Send any interesting sites you discover to Dr. Johnson today!
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Auditory Illusions
Get your virtual haircut!
But be warned - headphones are required!
Auditory Scene Analysis
Al Bregman, Mc Gill University
Excellent site with multiple downloadable demonstrations, complete
with explanations, on a variety of Auditory phenomena.
Corollary Discharge Circuit
Nice interactive example of the Corollary Discharge circuit discussed in
Lecture 8 on MOTION. A version of this is likely to be on the next Exam!
The Young/Old Woman
Funny youtube of famous ambiguous figure.
Downloadable Illusions!
From UCSD's own V. S. Ramachandran.
Apparent Motion
Includes demo of simple Apparent Motion
in which you can control ISI, distance and size.
Biological Motion
Interactive point-light display of human walking
as seen in class.
Optic Flow
Optic Flow after-effect (Spiral and Buddha), as seen in class (Lecture 8).
Waterfall Effect
Motion adaptation effect, as seen in class (Lecture 8)
Visual Illusions
A variety of cool illusions, most with explantions.
Web Vision: John Morgan Eye Center, University of Utah
Detailed, advanced descriptions of the anatomy and functioning of the
visual system, including diagrams, photos, and video.
The Music, Mind, and Machine Group
MIT Media Lab
Cutting edge research on acoustic analysis in machines, humans,
and other animals. Includes links to current projects, publications,
and other resources.
Sensation and Perception
Hanover College
Wide range of interesting tutorials and demonstrations
on various perceptual phenomena.