch combo to outp if there (was reset->1st) --csurf: debug/fix put new session inside existing subject --tksurfer.c: don't also clear all vertex marks if direct manip translate --tkregister.tcl,tkmedit.tcl,tkstrip.tcl: block attempt to run directly --tksurfer.tcl: select_patch leaves curr pose if patchname same except stepnum --csurf: trim running progress wintitle so end of long patch name not truncated --tksurfer.c: export rightclick_vertex, add float cmp_ for qsort TODO --lib/help/csurf/csurf: hi-res offscreen render tcl script example (also:rgb) --tksurfer.tcl: select_patch leaves current pose if prev surface was 3D --tksurfer.tcl: warn .origarea redefined upon "R" on "area:" line --lib/help/tksurfer/area_{read,write}: explain read/write data-field asymmetry --tksurfer.c: write_binary_areas: rm confusing commit (cp curr area->origarea) --tksurfer.c: rm old div-by-2 from normalize_area report (no effect on funct) ---------------- 02Nov2014 csurf0.8 tarballs -------------------------------- --lib/help/csurf/csurf: update --mk0{.csh}: add new helpfiles to tksurfer help list --lib/help/tksurfer/fill3d{_mm,_normmove,_pix,_col,_fat,_op,_fillim,_saveim} --tksurfer.c: chk/block out-of-bounds vtxnum (e.g., stale patch) in 3 readpatch ...