################################################################### LATEST EMAIL UPDATE: 14 Sep 2012 ################################################################### [no email summary] ############## UPDATE DETAILS ############## ### UPDATE: 14 Sep 2012 --tkmedit.tcl,lib/help/tkmedit: talcoords,pixcoords,overlay,surf_ck,im2entry --tkmedit.c/tkmedit.tcl/use/fmidhelp/medithelp: Alt-i,I fmid up/dn like tksurfer --csurf: select_session does focus . (focus on init select_session in listbox) --log hotkey on setupscans(+bitmaps)/sphavg/reconall toplevels, move popups back --File -> back to 3 lines for each kind of action --Ubuntu12: apt-get install libx11-dev (else can't compile Xlib!) --update Mac tcl/tk to 8.5.12 (fixes 8.5.8 wish coredump on Ubuntu12) --refurbish hi-res fill/wmfilter/fill pop-up ExpertPrefs tabs --csurf: surfparms->Expert "Surf" tab, newquadoutputflag used by hi-res surf --csurf: add $pddir=PD, $pdbraindir=PDbrain to VOLUME line, rm mkdir svit --csurf: SubjTools -> StripSkull (hi-res), ExpertPrefs:addparms,use/view script --csurf: SubjTools -> WMFIlter (hi-res), ExpertPrefs: use parms --csurf: SubjTools -> Fill WM (hi-res), ExpertPrefs: use parms --tkmedit: fix read_second_images for hi-res .mgz, fix auto-add suff, PR's --csurf: SubjTools -> Create Orig Surf (hi-res), ExpertPrefs: use parms --csurf: Smooth/Curv/Inflate/Sulc menu: mghsmooth/mghinflate (both hemis) --csurf: fix view subject bitmaps by tmp auto-set hemi=BOTH --calcimg: also read/write .mgz (in addition to BRIK,CORdir), add hard thresh --tkstrip: 512/0.5mm fill/peel punctures shell, add opposite dir shell test --tkmedit.tcl: fix cleanup introduced bug that shows 0.0 for init Talairach --brik2cor: option -zeropixwidth (mgz out) workaround/hack for MGH tkmedit bug --tkmedit.c et al.: read_images properly flushes pipe (no broken pipe error) --calcimg/fill/surf/tkmedit/tkregister/tksurfer/tkstrip/wmfilter: readMGHhead: ignore/warn zero pixsiz, writeMGZhead: cp any to out, warn if 0 propagates initial pixsize set by e.g., brik2cor, OK when MGH tkmedit fixed --tkmedit.c: fix bugs in second image max intens image --calcimg.c: opts -spacing, -setspacing to read/change spacingXYZ --all.c: check error on open pipe for read or write