################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 13 Dec 2013 ################################################################### The main update is that the "w" option in the cross subjects panel to run AFNI 3dttest for real-valued data (one condition at a time...) now works :-} (it wasn't properly painting back to a single subject or running surfclust). These are designed to be used alongside the standard MGH freesurfer (csurf can conveniently run recon-all), but also include tools for making hi-res surfaces (512^3, 0.5mm^3). A larger, also updated, linux tarfile (~270M) that also includes the very old (ca. 2001) surface-making binaries is here: zakros:/home/inverse/freesurfer/tarballs/FreeSurfer0.8-131213.tgz buc05:/usr0/freesurfer/dist/FreeSurfer0.8-131213.tgz To install: cd mv csurf csurf-YYMMDD tar xvfz csurf0.8-{mac,linux}-YYMMDD.tgz Here is a summary of the updates (full details appended). ### 13 Dec 2013 (fix xsub t-test, offscreen render, fix help panels, cleanup) 1) cross subject t-test (AFNI 3dttest) painted and surfclust'd w/phasetype="w" 2) MGHTools->Register now also runs mris_sphere for all-manual morph 3) csurf Preferences menu item to change namefile (for 3D xsub thalamus avg) 4) paint accepts short BRIKs (for DWI 'stats') 5) tksurfer alt/cmd-k makes bigger surface cursor (also color neighbor edges) 6) fix render offscreen (for extra hi-res, new R-click help at rgb WRITE) 7) higher max vertex count (1M->4M) allowed for init orig tessellation 8) live surfclust parms controls added (on pop-up from R-click "label:") 9) updated 36 help panels cheers, marty ### UPDATE: 13 Dec 2013 -- details --lib/help/csurf/setupsphavg: document phasetype=w updates --tksurfer.tcl: block {patch,curv,area} config -value callback (even disabled!) --tksurfer.tcl: setfile {patch,curv,area} blks select_{curv.patch,area} callbak --csurf: putback mk{3d,flat}script setfile's (blk'd callback tksurfer.tcl works) --tk{surfer,medit,register,strip}.c -- flush report run interface,cmdli scripts --csurf: add mris_sphere (all default) to MGH Register sequence --bresize.c: help a little better: TODO: both-way example! --csurf: samp2subj pass1: if real, don't skip surf2surf --csurf: samp2subj pass2: if real, don't skip surfclust (N.B. tstat => _h) --csurf: samp2subj pass2: if real, look for AFNI -tstat- not csurf-intern -stat- --csurf: mghsphereregcmd warns missing morph register targ (.tif) --lib/help/tkmedit/valn2up: vals typo --tksurfer.c: fix crash: raise_window w/o open gl window open --tksurfer.tcl: TODO: setfile mk abbrev trigs select_{curv.patch,area} callback --tksurfer.tcl: tixcombo -variable {curv,patch,area}abbrev so setfile updates --tksurfer.tcl: make select_patch act like viewcuts on read *.3d --setdefpatchview.tcl: don't apply flat xforms to *.patch.3d (we want viewcuts) --lib/tcl/{curv,eccen.fs,polar,real,twocond}-flat.tcl: readenv bef. setdefpatch --lib/help/tksurfer/{scripts,rgb,tksurfer} -- funcs/vars, offscreen render, "S" --tksurfer.tcl: rm hack to for old fixcolors missing entries ending in .e* --wrappers.tcl: fix fixcolors to (mostly) check widget class --lib/tcl/movie360.tcl: add diag 360 rotation, zoom-and-back --lib/help/csurf/{csurf,makenewfunct} --csurf: rearrange Preferences menu, add more separators --csurf: Preferences -> Change Subj for Curr Session to change namefile --lib/help/csurf/smoothcurvinflatesulchires => new helpfile, edited non-hires --tksurfer.tcl: 3toggle inset: disk(but=rect) => rect(but=off) => off(but=disk) --lib/help/tksurfer/cuts: add remake cuts w/label trick --lib/tcl/setdefpatchview.tcl: accept $type*.patch.flat* to set patch view vars --tksurfer.tcl: patch:match $hemi.$type*.patch.$suff*, curv:match $hemi.$type* --lib/help/csurf/tksurfer -> bigcursor hotkey doc --tksurfer.tcl: bind toggle bigcursor to Cmd/Alt-k --tksurfer.c: change bigcursorflag to draw edges to each neighbor, bind Mod-k --paint.c: accept AFNI short BRIK (for DWI), require BRICK_FLOAT_FACS=0 --tksurfer.c: eventloop: Tk_GetNumMainWindows(), static global window vars --tksurfer.c: lower occluding white offscreen map window (not filled on Linux) --tksurfer.c: fix openglxwindow renderoffscreen, XMoveWindow hack for Mac --tksurfer.c: separate close_window(), export to tcl --lib/help/tkmedit/all -> usage of ALL w/spherical ramp --csurf: fix: add close $id accidentally rm'd below into writearrayparms (!) --FreeSurferEnv.sh: fix execute-prevention test (no "-bash" broke Mac 10.7 bash) --mk0: update helpfile list --csurf: in medtestrender: sub{real,image} => up{real,imag} --csurf: def missing tkmedit rawdata arg stimcycles (e.g., surfavg, notfour) --libhelp/tkmedit:rm vals,vals_{write,read},mskn2s,valn2s,msks,msks_{read,write} --lib/help/tkmedit: sfmid,sfslope,sfthresh --lib/help/tkmedit: valup,valup_{write,read},valn_read,valn2up,smoothstats roi_time,maskn2up,maskup,maskup_{read,write},mask_ck,fwhm --tkmedit.tcl: use renamed functs/vars --tkmedit.c: rename all subsamp/substat/2sub var/functs to upsamp/upstat/2up --tksurfer.tcl: add alt-shift-arrow translate_brain help/keybindings --lib/help/tksurfer/{xrot,yrot,xtrans,ytrans} --lib/help/csurf/{rc-VOLUME,tksurfer}: doc tkmedit cmdline, tksurfer shift-arr --csurf: pass nondef -wmfillthresh to tkmedit so edit->wht OK below wmfillthresh --tkmedit.c: accept -wmfillthresh (def=2=WM_MIN_VAL), edit->wht if below --tksurfer.c: add Shift-arrow -> translate keybindings (vs. no-shift -> rotate) --surf.c: 1M->4M def maxvertices/maxfaces (bucky3), check overflow, add maxopts --csurf: log csurf.dat writes (accid. deleted close $id here, fixed above!!) --csurf: save/pass -wmfillthresh parm to reconditioned fill --csurf: statbrikstem accepts *Coef*+orig.BRIK (in add. to *+orig_?+orig.BRIK) --csurf: forcebrik LSB -> MSB HEAD fix message written to cmds-only file --csurf: Preferences to open/close file into which only cmds are dumped --FreeSurfer0.8: add lib/Linux-i386/{GLU,libjpeg so's} (!) --FreeSurferEnv.csh,sh: replace lsb_release with parse /etc/issue, auto rh9 --wrappers.tcl: rm lsb_release (was crashing Fedora15!) --tkmedit.c: correct FWHM report for 512^3 --fill.c: expose optional -wmfillthresh parm for smoothed upsamp wm (bucky3) --lib/help/tksurfer/val3d_{paint,clust} --tksurfer.tcl: add clust parms to NormSamp,Cluster Controls for live surfclust