################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 06 Jan 2014 ################################################################### The main updates are: (1) time shift now allowed in reversed-time raw averages (avoids having to use huge full FTs) (2) wmfilter/tkmedit can now do anisotropic *Gaussian* plane filter to emphasize locally planar edges in 3D images (esp. useful in thalamus, but also makes better wm.mgz than original wmfilter when truncated) (see PFGAU button and right-click help there) (3) tkmedit can do 2D color operations (label or edit out regions in elliptical portions of im,im2 space) (see right-click on "im2:" for live transparent mask, and OP button on F3 interface for editing data) (4) 12 new/updated help panels These are designed to be used alongside the standard MGH freesurfer (csurf can conveniently run recon-all), but also include tools for making hi-res surfaces (512^3, 0.5mm^3). A larger, also updated, linux tarfile (~270M) that also includes the very old (ca. 2001) surface-making binaries is here: zakros:/home/inverse/freesurfer/tarballs/FreeSurfer0.8-140106.tgz buc05:/usr0/freesurfer/dist/FreeSurfer0.8-140106.tgz To install: cd mv csurf csurf-YYMMDD tar xvfz csurf0.8-{mac,linux}-YYMMDD.tgz cheers, marty ---------------- 06Jan14 FreeSurfer0.8/csurf0.8 tarballs --------------------- --tkmedit.tcl: force check update: readsurf, redraw-reset-of-failed-2dcol-flag --mk0: add new helpfile: imim2op --lib/help/tkmedit/{sphnorm,test1,imim2op[NEW],saveimg,smooth,smoothstats} --tkmedit.tcl: add "OP" button plus entry to run imim2op's in F3-panel --tkmedit.c: imim2op edits im (op=0: edit ellipse im,im2 space OFF), opts/usage --wrappers.tcl: controls ents/cks: bind Return, locREDRAW|redrawbutton|redraw --lib/help/tkmedit/{label,imentry,im2entry}: im2alpha ->overlayalpha, 2Dcol doc --tkmedit.tcl: add F4 {im,im2} 2D col ctrls, toggle 2D coloverlay, redraw logic --tkmedit.c: live color elliptical region of im,im2 space w/transparent label --lib/help/tkmedit/{wmfilterstd,wmfiltergau} -> help for new buttons --wmfilter.c: rm read/write wmfilter.dat: avoid accid redo last, no gausstrunc --wmfilter.c: gaussflag skips nearzero, gauss opt bug, report read wmfilter.dat --csurf: Shift-{left,middle} click PFGAU adds trunc to editable/COMPARE --tkmedit.c: rm wmfilter_corslice(): stale, tkmedit.tcl run_wmfilter replaces --mk0: update helpfile list --add lib/help/tkmedit/{wmfilterstd,wmfiltergau}, rm lib/help/tkmedit/wmfilter --tkmedit.tcl: PFILTER -> R-click PF,PFGAU->editable, mid-click output->COMPARE --tkmedit.tcl: run_wmfilter: std/trunc or gau, load output editable or 2nd buff --wmfilter.c: add notrunc/nocfrac Gauss convolve in plane of lowest variance --wmfilter.c: rm im2, f2->f, cfrac[n]z parms, rename func, better datfile read --csurf: fixed bug in singlsub randblock not auto-updating StatMask Paintfile --csurf: report commented-out, tmptcl surf/med script name/cmds in cmdsonly log --csurf: popup reports name of cmdsonly file on close --mk0: dist/insttmp new 64-bit fs binaries --dist/precompiled/bin/Darwin-x86_64/{mri_convert,mri_surf2surf,nmovie} --tksurfer.tcl: block (harmless) callback to redrawbutton before GL window made --lib/help/csurf/setuprawavg: time shift help --csurf: add TR shift parameter to rawaverage, bakcompat default=0 --rawaverage.c: add shift by TR's in reversed tseries before avg (pad w/end2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------