### cerebellar vermis labels -- Dec 2024 These are new labels and surfaces for two very slightly different revisions of the cerebellar surface. The directory "cerebmap20" contains labels and surface patches compatible with the dataset released with Sereno et al. (2020): rh-antvermis.label -- anterior lobe vermis label rh-intvermis.label -- cereb2c-export intermed vermis xfer2'd rh-postvermis.label -- cereb2c-export posterior vermis xfer'd rh.smoothwm-antvermis.patch.3d -- folded 3d patch of anterior lobe vermis rh.smoothwm-intvermis.patch.3d -- folded 3d patch of intermediate vermis rh.smoothwm-postvermis.patch.3d -- folded 3d patch of posterior vermis rh-vermislabel-smoothwm.tiff -- image of all 3 labels rh-vermislabel-smoothwm-top.tiff -- image topview anterior lobe vermis label The intermediate and posterior vermis labels were transferred from the cereb2c-export surface (details below). The binary freesurfer patch files contain vertex numbers and folded surface coordinates (byteorder: MSB first): -1 (4-byte int 'header') vtxcnt (4-byte int) vtx (4-byte int, N.B. 1-based, so subtract 1 !!!, negvtx=border) x (4-byte float) y (4-byte float) z (4-byte float) [etc: vtx,x,y,z, ...] The directory "cereb2c-export" contains labels compatible with a slightly earlier version of the released data: rh-antvermis.label -- cerebmap20 label xfer'd to cereb2c-export rh-intvermis.label -- intermediate vermis for cereb2c-export rh-postvermis.label -- posterior vermis for cereb2c-export rh-vermislabel-smoothwm.tiff -- image of all 3 labels The first label here, rh-antvermis.label, is the cerebmap20 rh-antvermis.label (which will have vertex numbering for the distributed cerebmap20 surface data), transferred to the earlier surface version, cereb2c-export (which will have a different vertex numbering), using the new csurf/tksurfer functions (read_label_to_nearest_annot_using_col and fill_annot_holes_neigh): # pick foreign label (for different edit of same surface reconstruction) setfile label $env(SUBJECTS)/cerebmap20/label/rh-antvermis.label # read it into current surface and touch it up read_label_to_nearest_annot_using_col <r> <g> <b> fill_annot_holes_neigh 4 0.5 # re-cut label and write it out into cereb2c-export label dir labeled_cut_clearvals 0 # re-cut current labeled setfile label ~/label/rh-antvermis.label write_val_visible_vertices # HOWTO touch up a few remaining holes [make everything-but-vermis label by FILL'ing around it] [read in everything-but-vermis label, FILL to get vermis] The second label is the intermediate vermis label (not previously published), which is situated in between the anterior and posterior vermis labels. The third label, rh-postvermis.label, is the posterior vermis label for the earlier cereb2c-export surface version (which was illustrated at the bottom of Fig. 2 of the 2020 paper). For details of the original reconstruction, see: Sereno, M.I., J. Diedrichsen, M. Tachrount, G. Testa-Silva, H. d'Arceuil, and C. De Zeeuw (2020) The human cerebellum has almost 80% of the surface area of the neocortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 117:19538-19543. https://pages.ucsd.edu/~msereno/papers/Cereb20.pdf