Globalization - Policy Issues

Globalization - Tables and Charts

General International Economics Resources:

What is International Economics?

International Economics Study Center (browse no further for introductory international economics).

Nouriel Roubini's Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy Site (great links on the Asian currency crises, international financial institutions, exchange-rate regimes, dollarization, etc).

The Dismal Scientist (topical, many links)

Jokes about economists 

General Political Science Resources:

International Relations Resources

International Affairs Resources

Iowa Political Stock Market

International Trade Theory

Terminology of International Trade

Theory of Comparative Advantage

Comparative Advantage and Trade (interactive)

The Heckscher-Ohlin Model

Income Redistribution and Trade (Stolper-Samuelson Theorem)

Understanding US Trade Deficits

International Finance and Exchange Rates

Basic terminology and background from the NY Fed

The "Big Mac" Index (and PPP)

U.S. Foreign Exchange Intervention

Environment, Labor and Trade

The Trade-Environment Debate

Labor Standards and Trade (trade union position)

Labor Standards and Trade (developing country views)

History of the World Economy, 1800-1913

Brad De Long, "Trade Policy and America's Standard of Living in Historical Perspective." (PDF)

Brad De Long, The Pre-World War I Gold Standard

The Wizard of Oz as a Populist Tale

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

"Open Door" policy for China

History of the World Economy, 1913-1939

Brad De Long, "Restoring the Pre-World War I Economy."

J. M. Keynes, "The Economic Consequences of Peace."

History of the World Economy, 1945-2003 (trade relations)

History of the GATT/Roots of the WTO

Agriculture and the GATT