
The supplementary materials provide some additional information on the consonants of White Hmong and the read speech corpus.

White Hmong consonants

The corpus

The data in this study come from a corpus of read speech. Eight native speakers of White Hmong (three male, five female) were recorded reading three folk tales, which are available for viewing on the D.C. Everest Oral History Project. These tales were chosen because they are written in a colloquial style and contain all possible ditone sequences, allowing us to investigate the role of coarticulation on tone realization.

A copy of each story is shown below, first in Hmong RPA orthography, followed by a broad phonemic transcription, and lastly in its English translation. Note that the phonemic transcriptions make use of the levels described by Esposito (2012), rather than the new levels proposed in this paper.

The Tiger and the Frog

Told by Moua Thor; illustrated by Belinda Yang; transcribed by Yer Thor; translated by Mai Pa Thao

Tus Tsov Thiab Tus Qav

Puag thaum ub, muaj ib tug tsov thiab ib tug qav. Ib hnub, Tsov mus ncig ua si ces nws pom Qav, thiaj li ua rau nws tshaib plab heev.

Ces Tsov hais tias kom nkawv sib tw khiav mus saum roob. Tsov hais tias, “Yog tias kuv yeej, ces kuv yuav muab koj noj. Tiam sis yog tias kuv swb, ces koj yuav ua li cas rau kuv los tau!” Qav hais tias ua li los tau. Tiam sis, Qav txhawj tias ib tsam nws tsis yeej Tsov. Nws thiaj hu tag nrho nws cov phooj ywg qav tuaj kom lawv tawm ib lub tswv yim pab nws.

Hnub sib tw, Qav thiab Tsov sawv ntawm txoj kab uas nkawd yuav pib. Ib, ob, peb! Mus lau! Tsov dhia ceev li ceev tau tiam sis Qav tsuas yog sawv ntawd xwb. Qhov no yog Qav thawj lub tswv yim.

Ib pliag, Tsov hu hais tias, “Qav! Koj dua twg lawm os?”

“Kuv nyob pem no os, Tsov!” Zaum twg los Qav yeej tseem teb los lus qub rau Tsov xwb.

Qhov no ua rau Tsov npau taws heev. Tsov thiaj khiav ceev heev kom nws xub mus txog saum roob. Tib pliag ntshi xwb, Tsov khiav tsis taus lawm vim nws txog siav heev. Thaum Qav pom tias Tsov sab lawm, Qav mam li nrhia nrhau Tsov thiab nrhia nrhau txoj kab. Zaum no Qav tau yeej txoj kev sib tw lawm, ua rau nws cov phooj ywg zoo siab kawg nkaus li.

Qav lub tswv yim mas zoo tshaj plaws. Nws hais kom nws cov phooj ywg sawv ntawm txoj kev mus saum roob. Thaum Tsov nug tias Qav dua twg lawm, tus qav uas nyob ze tshaj teb hais tias nws twb ua ntej Tsov lawm. Qav yeej paub tias qhov no yuav ua rau Tsov khiav ceev heev kom Tsov sab sab, nws khiav tsis taus ntxiv. Txawm tias Qav khiav tsis ceev npaum Tsov los, nws lub tswv yim zoo ua rau nws yeej txoj kev sib tw no.

tu22 ʈʂɔ24 thia45 tu22 qa24

pua̤42 tʰaṵ21 u45 mua52 i45 tṳ42 ʈʂɔ24 tʰia45 i45 tṳ42 qa24 i45 n̥u45 ʈʂɔ24 mu22 ᶮɟi̤42 ua33 ʂi33 ce2222 pɔ̰21 qa24 tʰia52 li33 ua33 ʈau nɨ22 ʈʂʰai45 pˡa45 hẽ24

ce22 ʈʂɔ24 hai22 tia22 kɔ̰21 ᵑɡaɨ24 ʂi4533 kʰia24 mu22 ʂaṵ21 ʈõ45 ʈʂɔ24 hai22 tia22 ʝo̤42 tia22 ku24 ʝẽ52 ce22 ku24 ʝua24 mua4552 nɔ5 tia̰21 ʂi22 ʝo̤42 tia22 ku24 ʂɨ45 ce2252 ʝua24 ua33 li33 ca22 ʈau33 ku2422 tau qa24 hai22 tia22 ua33 li3322 tau33 tia̰21 ʂi22 qa24 ʈʂʰaɨ52 tia22 i45 ʈʂa̰2122 ʈʂi22 ʝẽ52 ʈʂɔ2422 tʰia52 hu33 ta̤42 ᶯɖhɔ332224 pʰõ52 ʝɨ̤42 qa24 tua52 kɔ̰21 laɨ24 taɨ̰21 i45 lu45 ʈʂɨ24 ʝḭ21 pa4522

n̥u45 ʂi4533 qa24 tʰia45 ʈʂɔ24 ʂaɨ24 ⁿdaɨ̰21 ʈʂɔ52 ka45 ua22 ᵑɡaɨ214 ʝua24 pi45 i45 ɔ45 pe45 mu22 lau33 ʈʂɔ24 dʱia33 cẽ24 li cẽ24 tau33 tia̰21 ʂi22 qa24 ʈʂua22 ʝo̤42 ʂaɨ24 ⁿdaɨ21445 qʰɔ2433 ʝo̤42 qa24 tʰaɨ52 lu45 ʈʂɨ24 ʝḭ21

i45 pˡia̤42 ʈʂɔ24 hu33 hai22 tia22 qa2452 dua33 tɨ̤42 laɨ̰21 ɔ22

ku24 ɲɔ45 pḛ2133 ɔ22 ʈʂɔ24 ʐaṵ21 tɨ̤4222 qa24 ʝẽ52 ʈʂḛ̃21 te4522 lu22 qu45 ʈau33 ʈʂɔ2445

qʰɔ2433 ua33 ʈau33 ʈʂɔ24 ᵐbau33 taɨ22 hẽ24. ʈʂɔ24 tʰia52 kʰia24 cẽ24 hẽ24 kɔ̰2122 su45 mu22 ʈʂo̤42 ʂaṵ21 ʈõ45 ti45 pˡia̤42 nʈʂʰi3345 ʈʂɔ24 kʰia24 ʈʂi22 tau22 laɨ̰21 vḭ2122 ʈʂo̤42 ʂia24 hẽ24 tʰaṵ21 qa24 pɔ̰21 tia22 ʈʂɔ24 ʂa45 laɨ̰21 qa24 ma̰21 li33 ᶯɖhia33 ᶯɖhau33 ʈʂɔ24 tʰia45 ᶯɖhia33 ᶯɖhau33 ʈʂɔ52 ka45 ʐaṵ2133 qa24 tau33 ʝẽ52 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 ʂi4533 laɨ̰21 ua33 ʈau332224 pʰõ52 ʝɨ̤42 ʐõ33 ʂia45 kaɨ̤42 ᵑɡau22 li33

qa24 lu45 ʈʂɨ24 ʝḭ21 ma22 ʐõ33 ʈʂʰa52 pˡaɨ2222 hai22 kɔ̰212224 pʰõ52 ʝɨ̤42 ʂaɨ24 ⁿdaɨ̰21 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 mu22 ʂaṵ21 ʈõ45 tʰaṵ21 ʈʂɔ24 nṳ42 tia22 qa24 dua33 tɨ̤42 laɨ̰21 tu22 qa24 ua22 ɲɔ45 ʐe33 ʈʂʰa52 te45 hai22 tia222245 ua33 ⁿde52 ʈʂɔ24 laɨ̰21 qa24 ʝẽ52 pau45 tia22 qʰɔ2433 ʝua24 ua33 ʈau33 ʈʂɔ24 kʰia24 cẽ24 hẽ24 kɔ̰21 ʈʂɔ24 ʂa45 ʂa4522 kʰia24 ʈʂi22 tau22 ⁿdzi24 ʈʂaɨ̰21 tia22 qa24 kʰia24 ʈʂi22 cẽ24 ᵐbaṵ21 ʈʂɔ242222 lu45 ʈʂɨ24 ʝ21 ʐõ33 ua33 ʈau3322 ʝẽ52 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 ʂi453333

The Tiger and the Frog

A long time ago, there lived Tiger and Frog. One day, Tiger was roaming around and saw Frog, which made him very hungry.

Tiger challenged Frog to a race up the mountain and said, “If I win I get to eat you, but if you win, you can choose my punishment.” Frog agreed. However, Frog was worried that he wouldn’t beat Tiger in the race, so he gathered up all of his frog friends and they thought of a plan to help him.

Frog and Tiger lined up at the starting line. Ready, set, go! and the race began. Tiger leaped and ran as fast as he could, but Frog stayed behind. This was the first part of his plan.

After a while, Tiger called out, “Frog! Where are you?”

A voice ahead of him replied, “I’m over here, Tiger!” The same thing happened over and over again.

This made Tiger furious, so he ran faster and faster until he almost reached the top of the mountain. Suddenly, he became so tired from running he couldn’t finish the race. Closely behind, Frog jumped passed the exhausted tiger and crossed the finish line. Frog won the race and celebrated with his friends.

Frog’s plan worked very well. He had placed his frog friends at different places along the trail of the race, so when Tiger asked where Frog was, the closest frog answered that he was just ahead of Tiger. Frog knew that this would make Tiger run faster and become too tired to finish the race. Even though Frog knew he wasn’t as fast as Tiger, his clever plan had helped him win the race.

The Uneducated Boy and His Glasses

Told by Blong Moua; illustrated by Bao Lee; transcribed by Mai Choua Moua; translated by Mai Pa Tor

Tus Tub Tsis Keej Ntawv thiab Nws Daim Iav

Puag thaum ub nyob rau teb chaws nplog, muaj ib tug me nyuam tub tsis muaj ib txoj kev kawm. Nws xav paub nyeem ntawv heev li tiam sis nws nyeem tsis tau, vim rau qhov nws tsis muaj txoj kev kawm.

Lub tsev nyob npuab ib sab ntawm tus me nyuam tub nyob ib tug yawg laus coj ib daim iav. Txhua hnub, tus yawg laus tawm tuaj zaum ntawm nws lub qhov rooj nyeem ntawv. Pom li no tag, tus me nyuam tub thiaj ntseeg hais tias tej zaum yog daim iav ntawd ua rau tus yawg laus nyeem tau ntawv.

Vim rau qhov tus me nyuam tub xav nyeem ntawv heev, tiamsis nws tsis paub tias yuav ua li cas, nws thiaj li mus pem khw mus yuav ib daim iav. Nws ncig tag txhua lub khw, sawv ntxov txog tsaus ntuj. Nws sim txhua daim iav uas nws pom, tiamsis nws yeej tseem nyeem ntawv tsis tau li thiab.

Tus me nyuam tub tau chim thiab npau taws heev li nws thiaj li cem tus tswv khw hais tias, “Koj cov iav twb tsis zoo li! Kuv tseem nyeem tsis tau ntawv!”

Tus tswv khw teb hais tias, “Tsuas yog hais tias koj coj daim iav su, txhais tsis tau hais tias koj yuav nyeem tau ntawv.”

“Kuv xav hais tias yog kuv coj ib daim iav ces ntshe yuav ua rau kuv paub nyeem ntawv no,” tus me nyuam tub teb tus tswv khw.

Thaum kawg, tus me nyuam tub mam nkag siab hais tias daim iav xwb yuav ua tsis tau rau nws txawj nyeem nthawv. Qhov yuav ua rau nws txawj nyeem ntawv ces yog nws yuav tsum tau mus kawm ntawv ua ntej. Txoj kev kawm tseem ceeb heev li, tiamsis nws tsis yog ib yam khoom uas koj nyob ces txawm yuav paub, koj yuav tsum mus kawm ntawv thiaj li paub.

tu22 tu45 ʈʂi22 kẽ52 ⁿdaɨ24 tʰia4522 daḭ21 ia24

pua̤42 tʰaṵ21 u45 ɲɔ45 ʈau33 te45 cʰaɨ22 ᵐbˡo̤4242 mua52 i45 tṳ42 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 ʈʂi22 mua52 i45 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 kaɨ̰2122 sa24 pau45 ɲḛ̃21 ⁿdaɨ24 hẽ24 li33 tia̰21 ʂi2222 ɲḛ̃21 ʈʂi22 tau33 sḭ21 ʈau33 qʰɔ2422 ʈʂi22 mua52 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 kaɨ̰21

lu45 ʈʂe24 ɲɔ45 ᵐbua45 i45 ʂa45 ⁿdaɨ̰21 tu22 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 ɲɔ45 i45 tṳ42 ʝaɨ̤42 lau2252 i45 daḭ21 ia24 ʈʂʰua33 n̥u45 tu22 ʝaɨ̤42 lau22 taɨ̰21 tua52 ʐaṵ21 ⁿdaɨ̰2122 lu45 qʰɔ24 ʈõ52 ɲḛ̃21 ⁿdaɨ24 pɔ̰21 li3333 ta̤42 tu22 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 tʰia52 ᶯɖʐẽ̤42 hai22 tia22 te52 ʐaṵ21 ʝo̤42 daḭ21 ia24 ⁿdaɨ214 ua33 ʈau33 tu22 ʝaɨ̤42 lau22 ɲḛ̃21 tau33 ⁿdaɨ24

vḭ21 ʈau33 qʰɔ24 tu22 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 sa24 ɲḛ̃21 ⁿdaɨ24 hẽ24 tia̰21 ʂi2222 ʈʂi22 pau45 tia22 ʝua24 ua33 li33 ca2222 tʰia52 li33 mu22 pḛ21 kʰɨ33 mu22 ʝua24 i45 daḭ21 ia2422 ᶮɟi̤42 ta̤42 ʈʂʰua33 lu45 kʰɨ33 ʂaɨ24 ⁿdzɔ24 ʈʂo̤42 ʈʂau22 ⁿdu5222 ʂḭ21 ʈʂʰua daḭ21 ia24 ua2222 pɔ̰21 tia̰21 ʂi2222 ʝẽ52 ʈʂḛ̃21 ɲḛ̃21 ⁿdaɨ24 ʈʂi22 tau33 li33 tʰia45

tu22 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 tau33 cʰḭ21 tʰia45 ᵐbau33 taɨ22 hẽ24 li3322 tʰia52 li33 cḛ21 tu22 ʈʂɨ24 kʰɨ33 hai22 tia225224 ia2445 ʈʂi22 ʐõ33 li33 ku24 ʈʂḛ̃21 ɲḛ̃21 ʈʂi22 tau33 ⁿdaɨ24

tu22 ʈʂɨ24 kʰɨ33 te45 hai22 tia22 ʈʂua22 ʝo̤42 hai22 tia225252 daḭ21 ia24 ʂu33 ʈʂʰai22 ʈʂi22 tau33 hai22 tia2252 ʝua24 ɲḛ̃21 tau33 ⁿdaɨ24

ku24 sa24 hai22 tia22 ʝo̤42 ku2452 i45 daḭ21 ia24 ce22 ᶯɖʐʱe33 ʝua24 ua33 ʈau33 ku24 pau45 ɲḛ̃21 ⁿdaɨ2433 tu22 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 te45 tu22 ʈʂɨ24 kʰɨ33

tʰaṵ21 kaɨ̤42 tu22 me33 ɲua̰21 tu45 ma̰21 ᵑɡa̤42 ʂia45 hai22 tia22 daḭ21 ia2445 ʝua24 ua33 ʈʂi22 tau33 ʈau3322 ʈʂaɨ52 ɲḛ̃21 ntʰaɨ24 qʰɔ24 ʝua24 ua33 ʈau3322 ʈʂaɨ52 ɲḛ̃21 ⁿdaɨ24 ce22 ʝo̤4222 ʝua24 ʈʂṵ21 tau33 mu22 kaɨ̰21 ⁿdaɨ24 ua33 ⁿde52 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 kaɨ̰21 ʈʂḛ̃21 cẽ45 hẽ24 li33 tia̰21 ʂi2222 ʈʂi22 ʝo̤42 i45 ʝa̰21 kʰõ̰21 ua2252 ɲɔ45 ce22 ʈʂaɨ̰21 ʝua24 pau4552 ʝua24 ʈʂṵ21 mu22 kaɨ̰21 ⁿdaɨ24 tʰia52 li33 pau45

The Uneducated Boy and His Glasses

Long ago in Laos, there lived a young boy who had never gone to school. He wanted to be able to read but could not because he did not have an education.

Next door to the young boy lived an old wise man who wore glasses. Everyday this man would sit outside on his porch and read. Seeing this, the young boy believed that the old man’s glasses gave him the ability to read.

Because the young boy wanted to read, but did not know how, he decided to go buy a pair of glasses. He searched in every store from morning until night, trying on every pair of glasses he could find, but he still could not read.

The young boy became frustrated and yelled at the storeowner, “All of your glasses are no good! I still can’t read!”

The store owner replied, “Just because you wear glasses, does not mean you can read.”

“I guess I thought that if I had glasses, I’d be able to read,” said the young boy.

As a result, the boy finally understood that wearing glasses would not give him the ability to read. In order for him to be able to read, he would have to go to school. Education is important. It is not a gift, but a privilege.

Gao Zoua Pa

Told by Katong Yang; illustrated by Bao Lee and Belinda Yang; transcribed by Kimberly Yang; translated by Pang Xiong

Nkauj Zuag Paj

Puag thaum ub, muaj ib tug tub lub npe hu ua Ntsuag. Nws nyob ib leeg. Vim nws pluag, nws thiaj tsis muaj mov noj, thiab tsis muaj ib lub tsev zoo nyob. Muaj ib hnub, Ntsuag tshaib plab heev nws thiaj li mus nuv ntses nram ib lub pas dej. Ntsuag nuv tau ib tug ntses kub zoo nkauj heev ua rau nws tsis xav noj. Nws thiaj li coj tus ntses kub mus tsev thiab muab tso rau hauv ib lub hub iav.

Ces thaum Ntsuag tawm mus ua teb, tus ntses txia mus ua ib tug hluas nkauj hmoob. Nws hu ua Niam Nkauj Zuag Paj. Nws thiaj li mus npaj ib pluag su tos Ntsuag. Tom qab ntawd, nws txia rov qab mus ua tus ntses. Thaum Ntsuag rov los pom pluag su, ua rau nws xav tsis thoob li.

Thaum Ntsuag rov qab mus ua teb, Zuag Paj tawm los ua mov rau Ntsuag noj tau ntau hnub. Ntsuag txaus siab heev rau cov zaub mov tiam sis nws tseem xav paub hais tias leej twg yog tus us mov rau nws noj. Muaj ib hnub, nws thiaj li ua txuj yuav mus ua teb. Qhov tseeb tiag, nws mus khiav nkaum nraum zoov xwb. Zuaj Paj thiaj li rov tawm los ua mov dua. Ntsuag ntseeg tsis tau li nws thiaj li dhia los txhom Zuag Paj yuav. Zuag Paj thov tias kom tso nws mus los Ntsuag tsis kam li. Thaum kawg, Zuag Paj thiaj li ua ib siab yuav Ntsuag lawm.

Zuaj Paj ua rau Ntsuag zoo siab heev. Vim li no ib tug poj niam siab phem heev hu ua Niam Nkauj Kub Kaws thiaj li khib. Muaj ib hnub, nws thiaj raws Ntsuag nram teb los tsev. Nws pom tias Ntsuag muaj ib tug poj niam zoo nkauj heev li, ces nws thiaj txia ua ib tug hluas nkauj mus tham Ntsuag. Nws qhia Ntsuag tias Zuag Paj lub siab phem heev. Nkauj Kub Kaws thiaj li ua khaws koob rau Ntsuag, ces Ntsuag cia li nyiam thiab ntseeg thiab nyiam nws lawm.

Thaum Nkauj Kub Kaws thiab Ntsuag mus txog tsev. Ntsuag cia li ntiab Zuag Paj kom nws tawm thiab txhob rov los lawm. Zuag Paj thov kom Ntsuag cia nws nyob npaum twg los Ntsuag yeej tsis mloog li vim Ntsuag tseem raug khawv koob. Zuag Paj thiaj ua ib siab rov mus nram hav dej thiab txia rov mus ua ib tug ntses lawm.

Tom qab ntawd, Ntsuag thiab Nkauj Kub Kaws txawm sib yuav. Nkauj Kub Kaws tub nkeeg heev. Nws tsis ua mov noj thiab nws tsis tu tsev li. Tsis ntev tom qab, Ntsuag txawm pib pluag zuj zu. Thaum ntawd nws thiaj mam pom tias nws raug dag lawm. Nws tus Zuag Paj thiaj yog tus hlub nws tiag. Ntsuag thiaj ntiab Nkauj Kub Kaws tawm mus vim nws ua rau Ntsuag lub neej puas tag.

Txij hnub ntawd mus, Ntsuag niaj hnub mus quaj nram pas dej. Txhua hnub nws thov txim thiab lees nws txoj kev txhaum rau Zuag Paj los Zuag Paj tsis mloog li.

Muaj ib hnub ib tug qav pom Ntsuag quaj nws thiaj hais rau Ntsuag tias, “Yog koj xav pom Zuag Paj no ces kuv mam nqus cov dej kom koj thiaj li pom Zuag Paj. Tiam sis mas, koj yuav tsum tsis txhob luag kiag li nawv.”

Ntsuag leev hais tias nws ma tsis luag. Tus qav txawm pib nqus cov dej. Vim tus qav nqus dej ntau ntau, nws thiaj le loj tuaj ua rau Ntsuag luag ib suab nrov nrov. Tus qav muab cov dej nti tawm rov los tag lawm.

“Vim li cas koj thiaj nti cov dej rov tawm?” Ntsuag nug tus qav.

Tus qav txawm teb tias, “Kuv twb hais kom koj txhob luag ne.”

Ntsuag hais kom qav rov qab nqus cov dej rau qhov nws xav tau Zuaj Paj rov qab los tiag tiag. Thaum tus qav rov nqus cov dej tag Ntsuag pom Zuag Paj txiv. Nws thiaj thov kom cia Zuag Paj nkawd rov los nyob ua ke. Zuag Paj txiv pom tau tias Ntsuag hlub nws tus ntxhais heev li nws thiaj cia Zuag Paj rov los. Ntsuag thiab Zuag Paj nkawd thiaj mus ua lub neej kaj siab lug mus txog hnub nkawd ncaim lub ntiaj teb.

ᵑɡau52 ʐua̤42 pa52

pua̤42 tʰaṵ21 u45 mua52 i45 tṳ42 tu45 lu45 ᵐbe33 hu33 ua33 ᶯɖʐua̤4222 ɲɔ45 i45 lẽ̤42 vḭ2122 pˡua̤4222 tʰia52 ʈʂi22 mua522452 tʰia45 ʈʂi22 mua52 i45 lu45 ʈʂe24 ʐõ ɲɔ45 mua52 i45 n̥u45 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈʂʰai45 pˡa45 hẽ2422 tʰia52 li33 mu22 nu24 ᶯɖʐe22 ᶯɖa̰21 i45 lu45 pa22 de52 ᶯɖʐua̤42 nu24 tau33 i45 tṳ42 ᶯɖʐe22 ku45 ʐõ33 ᵑɡau52 hẽ24 ua33 ʈau3322 ʈʂi22 sa245222 tʰia52 li3352 tu22 ᶯɖʐe22 ku45 mu22 ʈʂe24 tʰia45 mua45 ʈʂɔ33 ʈau33 hau24 i45 lu45 hu45 ia24

ce22 tʰaṵ21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 taɨ̰21 mu22 ua33 te45 tu22 ᶯɖʐe22 ʈʂia33 mu22 ua33 i45 tṳ42 ɬua22 ᵑɡau52 m̥õ4522 hu33 ua33 nia̰21 ᵑɡau52 ʐua̤42 pa5222 tʰia52 li33 mu22 ᵐba52 i45 pˡua̤42 ʂu3322 ᶯɖʐua̤42 tɔ̰21 qa45 ⁿdaɨ21422 ʈʂia33 ʈɔ24 qa45 mu22 ua33 tu22 ᶯɖʐe22 tʰaṵ21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈɔ2422 pɔ̰21 pˡua̤42 ʂu33 ua33 ʈau3322 sa24 ʈʂi22 tʰõ45 li33

tʰaṵ21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈɔ24 qa45 mu22 ua33 te45, ʐua̤42 pa52 taɨ̰2122 ua3324 ʈau33 ᶯɖʐua̤4252 tau33 ⁿdau n̥u45 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈʂau22 ʂia45 hẽ24 ʈau3324 ʐau4524 tia̰21 ʂi2222 ʈʂḛ̃21 sa24 pau45 hai22 tia22 lẽ52 tɨ̤42 ʝo̤42 tu22 u2224 ʈau332252 mua52 i45 n̥u4522 tʰia52 li33 ua33 ʈʂu52 ʝua24 mu22 ua33 te45 qhɔ24 ʈʂẽ45 tia̤4222 mu22 kʰia24 ᵑɡaṵ21 ᶯɖaṵ21 ʐõ2445 ʐua52 pa52 tʰia52 li33 ʈɔ24 taɨ̰2122 ua3324 dua33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ᶯɖʐẽ̤42 ʈʂi22 tau33 li3322 tʰia52 li33 dʱia3322 ʈʂʰɔ̰21 ʐua̤42 pa52 ʝua24 ʐua̤42 pa52 tʰɔ24 tia22 kɔ̰21 ʈʂɔ3322 mu2222 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈʂi22 ka̰21 li33 tʰaṵ21 kaɨ̤42 ʐua̤42 pa52 tʰia52 li33 ua33 i45 ʂia45 ʝua24 ᶯɖʐua̤42 laɨ̰21

ʐua52 pa52 ua33 ʈau33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʐõ33 ʂia45 hẽ24 vḭ21 li3333 i45 tṳ4252 nia̰21 ʂia45 pʰḛ21 hẽ24 hu33 ua33 nia̰21 ᵑɡau52 ku45 kaɨ22 tʰia52 li33 kʰi45 mua52 i45 n̥u4522 tʰia52 ʈaɨ22 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ᶯɖa̰21 te4522 ʈʂe2422 pɔ̰21 tia22 ᶯɖʐua̤42 mua52 i45 tṳ4252 nia̰21 ʐõ33 ᵑɡau52 hẽ24 li33 ce2222 tʰia52 ʈʂia33 ua33 i45 tṳ42 ɬua22 ᵑɡau52 mu22 tʰa̰21 ᶯɖʐua̤4222 qʰia33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 tia22 ʐua̤42 pa52 lu45 ʂia45 pʰḛ21 hẽ24 ᵑɡau52 ku45 kaɨ22 tʰia52 li33 ua33 kʰaɨ2245 ʈau33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ce22 ᶯɖʐua̤42 cia33 li33 ɲia̰21 tʰia45 ᶯɖʐẽ̤42 tʰia45 ɲia̰2122 laɨ̰21

tʰaṵ21 ᵑɡau52 ku45 kaɨ22 tʰia45 ᶯɖʐua̤42 mu22 ʈʂo̤42 ʈʂe24 ᶯɖʐua̤42 cia33 li33 ⁿdia45 ʐua̤42 pa52 kɔ̰2122 taɨ̰21 tʰia45 ʈʂʰɔ45 ʈɔ2422 laɨ̰21 ʐua̤42 pa52 tʰɔ24 kɔ̰21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 cia3322 ɲɔ45 ᵐbaṵ21 tɨ̤4222 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʝẽ52 ʈʂi22 mˡõ̤42 li33 vḭ21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈʂḛ̃21 ʈaṳ42 kʰaɨ2445 ʐua̤42 pa52 tʰia52 ua33 i45 ʂia45 ʈɔ24 mu22 ᶯɖa̰21 ha24 de52 tʰia45 ʈʂia33 ʈɔ24 mu22 ua33 i45 tṳ42 nʈʂe22 laɨ̰21

tɔ̰21 qa45 ⁿdaɨ214 ᶯɖʐua̤42 tʰia45 ᵑɡau52 ku45 kaɨ22 ʈʂaɨ̰21 ʂi45 ʝua24 ᵑɡau52 ku45 kaɨ22 tu45 ᵑɡẽ̤42 hẽ2422 ʈʂi22 ua332452 tʰia4522 ʈʂi22 tu33 ʈʂe24 li33 ʈʂi22 ⁿde24 tɔ̰21 qa45 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ʈʂaɨ̰21 pi45 pˡua̤42 ʐu52 ʐu33 tʰaṵ21 ⁿdaɨ21422 tʰia52 ma̰21 pɔ̰21 tia2222 ʈaṳ42 da̤42 laɨ̰2122 tu22 ʐua̤42 pa52 tʰia52 ʝo̤42 tu22 ɬu4522 tia̤42 ᶯɖʐua̤42 tʰia52 ⁿdia45 ᵑɡau52 ku45 kaɨ22 taɨ̰21 mu22 vḭ2122 ua33 ʈau33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 lu45 nẽ52 pua22 ta̤42

ʈʂi52 n̥u45 ⁿdaɨ214 mu22 ᶯɖʐua̤42 nia52 n̥u45 mu22 qua52 ᶯɖa̰21 pa22 de52 ʈʂʰua33 n̥u4522 tʰɔ24 ʈʂḭ21 tʰia45 lẽ2222 ʈʂɔ52 ke24 ʈʂʰaṵ21 ʈau33 ʐua̤42 pa5222 ʐua̤42 pa52 ʈʂi22 mˡõ̤42 li33

mua52 i45 n̥u45 i45 tṳ42 qa24 pɔ̰21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 qua5222 tʰia52 hai22 ʈau33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 tia22 ʝo̤4252 sa24 pɔ̰21 ʐua̤42 pa5233 ce22 ku24 ma̰21 ᶰɢu2224 de52 kɔ̰2152 tʰia52 li33 pɔ̰21 ʐua̤42 pa52 tia̰21 ʂi22 ma2252 ʝua24 ʈʂṵ21 ʈʂi22 ʈʂʰɔ45 lua̤42 kia̤42 li33 naɨ24

ᶯɖʐua̤42 lẽ24 hai22 tia2222 ma33 ʈʂi22 lua̤42 tu22 qa24 ʈʂaɨ̰21 pi45 ᶰɢu2224 de52 vḭ21 tu22 qa24 ᶰɢu22 de52 ⁿdau33 ⁿdau3322 tʰia52 le3352 tua52 ua33 ʈau33 ᶯɖʐua̤42 lua̤42 i45 ʂua45 ᶯɖɔ24 ᶯɖɔ24 tu22 qa24 mua4524 de52 ⁿdi33 taɨ̰21 ʈɔ2422 ta̤42 laɨ̰21

vḭ21 li33 ca2252 tʰia52 ⁿdi3324 de52 ʈɔ24 taɨ̰21 ᶯɖʐua̤42 nṳ42 tu22 qa24

tu22 qa24 ʈʂaɨ̰21 te45 tia22 ku2445 hai22 kɔ̰2152 ʈʂʰɔ45 lua̤42 ne33

ᶯɖʐua̤42 hai22 kɔ̰21 qa24 ʈɔ24 qa45 ᶰɢu2224 de52 ʈau33 qʰɔ2422 sa24 tau33 ʐua52 pa52 ʈɔ24 qa4522 tia̤42 tia̤42 tʰaṵ21 tu22 qa24 ʈɔ24 ᶰɢu2224 de52 ta̤42 ᶯɖʐua̤42 pɔ̰21 ʐua̤42 pa52 ʈʂi2422 tʰia52 tʰɔ24 kɔ̰21 cia33 ʐua̤42 pa52 ᵑɡaɨ214 ʈɔ2422 ɲɔ45 ua33 ke33 ʐua̤42 pa52 ʈʂi24 pɔ̰21 tau33 tia22 ᶯɖʐua̤42 ɬu4522 tu22 ᶯɖʐʱai22 hẽ24 li3322 tʰia52 cia33 ʐua̤42 pa52 ʈɔ2422 ᶯɖʐua̤42 tʰia45 ʐua̤42 pa52 ᵑɡaɨ214 tʰia52 mu22 ua33 lu45 nẽ52 ka52 ʂia45 lṳ42 mu22 ʈʂo̤42 n̥u45 ᵑɡaɨ̰4 ᶮɟaḭ21 lu45 ⁿdia52 te45

Gao Zoua Pa (a girl’s name)

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Choua who lived all alone. Because he was poor, he did not have much food to eat or a good place to live. One day, Choua was hungry so he decided to go fishing in a pond. He caught a goldfish, but he did not want to eat it because it was so beautiful. Instead, he took the fish home and put it in a glass vase.

After Choua brought the fish home, he went to work in the fields. The goldfish came out of the vase and turned into a beautiful woman. Her name was Gao Zoua Pa. She cooked a meal for Choua to eat when he came home and then turned back into a fish. When Choua got home, he was surprised to see the food that someone had cooked for him.

When Choua went back to work in the fields, Zoua Pa would come out of the vase and cooked for him again. This continued on for many days. Although Choua was grateful for the food, he still wondered who had cooked these meals for him. One day, he pretended to go to the fields but instead, hid outside his house. Soon after, Zoua Pa reappeared and began cooking. Choua was amazed at what he saw. He immediately jumped inside the house and captured her. Zoua Pa cried for him to let her go, but he refused to unless she married him; therefore, she agreed to his request.

Zoua Pa made Choua very happy. Seeing Choua happy made an evil witch named Gao Kou Ker jealous. She followed Choua home from the fields one day to discover that he had a beautiful wife. Determined to destroy Choua’s happiness, she turned herself into a beautiful woman and began talking to him. Gao Kou Ker put a spell on him, convinced him that his wife was very evil, and made him like her instead.

When Gao Kou Ker and Choua returned to his house, he told Zoua Pa to leave and never come back. It didn’t matter how much Zoua Pa asked Choua to let her stay because he did not care. He was still under the spell. Unable to change his mind, Zoua Pa returned to the pond and became a fish again.

Soon after, Choua and Gao Kou Ker got married. She was lazy and never cooked or cleaned. As time went on, Choua became very poor and realized that she had lied to him. It was Zoua Pa who truly cared for him. He then forced the Gao Kou Ker out of the house for all of the misery she had put him through.

Everyday from then on, Choua would go to the pond and cry. He would apologize to Zoua Pa for the wrongs he had done, but she would not listen to him.

One day, a frog saw Choua crying and said to him, “If you want to see Zoua Pa again, I will swallow all the water in the pond so you can see her. But when I do, you must not laugh.”

Choua agreed to what the frog had said and waited as the frog swallowed all the water. As the frog swallowed the water, he began getting fatter and that made Choua laugh. The laughter made the frog spit all the water back out into the pond.

“Why did you do that?” asked Choua.

The frog replied, “Because you laughed when I told you not to.”

Choua told the frog to swallow the water in the pond again because he truly wanted Zoua Pa back, so the frog swallowed all the water in the pond. Choua saw Zoua Pa’s father and asked if he could let them be together again. Realizing how much Choua loved his daughter, he allowed them to be together and they lived happily ever after.