New!  Globalization - Policy Issues

New!  Globalization - Tables and Charts

Scholarly articles:

JSTOR (100s of journals online)

Economics Resources:

International Economics Study Center (browse no further for introductory international economics).

Nouriel Roubini's Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site (great links on the Asian currency crises, international financial institutions, exchange-rate regimes, dollarization, etc).

AmosWorld Economics Glossary  (quick search for economic terminology)

Glossary of Trade Terminology (trade policy legalese)

Balance of Payments Accounting (if you don't know the difference between the current account and the capital account - and why they must balance - click here)

Foreign exchange rates and the U.S. economy

The Dismal Scientist (topical, many links)

Jokes about economists 

Political Science Resources:

International Relations Resources

International Affairs Resources

Iowa Political Stock Market

Collective Action:

Tragedy of the Commons (why societies destroy natural resources)

Is this knowledge dangerous?

History of the World Economy, 1800-1913

When Tariffs were in Flower

Brad De Long, "Trade Policy and America's Standard of Living in Historical Perspective." (PDF)

Brad De Long, The Pre-World War I Gold Standard

The Wizard of Oz as a Populist Tale

William Jennings Bryan, "Cross of Gold" speech

The New Imperialism

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

"Open Door" policy for China

History of the World Economy, 1913-1939

Brad De Long, "Restoring the Pre-World War I Economy."

J. M. Keynes, "The Economic Consequences of Peace."

History 1919-1939 (Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, hyperinflation in Germany, Dawes Plan, etc.)

History of the World Economy, 1941-98 (monetary affairs)

Budget Deficits and Trade Deficits in the 1980s

The Plaza Agreement

Text of the Plaza Accord, 1985

Text of the Lourve Accord, 1987

History of the World Economy, 1941-98 (trade relations)

Chronology of US Trade Policy

Glossary of Trade Terminology

History of the GATT/Roots of the WTO

Uruguay Round and the WTO

Agriculture and the GATT

The Impact of NAFTA

International Trade Theory

David Ricardo

Theory of Comparative Advantage

Comparative Advantage and Trade (interactive)

The Heckscher-Ohlin Model

Income Redistribution and Trade

Rent-seeking (with anti-Clinton bias)

U.S. Trade Policymaking Institutions

"Fast-Track": more than just trade law

RTAA to Fast Track: a detailed history

President Clinton on Fast Track

AFL-CIO "Stop Fast-Track" site

The "State" and US Trade Policy

Business opposition to economic sanctions

Farmer opposition to economic sanctions

The costs of economic sanctions

Exchange Rates and the Int'l Monetary System

Some basic terminology and background from the Fed

Exchange rate determination

The "Big Mac" Index (and PPP)

Christopher J. Neely, "An Introduction to Capital Controls."

Exchange Rate Policymaking in the United States

The Federal Reserve in the Int'l Sphere

U.S. Foreign Exchange Intervention

Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF)

The Fed, the Treasury, and US Foreign Exchange Operations

Recent Treasury/Fed Foreign Exchange Operations

Politics of Exchange Rates

Understanding US Trade Deficits

US - Japanese Auto Makers Competition and the Dollar in the 1980s (Roubini and Backus)

Fixed vs. Flexible

Foreign Direct Investment

FDI trends and data (OECD)

Transfer pricing and tax avoidance

MNC list and links

U.S. Policy toward Outward FDI

U.S. Tax policy and Big Business


CIA Incursions throughout the World

U.S. Policy Toward Inward FDI

Regulation of FDI in the U.S.

Exon-Florio and CFIUS

Economic Relations with Japan

Causes of Trade Deficits

Managed Trade and Industrial Policy

MITI data on U.S.-Japan relations

Current agenda toward Japan (USTR)

Environment, Labor and Trade

The Trade-Environment Debate

The Tuna Dispute

WTO position on the environment

World Wildlife Foundation

Labor Standards and Trade (union position)

Labor Standards and Trade (developing country views)